Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

Leadership Training For Secondary Schools In Tanzania : A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT  The study sought to analyze leadership training of head teachers in secondary schools in Dodoma Municipality. It used mixed method to collect and analyzed data. Data was collected through observations and interviews conducted with teachers and head teachers. The study adopted a case study research design that gives unitary character of data being studied by inter-relating a variety of facts to a single case. In this regard, data for this study were collected on the independent vari...

Intersections of Indigenous Knowledge and Place-Based Education: Possibilities for New Visions of Sustainability Education in Uganda

Abstract  This doctoral research pursued the intersection of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and place-based education in Ugandan secondary schools. Particular interest was placed on how teachers use place-based education pedagogies to influence their own as well as their learners’ reconnection to their communities, cultures and places towards a more sustainable future. Even though the role of community elders1 of guardianship and instruction of IK has been weakened by the formal education syste...

Effectiveness Of Subject Panels In Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Development In Tanzania Secondary Schools: A Case Of Zanzibar

ABSTRACT  This study assessed the effectiveness of subject panels in enhancing teachers‟ professional development in secondary schools in Tanzania. It was influenced by the Zanzibar Education Vision 2020 that made the revival of subject panels as strategy for upgrading teachers‟ skills to solve the challenges in implementing the curriculum at school settings. The study was guided by Social Learning Theories postulated by Vygotsky (1978) and System Theories by Senge (1990) and it was embe...

Prospects And Problems Of Implementing Performance Appraisal System: A Case Of Public Secondary Schools In Mpanda District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate prospects and problems of implementing performance appraisal system in public secondary schools, in Mpanda district, Tanzania. It was a cross sectional study undertaken through qualitative research approach supplemented by quantitative research approach. The study was guided by Scientific Management and Goal Setting Theories. Several respondents such as DSEO, HRO, WECs and HoS were selected through purposive sampling while 29 Teachers were selected th...

Information And The Problems Of Urban Agriculture In Tanzania Intentions And Realization

ABSTRACT urban agriculture is practiced in most third world societies not as a hobby but as a necessasity both for subsistence food production and to earn extra income.

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Boy-Child Drop Out Rate From Public Day Secondary Schools In Kilungu Sub-County-Makueni County

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya has placed certain measures to give basic education to its citizens by introducing Free Primary Education and Free Day Secondary Education. Despite this effort, students both boys and girls have been dropping out of school. School dropout for both boys and girls is a very serious issue not only in Kenya but also in the whole world. The main purpose for the study was to investigate the socio-economic factors that influence boy-child dropout from public day seco...

Influence Of Play On Social And Emotional Development Of Pre-School Children In Kyangwithya Zone, Kitui County

ABSTRACT Play is an essential part of children’s daily life and it promotes all round child development. Children develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually through play. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of play on social and emotional development of preschoolers in Kyangwithya Zone, Kitui County. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. These were; to determine whether the availability of play materials influence children’s soci...

Administrative Factors Influencing The Implementation Of Free Secondary School Education In Public Secondary Schools In Makindu Sub –County, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the administrative factors influencing the implementation of free secondary education in public secondary schools in Makindu Sub –County, Makueni County. Four research objectives guided this study. The objectives sought to assess the influence of disbursement of funds on the implementation of free secondary education; determine the influence of school size on the implementation of free secondary education; establish the influence of avai...

Home Based Factors Influencing Secondary School Students’ Discipline In Nzaui Sub-County, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to identity the home based factors that influence discipline among students in public secondary schools in Nzaui Sub-county, Makueni County, Kenya. The research objectives of the study were to determine the influence of parental economic status, parenting styles and family background on discipline among secondary school students in Nzaui Sub-County. The research design adopted in this study was the descriptive survey. Due to the high number of students in the distri...

Effects Of Guided Discovery Approach On Students’ Academic Performance In Ecology In Senior Secondary Schools In Sokoto State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of guided discovery approach on students’ academic performance in ecology among Senior Secondary I students in Sokoto metropolis. The population of the study comprised of 13,045 students offering Biology in the 43 secondary schools within Sokoto metropolis. The researcher used stratified random sampling to select the sample 521 students and used purposive sampling technique to select intact classes from each sampled school. The instruments used f...

Teachers’ Perceptions On The Use Of Information And Communication Technology As Teaching And Learning Tool In Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Butiama District In Mara Region

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers‘ perceptions on using Information and communication technology as a tool for teaching and learning in public secondary schools at Butiama District in Mara Region. Specifically, the study explored the availability of ICT tools, teachers‘ skills on the use of ICT and perceptions on the use of ICT as teaching tool in public secondary schools. The study employed descriptive design, while mixed research approach was used. Data we...

Incidence And Extent Of Substance Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Nairobi Province, Kenya: Implications For Specialised Intervention

ABSTRACT Substance abuse has become a major challenge in secondary schools in Kenya. A study carried out in Kenya observed that 20% of adolescents aged between 12 and 22 years smoke cigarettes, 9% smoke bhang while 23% drink commercial beer and spirits. This is the age in which most youths are in schools and colleges. The aim of this study was to find out the incidence and extent of drug abuse among secondary school students in Nairobi Province, Kenya. This information is useful in developing...

Challenges faced in the application of information and communication technology in the teaching and learning of business studies at advanced level in shurugwi district. By

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the research was to investigate the challenges faced in the application of ICT in the teaching and learning of Business studies at Advanced Level in Shurugwi District. To carry out the study, the researcher used the descriptive survey design. Shurugwi consisted of five high schools. The researcher used a sample of three high schools. The sample was made up of thirty students, six teachers, three school heads. The researcher used the stratified and random sampling tec...

The Contribution Of Traditional Games In Developing Children‟S Numeracy Skills In Pre-Primary Schools In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study explored the contribution of traditional games in developing children‟s numerical skills in pre-primary schools in Tanzania. The study was conducted in six public primary schools in Rombo District of Kilimanjaro Region involving 28 participants. This sample composed of 18 teachers (female), 10 parents (3 male and 7 females) and pre-primary children. The study employed purposive sampling to obtain pre-primary school teachers and convenience sampling technique for select...

Teachers` Use Of Project-Based Approach To Enhance Learning: A Case Of Selected Secondary Schools In Chamwino District In Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Efforts for enhancing students’ learning in schools through integration of effective pedagogies such as project activities are the global concern. Project-based approach (PBA) is conceived to be the most effective pedagogies for meaningful learning when appropriately used. This study investigated teachers’ use of the PBA in the teaching and learning process to surface appropriate measures to effectively use the approach. Specifically, the study examined teachers’ perceptions ...

361 - 375 Of 701 Results