Guidance And Counselling Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Alcoholism On The Spread Of Hiv/Aids Among Youth In Makindye Division

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to exa~nine the effects of alcoholism on the spread of HIV/AIDS among youth in Makindye Division. The study had three specific objectives, which included) to examine how HIV/AIDS is spread among youths of Makindye Division and iii) to examine how HIV/AIDS among youths of ~tiua~t~izJd Division. The study employed a descriptive correlation design that used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. The findings indicated that most respond...

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) And Performance Of Pupils/Students In Busia District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) remains a major health challenge world over. In this research, I tried to uncover its effects on performance in schools. It was found that its damage requires special efforts to address.’ihira” was an illness that closely resembled AIDS. Its cause was “immoral conduct”. The cure for “ihira” was a concotion of herbs called “amanyasi”. Could the cure for AIDS lie in “Amanyasi?”. In chapter one I deal with the rationale, ...

Community Service Orders And Behaviour Modification Of Offenders In Probation Department In Ministry Of Home Affairs Kakamega, Kenya

This study intended to establish the effectiveness of community service orders in behavior modification, rehabilitation, and crime prevention in Kakamega District, Western Province of Kenya. In the review of the related literature, all secondary sources viewed relevant to the study were revisited and helped to give the researcher a clear picture as well as a guidelines regarding the study which he had to undertake. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative paradigms since the varia...

Students’ Unrest And Academic Performance Of Eldoret Polytechnic In Uasin Gishu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Objectives: This study determined unrest and academic performance of Eldoret Polytechnic in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the students as to age, gender, marital status, academic level. This study determined the degree of students’ unrest in terms of communication, teachers’ attitude, learning facilities/resources, drug and substance abuse. It determined the level of academic performance, determined if there was a significant re...

The Relationship Between School Violence, Childhood Anger And The Use Of Preventions And Interventions In Schools

ABSTRACT School violence has been an important topic in the realm of education in the last decade, and many different acts of violence in schools have been witnessed. Most of these acts of violence have been perpetrated by students of those schools. Schools are dealing with bomb threats, students bringing weapons to school, and, in some cases students using those weapons in the schools. These issues lead us to wonder what are the thoughts and feelings of a child that would bring a weapon to s...

The Influence Of Educational Guidance On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Amolatar District A Case Of Agikdak Sub-county

This was purposely designed and conducted to examine the influence of edu.cational guidance on academic performance of learner and the study was carried out in a sampled area of Aputi sub county, Amolatar district in three schools. The study was aimed to find out the influence of environment on academic performance, examine the effect of family background on academic performance, effect of play on academic performance and to access teacher's ability on academic performance. In the study the r...

Immunization And Infant Mortality Rate In Lira District A Case Study Of Lira Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Infant mortality rate has continued to be a threat even with the drive towards modernization of the economy. Despite all the attention and efforts to curb down causes of infant mortality by government. the incidents are still many. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of immunization on infant mortality rate in Lira. The study was conducted threugh case study design. It investigated the relationship between immunization and infant mortality rate. This study design wa...

Hiv/Aids And Academic Achievements Of Students In Selected Secondary Schools In Uganda. A Case Study Of Kampala Makindye Division

Human immune virus is a virus transmitted from one person to another through the exchange of body fluids such as blood, semen, breast milk and virginal secretion. Sexual contact is the most common way to spread HIV/Aids but it can also be transmitted by sharing needles when infecting drugs during child birth and breast feeding In 1980s, the world experienced a strange disease with dozens of strange and unfair infection with all the classic of weak natural defense (immunity system). The diseas...

The Role Of Media And Moral Developments Among Youths In Makindye Division

The purpose of the study was to explore the impact media has on the moral development of the youth. The study was guided by three specific objectives and these included; to understand the term media, To elucidate the term moral development and To examine the impact of media on youth moral development. The study employed used a correlation study design that was quantitative and descriptive in nature. The study used interview guides in its data collection and a sample size of 100 respondents we...

Condom Use And Prevention Of Hiv/Aids Among Commercial Sex Workers At Marps Network In Mbuya

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate condom use in the prevention of HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers and was carried out at MARPS Network in Mbuya, Kampala District. The study was guided by three research objectives; to establish how socio economic characteristics of commercial sex workers affect condom use; to investigate the attitudes and the perceptions of commercial sex workers towards condom use) and to find out the levels of condom use and awareness among commercial sex worke...

Drug Abuse And Students' Academic Performance. A Case Study Of Four Selected Schools In Ileho Division Of Kakamega East District.

ABSTRACT Drug and substance abuse is a fast growing problem causing concern to everybody in the education sector because of its negative impact on school students. It is out of this concern that this research is being conducted to find out the effect of the drug and substance use on secondary students. Research finding will also establish the most prevalent drugs abused in the selected school that will be generalized to form a view of what happens in other schools. The results will be genera...

The Impact Of On Job Training On Employee Productivity In An Organization A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited Kajjansi, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to assess the Impact of on Job Training on Employee Productivity in an Organization. A cross sectional research design was used and of a case study in nature. Both purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. The researcher used questionnaires and interview guide as the main research instruments to collect data frOm respondents. The study findings indicated that on job training methods that were majorly used i...

The impact of population growth on wetland management-A case study of ka tabu zone, kansanga parish, makindye division.

ABSTRACT  The study on the "Impact of Population Growth on the Management of Wetlands" was carried out in Katabu Zone in Kansanga with specific aims of; finding out the importance of wetlands, how wetlands are managed, challenges experienced in the management of wetlands and the determining possible intervention measures that can be adopted in to improve the management of wetlands. A review of related literature was carried out on already existing information on the specific aims of this pap...

Causes Of Poverty! Development In Wakiso District A Case Study Of Gayaza

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the causes of poverty in Wakiso district. There is a relationship between redundancy and poverty among the people of Gayaza. The researcher focused on the proper utilization of resources and foreign aid. A longitudinal design was developed to compile secondary data from Gayaza among others from 2006 — 2007. The data was analyzed using Pearson correlation co-efficient which measured the strength and direction between the independent and dependen...

The Attitude Of People To Wards Counseling And Testing Situation: A Case Study Of Kimaanya-Kyabakuza-Masaka District

TABlE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... i DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL iii ACRONYMSv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENT .................................

121 - 135 Of 378 Results