Guidance And Counselling Research Papers/Topics

Head Teachers, Teacher Counselors And Students’ Perception Of The Implementation Of Guidance And Counseling Programme In Secondary Schools In Kamariny Division Of Keiyo District, Rift Valley

ABSTRACT The guidance and counselling programme is important and need be availed in all secondary schools and other places of human interaction. This programme need be introduced and strengthened in schools and colleges to help in the total development of the students. This will enhance discipline and proper choices regarding careers and vocational development. The purpose of the study therefore was to assess the perceptions of head teachers, teacher counselors and students on the implementa...

Influence Of Parenting Styles On Delinquency Among Juveniles In Rehabilitation Centres In Nakuru Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Families are one of the strongest socializing forces in life. They teach children to control unacceptable behaviour, to delay gratification, and to respect the rights of others. Conversely, families can teach children aggressive, antisocial, and violent behaviour. The study aimed at determining the influence of parenting styles on delinquency among juveniles in rehabilitation centres in Nakuru town, Kenya. The ex post facto research design was applied since the Juveniles have alread...

Psychosocial Challenges And Counseling Interventions For Learners With Special Needs In Selected Inclusive Primary Schools In Njoro Sub County Of Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, challenges facing learners with special needs and their counseling interventions have been of great concern to educationists and other well wishers. The Kenya government and education stakeholders have joined the world in defending the rights of persons with disabilities. In the process, they have come up with strategies for dealing with the learners’ special concerns although the issues of psychosocial challenges and counseling remedies are still impending. The purpose ...

Mothers Perceptions Of Selected Factors Influencing Awareness Of Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission Of Hiv (Pmtct) Services In Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru.Kenya

ABSTRACT Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV services is very essential in this era of HIV/AIDS. In effect, the Ministry of Health through various organizations and donors have come up with a comprehensive PMTCT service package to combat transmission of HIV to infants and also keep the mothers healthy. However, there are still very high rates of HIV infection among women and young girls that has resulted to high number of deaths among infants. This study therefore was to establ...

Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling As An Alternative Discipline Method To Corporal Punishment: A Case Of Kirinyaga District Primary Schools, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Kenyan Government outlawed corporal punishment as a means of instilling discipline in schools in 2001, and guidance and counselling was introduced as a best practice in its place. The culture of the use of corporal punishment is deep rooted in many communities around the world. However, efforts are being made to introduce alternative methods to corporal punishment (Save the Children, Sweden 2003). This research aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the alternative positive met...

Factors Contributing To Dismal Performance In Mathematics Among Secondary School Girls In Borabu Division Of Nyamira District, Kenya

ABSTRACT A good mathematics education is salient to scientific and technological development. The Kenya National Examinations Council evaluates the performance of students through the examinations it offers. Evaluation of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations has revealed that girls do not perform well in mathematics. Girl child education world-wide provides benefits to the family and the society at large. Thus dismal performance in mathematics by the girl child should be addressed...

Selected Factors Influencing Career Satisfaction And Professional Achievement Among Secondary Schools Teachers In Gatanga District, Murang’a County

ABSTRACT Career satisfaction among teachers is very crucial to the long-term growth of any educational system around the world. However, many teachers in Kenya are leaving the teaching frontline for jobs in other sectors. This study sought to establish the influence of the selected factors on career satisfaction and professional achievement among secondary school teachers in Gatanga District. The target population of the study was 460 teachers from 32 secondary schools in Gatanga District, K...

Influence Of Counselling Services On Behaviour Change Among Adult Recovering Alcoholics In Uasin Gishu County Kenya

ABSTRACT Since the escalation of alcoholism in Kenyan, many families are wrestling to cope with the costs of addiction because addiction is often defined as chronic, relapsing disorder that require comprehensive detoxification and psychosocial intervention. Alcoholism severity and relapse complexity process that involves the mental, physical, emotion and behavioural component of a person disables recovering alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influ...

Psycho-Sociological Factors as Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behaviour among the Non-Academic Staff of Universities in Southwestestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Counter-productive Work Behaviours (CWB) are acts of employees going against the expectations of an organisation. This behaviour is on the increase in the Nigerian university system particularly among non-academic staff, with negative consequences on the system. Literature has documented the effects of CWB without its pre-disposing factors in the university system. The study, therefore, investigated the predictive effects of psychological (Locus of Control (LoC), impulsiveness, anxi...

Attitudes Of Learners With Disabilities And Their Parents Towards Education In Nakuru District

ABSTRACT Learners with disabilities face numerous social, psychological and physical challenges in accessing educational opportunities and developing their full potentials in order to attain better academic achievements. One of the major challenges has been the attitude of these children towards their own education. This study seeks to evaluate the attitude of the learners with disabilities and their parents towards education in Nakuru district, Kenya. This study will adopt an ex post facto r...

Self-Esteem And Academic Performance Levels Of Hiv/Aids Orphaned Primary School Pupils In Children’s Homes In Nyeri South Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Since the first case of HIV/AIDS was diagnosed in Kenya in 1984, it is estimated that over 1.5 million people have died of AIDS related illness, resulting to 1.1 million children who are HIV/AIDS orphans. A parent’s death usually affects children’s psychological well-being that includes self-esteem. Children who experience low self-esteem may have poor adaptation to human functioning and life experiences. This may in turn affect their academic performance. Therefore, the pur...

Relationship Between Retirement And Socio-Economic And Psychological Status Of Former Public Servants In Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Pension is paid to former workers residing in Vihiga County to help them transit safely into retirement. In spite of this, a number of these retirees still find difficulties to pay for their medical care, pay school fees for their children or even sustain their families. The influence of these difficulties has had far reaching negative social ramification in Vihiga County. As a result of similar problems facing retirees in other parts of the world, different measures have been intro...

Social, Cultural And Economic Causes Of Secondary School Girls Pregnancies: Implication For Counselling In Pokot South Sub County Of West Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Pregnancies among secondary school girls are on the rise globally and in Kenya. As a social problem, it has adverse effects on the girls‟ academic performance, and career development as it results in girls dropping out of school and some are forced to early marriages. Despite efforts to prevent girls dropping out of school due to pregnancies, there is still evidence of high prevalence of pregnancy among girls in secondary school. This study therefore sought to establish social, cul...

Psychosocial Challenges Facing Low Income Women Living With Hiv/Aids In Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) have been in existence for more than twenty years and women account for nearly half the 40 million People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs). HIV/AIDS has devastating psychosocial challenges on the infected low-income-earning women and it is worse if they are staying in an urban area. HIV/AIDS has economic implications on the infected and her family. Much study has been done on the transmission and preventio...

Challenges Facing Effective Implementation Of Guidance And Counselling Programmes In Selected Institutes Of Technology In Nyanza Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT Students studying in Institutes of Technology in Nyanza province display a host of problems ranging from poor academic performance to low self esteem, which drive them to open drunkenness, skipping of classes, stealing other people‟s property, sexual misconduct and actual or attempted suicide. The problems exist despite the fact that guidance and counselling programmes are in place in these institutions. The purpose of this study therefore was to establish the challenges facing eff...

211 - 225 Of 378 Results