Education Management Research Papers/Topics

The Hidden Ojrriojlum And Equnable Educanon Achievement For Boys And Girls: A Case Study Of Selected Mixed Public Secondary Schools In Usain-Gishu District, Kenya

The Hidden Ojrriojlum And Equnable Educanon Achievement For Boys And Girls: A Case Study Of Selected Mixed Public Secondary Schools In Usain-Gishu District, Kenya

Factors Influencing Students’ Performance In Biology At 0 And A Level. Acase Study Of Kansanga Parish- Makindye Division.

TABLE OF CONTENT  3.4 Data collection methods .20 3.5 Validity and Reliability 21 3.6 Research Procedure 21 3.7 Data Analysis 22 3.8 Limitations of the study and their solutions 22 3.9 Ethic considerations 23 CHAPTER FOUR 24 DATA PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINI)INGS 24 4.0 Introduction 24 4. 1 Respondent’s particulars 24 4.2 The effect of family background on the educational performance of students 28 4.3 Effect of parents’sociO-ecOflomic status on their students’ aca...

Challenges Encountered In Implementing Pre-Primary Education: A Case Study of Kendu Muslim Secondary School, Rast Karachonyo Division, Rachonyo North District

ABSTRACT The research assessed the strength and challenges encountered in implementing free primary education in Kenya. Strength was noted like high enrolment, reduction of street children among others. However there were some challenges like lack of enough teachers, inadequate learning facilities like teaching materials and infrastructural materials plus many others. TABLE OF CONTENTS  Declaration  Acknowledgements Abstract Table of Contents CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY  Int...

Free Secondary Education And Students’ Completion Rate Of Ordinary Level In Selected Secondary Schools, Kamonyi District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study entitled “Free Secondary Education and Students’ Completion Rate of Ordinary Level in Selected Secondary Schools, Kamonyl Dis~trict, Rwanda “sought to answer the research questions which were: what is the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, level of education? What is the level of free secondary education in Kamonyi secondary schools? What is the level of students’ completion rate in the area of study? And is there a significant relationship bet...

A Sound Study Of The Effects Of Divorced Parents On Their Children’s Academic Performance In Selected Secondary School In Kansanga Sub-Parish

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Kansanga Sub-Parish between July 2007 and September 2007. The aim of the study was to observe the effects of Parental Divorce on children’s academic performance within the Parish. The specific objectives were to determine the effects of Parental Divorce on a student’s academic performance, to examine the need to change the attitude and perspective towards family values, to develop a criteria for identifying the minor and major effects of marriage b...

Factors Affecting Students Performance In Physics Examinations In Utithi Secondary School, Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research study investigates the factors affecting performance of physics in Utithi secondary school, Kibwezi district, Eastern province, Kenya. The researcher at the inception stage got disturbed by declining performance in physics and for this reason he sought to find out the factors affecting the performance of physics and likely solutions. The investigation was conducted by collecting secondary data from the physics teachers of Utithi secondary school. The methodology u...

Factors Affecting The Teaching Of Kenyan Traditional Dances In Primary Schools Ofdandora Zone, Nairobi East District

ABSTRACT This is the study was about the factors affecting the teaching of traditional Kenyan dances in the primary schools of Dandora -zone, Nairobi East district. The instruments of research used were questionnaires, interview. guide and observation schedule. Five primary schools were involved in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and oral interviews. The survey shows that there are a number of factors Affecting the teaching of traditional Kenyan dances 111 pnmary sch...

The Performance Of Girl Child Education In Thuita Secondary School In Central Muranga District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study looked at assessing the performance of girl child education in selected secondary schools in Thuita secondary school in central Muranga district, Kenya. There are direct and opportunity costs of education which has strong negative effects on female educational opportunities. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing performance of girl child education in relation to access, participation and completion rates in Thuita secondary school in central M...

Effect Of Computer Assisted Learning On Secondary School Students’ Achievement In Chemistry In Murang’a South Sub – County, Murang’a County, Kenya.

The study sought to investigate effect of integration of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) on students’ mastery of chemistry in secondary schools in Murang’a South Sub - County, Kenya. Documentary evidence indicate students’ persistent poor performance in the subject in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) not only for Murang’a Sub – County students’ but for the country at large. The poor performance has been attributed to among other factors poor teaching meth...

The Effect Of Socio- Economic And Cultural Factors On Access And Participation In Secondary School Education In Igembe North District, Meru County, Kenya

Although the government has attached so much importance to education through finance and policies, there is still poor performance, low participation, high levels of wastage and poor transition from primary to secondary school in Igembe North district. The purpose of this study is to establish the extent to which cultural and socio-economic factors affect participation and access of students in secondary education in Igembe North district, Meru County. The main objectives of this study ...

Constraints Facing Board Of Governors On The Decentralization Of Secondary School Teacher Recruitment In Bomet Central Division, Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Decentralization of teacher recruitment by TSC to the Board of Governors (BOG) has never been without complaints and alleged malpractices. This is a pointer that the ability of the BOG in the delegated process is wanting. The study investigated the constraints facing BOG in the decentralization of teacher recruitment process. The study was based on MaxWeber‟s Bureaucratic theory. It attempted to find out the qualifications of BOG members and how it matches up their duties and respo...

Challenges Faced In Teaching Of Home Science In Primary Teacher Training Colleges In Embu And Meru Counties, Kenya

The central problem of this study is that despite the great importance placed on home science subject in the family life there are problems inhibiting its implementation in all levels of education especially in teacher training colleges. The purpose of the study was to assess the teaching of home science in PTTCs in Embu and Meru Counties. The objectives of the study were to:examine the support provided by KICD to home science tutors in PTTCs in Embu and Meru Counties; determine the prob...

Gender Differences In Students’ Achievement In Chemistry In Secondary Schools Of Kakamega District, Kenya.

In all developing countries sciences education is being called upon to play an even more important role in the future. More students are needed to become competent in the key science subjects of physics, chemistry, and biology. For an all round contribution, there is need to involve both men and women. This study focused on gender differences in students’ achievement in Secondary School chemistry. In addition to the main purpose, the study sought to identify the factors that contribute...

Methods Used To Enhance Students Discipline In Public Secondary Schools In Kamukunji Division Nairobi Province, Kenya

There has been a wave of violence strikes that had threatened to paralyze learning in many Secondary Schools country wide. In the month of June 2007 over 300 strikes were reported. This saw students disrupt learning, besides destroying property worth millions of shilling. Indiscipline in schools had reached unmanageable levels, as teachers were unable to enforce discipline as their hands were tied by law as corporal punishment had been banned by the Government through legal notice No. 56...

Integration Of Information Communication And Technology In Teaching English In Secondary Schools Of Kirinyaga East, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

Being the official medium of instruction in institutions of learning, English language proficiency is pivotal to successful undertaking of professional courses pursued in tertiary colleges and universities. When dismally performed in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE), it heralds to major concerns. This has been the predicament in Kirinyaga East secondary schools year in year out. The title of this study is “Integration of Information Communication and Technology in teac...

241 - 255 Of 272 Results