Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Factors That Affect Poor Performance of English Language as Subject in Mwala Zone Secondary School, District, Kenya

ABSTRACT English is the official language in Kenya. It is internationally used and anyone who terms themselves educated is judged by their ability to express themselves in the language. The performance of the English subject has however been poor in Mwala division, Machakos district, Kenya. A lot has been done by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to ensure that the subject improves. The research aimed at seeking and identifying the determinants of poor performance of the Engli...

The Causes of Secondary School Dropout in Moyale District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Although there is high enrolment in schools due to F.P.E and F.S.E however, E.F.A remains an uphill task due to school dropout and the challenges of transition from primary to secondary school dropout is as a result of reproductive health related, poverty related, family related, school related and societal courses. Using data from 20 respondents selected from Moya le boys and Moya le girls' secondary schools; five teachers and five students from each school. This repo11 explores the...

An Evaluation Of Womens’ Contribution To The Socio-Economic Development Of Madina District In Mogadishu City

ABSTRACT Somali women live in a dominantly patriarchal and matrilineal social system. While men are allowed to establish numerous, autonomous households, women are rarely considered to be independent legal persons. This study investigate core problems of women in their contribution to socio-economic development such as inequality of job opportunities, educational gab for men and women, and cultural backward which can’t allow women participation in community activities. This study is a...

Causes of School Dropout in Secondary Schools in Makindye Division- Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the "causes of school dropout in Uganda" was carried out in Makindye, with specific aims of; determining the reasons of school drop out, finding out whether more girls drop out from school than boys and investigating the role played by the curriculum and the instructors in school drop out. A review of related literature was caiTied out on already existing information on the specific aims of this paper as a way of comprehending the problem and enriching the study findings...

The Impact of Subsidized Secondary Education on Academic Performance of Students in Kabartonjo Division, North Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recent research statistics has shown that the Subsidized Secondary education introduced in the year 2007 had lead to a large influx of Students into Secondary schools. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus their arise an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of academic performance on the influx of Students. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the impact of Subsidized Secondar...

The Relationship Between Bee Keeping and School Drop Out in Barwessa Zone, Moning Barjngo North District, Kenya

Abstract This study is about the relationship between bee keeping and the rate of school drop outs in Barwessa zone. Moning Baringo North District. Kenya Its purpose was to examine the effects of bee keeping on the attendance of pupils in Primary Schools of Barwessa zone To achieve this purpose, the researcper was guided by the following objectives: 1. To examine the learner's attitudes towards bee keeping as compared to education 11. To find out the parents' view about education of their chi...

Political Instability and Food Security in Uganda: A Case Study of Ogur Sub county, Lira District

ABSTRACT Although various attempts were being made by government and Nongovernmental organization to stop political instability in order to improve on food security in Northern Uganda, ensuring enough food for the people still remained the biggest challenge posed by political instability. There was a total breakdown of the agricultural production infrastructure in the war-affected areas. The people had resorted to surviving on food handouts from international relief agencies. This had greatly...

The Role of Party Politics in Promoting Good Governance in Uganda: A Case Study of Kampala Capital City Authority

Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the role of party politics in promoting good governance in Uganda in general and KCCA in particular. This was premised on the argument that whereas party politics have been embraced by many countries across the globe with the fall of communism, and in spite of the fact that it is seen as a panacea for democratisation and good governance, most of the countries that have embraced party politics are far from realizing good governance. The main ...

Poverty and School Drop Out in Kambuga Sub-County Kanungu District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers of poverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Kambuga Sub-county, Kanungu District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Kambuga Sub-county, Kanungu District, Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionn...

Effects of Drug Abuse On Academic Performance in Selected Schools of Wareng District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of drug abuse on the academic performance of students. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the effects of drug abuse on student's discipline, to explore the common drugs abused by secondary students; and to investigate if students who use drugs attend school regularly. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires and interview guides to students, and teachers of the schools involved in the stud...

Autism Among Pupils in Inclusive Primary Schools, Issues and Challenges. A Case of Kibulgen Zone, Eldoret West District in Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the challenges faced by pupils vvith autism u1 selected inclusive primary schools of Kibulgen zone, Eldoret West district of Kenya. The follmving objectives guided the study; to assess of prevalence of pupils Vith autis1n in inclusive primary schools; to examine the challenges facing pupils with autisn1, and to investigate the challenges which the children with autisn1 face at school. The studv _, utilized teachers as respondents, forty of th...

Parents Late Payment of School Fees and Its Implication to the Functioning of Institutions. A Case Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Kasambya Sub County - Mubende District

ABSTRACT The study was intended mainly to investigate the effects of late payment of school fees on functioning of institutions in selected secondary schools in Kasambya Sub County Mubende district. From the study , the causes of late payment of school fees in secondary schools were high poverty levels within area of study , students behaviors’ , high cost of living, wide spread of unemployment among people living in area of study , family status (single parents ). All these factors contrib...

Teacher’s College Education and Pupils Academic Performance a Case of Kiambere Zone in Mbeere District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.1.1 Background to the Area ofStudy 2 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study 4 1.4 Research Objectives 4 1.4.1 Specific Objectives 4 1.5 Research Questions 4 1.6 The Scope of Study 5 1.7 Significance of the Study 5 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Philosophy of Education 6 2.1 Education Quality 8 2.1.1 The Im...

Causes of Poor Academic Performance in English Language in Primary Schools in Tirimionin Zone, Kabartonjo Division of Baringo District Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration (i) Approval (ii) Dedication (iii) Acknowledgement (iv) List of abbreviation (v) Definition of tenns (vi) List of tables (vii) List of figures (viii) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Overview 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Statement of problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 2 1.4 Research objectives 2 1.4.1 General objectives 2 l.4.lSpecific objectives 3 1.5 Scope 3 1.6 Limitations of the study 3 1.7 Significance of study 4 1.9 Theoretical frame work 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE R...

The Problem of Stress in Primary Education Centers, Teachers Awareness and Intervention Measures Adopted by School. A Case Study of Five Primary Education Centres Kanyuambora Zone Eastern Pro

ABSTRACT This study assessed the problem of stress in primary education centers with a focus on the following; establishing the prevalence of stress, identifying the common stressors of children in primary_ education centers, assessing the teachers knowledge to deal with stressed children and the intervention measures adopted by schools to help stressed children. The study was undertaken in Kanyuambora zone which is in Mbeere north district Eastern province Kenya. The population used for this...

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