Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

The Extent To Which Safety And Health Is Provided In Ecd Learning Environment In Urban Schools In Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the extent to which safety and health is provided in ECD Learning environment in urban schools in Reigate District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. Data were generated using qualitative research. The researcher used the descriptive survey design to explore issues related to health and safety in ECD centres. It allowed the use of interview and observations guides. The sample of participants comprised of two school heads, six ECD teachers, two...

Challenges And Prospects Of Parental Involvement In The Teaching And Learning In Early Childhood Education

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the challenges and prospects about parental involvement in teaching and learning at Early Childhood Education level. The study employed a qualitative research approach and adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of ten schools in Hyde Park North cluster under Khami District in Bulawayo Metropolitan. A sample consisted of eighteen participants from three primary schools who were purposively chosen. The participants incl...

An Examination On The Teachers’ Perceptions On The Implementation Of Inclusive Education At Early Childhood Level In Primary Schools. A Case Study In Hope Fountain Cluster Of The Imbizo Distr

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of inclusive education at Early Childhood level in primary schools in the Hope Fountain cluster in the Imbizo District. The research design followed both quantitative and qualitative approaches since data gathered was both descriptive and numerical. The research was conducted in Hope Fountain Cluster, Imbizo District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province which consists of eight schools. A population of sixty f...

Cultural Factors That Affect Early Childhood Learners In Rural Areas With Reference To Masehuni Cluster

Abstract This research study is on the cultural factors that affect early leaners performance in rural schools focused on the study through discussing the background, statement of problem, research questions guiding the study, research objectives, purpose of the study, theoretical framework, delimitations and limitations of the study were also outlined .Definition of terms, purpose of the study and chapter summary were also be given.

Strategies To Improve Teaching Of Information, Communication And Technology By Grade Two Teachers Of Chikato Cluster In Shurugwi District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was to find strategies to improve the teaching of Information, Communication and Technology by grade two teaches of Chikato Cluster in Shurugwi District. To carry out the study the researcher used descriptive method. A sample of five school were used by the researcher to carry out the study. The sample was made up of fifteen participants, ten teachers and five schools heads. The researcher used purposively sampling techniques in sampling the participants. ...

An Investigation Into Teachers’ Perceptions On The Role Of Group Work In The Teaching Of Early Childhood Education Learners In St Patrick’s Cluster, Gweru District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research investigated teachers’ perceptions on the role of group work in the teaching of Early Childhood Education (ECE) learners in St. Patrick’s Cluster. An introduction to the study which presented the background to the study highlighted some researches that were carried out on group work. These included studies carried out in the United States, Toronto, Australia, Sweden, Asia, Ghana, South Africa, Somalia and even in Zimbabwe. The research questions were: How do teacher...

Challenges Faced By Teachers In Implementing Inclusive Education At Mgoqo Primary School At Early Childhood Level

Abstract A number of researchers have undertaken some study in line with the challenges faced by teachers in implementing inclusive education at Mgoqo Primary School level in Zimbabwe and beyond. It is however, notable with regret that the challenges faced by Early Childhood Education teachers in implementing inclusive education have not been fully examined and incorporated in the previous studies, while the issue and impact of the new curriculum (2015-2022) were not considered in most of the...

Management Of Bullying Behaviour Among Ece Learners

Abstract The research study investigated on the management of bulling behaviour among early childhood education learners. The design which was adopted for the study was the descriptive survey. The sample of the study comprised of 32 participants who included12 teachers and 20 learners. A simple random sampling technique was used where by four out of ten schools in Nyama East Cluster of Umguza District in Matabeleland North Province were involved in the study. Questionnaires and interviews wer...

An analysis of provisions for Early Childhood Development (ECD) A and B, a case study of one government primary school in Chitungwiza district.

ABSTRACT. The research contains an analysis of provisions for ECD A and B, a case study of one government primary school in Chitungwiza district. A sporadic rush of attachment of childcare facilities has been witnessed in Zimbabwe soon after the circulation of Director’s Circular 12 of 2005 in which government schools were given the mandate to attach ECD A and B facilities in the normal stream through the school development committees. This has emanated in some communities having high quali...

The state of infrastructure development in Early Childhood Development Centres in EPMAFARA District Primary Schools in Harare

Abstract The teaching and learning of E.C.D has emerged as a major theme internationally in recent years. Many policies have been made towards the implementation of E.C.D. The government of Zimbabwe also implemented the programme by including E.C.D classes in both public and private schools. It is very critical to ascertain whether the health and safety of learners in terms of infrastructure provision is being considered. It is also very important to find out whether the infrastructure in sch...

Influence Of Family Structure On Pre-School Learners’ Class Participation In Public Pre-Schools In Mwingi Zone, Mwingi Sub-County, Kitui County- Kenya

ABSTRACT Modern society is characterized by changing family structures and changing lifestyles and Mwingi zone is not an exception. This study was designed to investigate whether family structure has influence on pre-school learners’ class participation. The objectives of the study were to establish the influence of intact-biological parent families on preschool learners’ class participation , to determine the influence of single- parent families on pre-school learners’ class participat...

Single Motherhood Family Structure And Its Effects On Moral Development Of Primary School Children In Kalundu Zone, Kitui County

ABSTRACT The pattern of family structure has changed drastically, all over the world. Increasing numbers and proportions of children born outside marriage and the rise in divorce rate have contributed to increased proportions of children growing up in single mother-families; hence the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of single motherhood on moral development of children in Kalundu Zone schools, Kitui County. Three research objectives were formulated to guide the study. The...

Selected Factors Influencing Implementation Of Early Childhood Development Policy In Public Pre-School Education In Narok North Sub County , Narok County Kenya

ABSTRACT Early Childhood Education (ECE) comprises essential programmes and activities which are very important to the holistic development of a child. This is one of the main reasons why the government through policy interventions has given a lot of attention to ensuring that the program becomes a success. The implementation of the ECDE policy in Preschools is however, faced with many factors. Some of these factors are general, affecting the program as a whole while others are specific to co...

An Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Life Skills Curriculum In Primary Schools In Kitui Central Sub – County, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Implementation is an essential part of a curriculum. It is the next logical step once a program has been developed and piloted. It involves extensive actions by many parties. Implementing a new curriculum is not easy and is often riddled with challenges. Teachers must be clear about the purpose, the nature and the benefits of the innovation. Implementing life skills curriculum involves educating individuals about the worth of the program component such as a new content area or a type...

An Evaluation Of Primary Schools’ Preparedness To Integrate Learners With Visual Impairments Into Inclusive Education In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Inclusive Education is an approach in which learners with special needs receive services and support appropriate to their individual needs within the regular education setting. The policy of the Kenya government on inclusive education states that Special Education should follow a policy of integrating the challenged children in society where they are not segregated in Special Schools instead their education be provided within the community where they are expected to take up their pla...

286 - 300 Of 327 Results