Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Challenges of universal primary education in kenya a case study of selected primary schools in nebio bulla jamhuria division, mandera district, kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in of Mandera District with an intention to determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal Primary Education in Kenya, while reflecting some selected government aided primary schools in Neboi bulla Jamhuria division as an illustrative example. On this note, all other authors' works similar to this particular study were revisited and this formed the basis of the researcher's review of related literature. A descriptive survey design was emplo...

Academic Performance Of Learners With Visual Impairments H~ Kipsaraman Zone, Baringo District Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study set out to explore the academic performance of learners with visual impairments in kipsaraman zone, baringo district Kenya. The research followed a survey research design. The research targeted a small population of 10 pupils and 10 teachers from the ten schools in the zone to represent the nineteen schools. The target sampi was picked using purposive and random sampling. The schools sampled included: Bartolimo, Kitibei, Kipsaraman, Kimugul, Chambai, Barkebo, Kasok Kibir...

Factors Affecting Pupils With Specific Learning Difficulties In The Learning Of English Language In Lugari South Zone, Lugari District Western Province-Kenya

BSTRACT The purpose of the research was to establish the factors affecting the learning of English language by learners with specific learning difficulties (SLD) in the three selected schools. There were about nine classes which were involved to represent the fifteen classes in the school representing regular schools in the district. The researcher targeted two learners from each class. Fortunately all of them filled and returned the questionnaire since the researcher was in that school and c...

Challenges Encountered By Teachers When Teaching Learners With Learning Difficulties In Marafa Zone, Magarini District, Kenya

Abstract In this introductory chapter of the study, the researcher gave the context and theoretical background of learning difficulties. The researcher proceeded to give the statement of the problem, the objectives and the research questions that would guide the scope of the study. The researcher also explained the limitations and delimitations that affected the progress of the study. The chapter ended with the definition of terms used as per the context. 1.1 Background Information In an incl...

Teachers’ Attitude And Academic Performance Of Learners With Mental Retardation In Kandara Division Maragwa District Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of this study was ‘Teacher’s attitude and academic Performance of learners with mental retardation in Kandara Division, Maragwa District. The study was carried out guided by four objectives namely; determining the profile of the respondents, determining the level of teacher’s attitudes, determining the level of academic performance of students and determining if there is any significant relationship between teachers attitude and academic performance. In the methodolog...

Challenges Of Teaching The Hearing Impaired Learners In An Inclusive Setting In Kiazabe Divisionr Kangundo District-Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out at Kiazabe division in inclusive setting to find out the challenges of teaching hearing impaired learners. The problems found to be responsible were lack of knowledge in handling the Hearing Impaired; they were looked at as less being, lack of effective teaching, poor teaching methods, and lack of specialized personnel, poor intervention measures and lack of educational assessment resource centres. The researcher used survey research design. The data was co...

Teachers' Attitudes Towards Teaching Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Schools Under Free Primary Education (Fpe) In Keiyo District-Kamariny Division -Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page .............................................................................................. i Declaration ............................................................................................ .i Dedication .............................................................................................. ii Acknowledgements .................................................................................. iii Table of Contents ..................................

Drug Abuse In Relation To Academic Performance Of Pupils Of Jamhuri Primary School In Thika Municipality In The Surbubs Of Nairobi City Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was designed to examine the degree of drug abuse in Primary Schools among Primary Pupils in Thika Municipality — Nairobi Kenya. Much attention was paid to the pupils of Jamhuri Primary school which is situated in the middle of the slum estates. The researcher applied questionnaire method to collect data which worked relatively well considering the response of the respondents. The study applied with qualitative and quantitative method of data collection where different t...

Challenges Faced By Autistic Learners In Selected Schools Of Kakamenga District In Western Province

ABSTRACT The study was basically on challenges faced by autistic learners in selected schools of Kakamenga District in Western Province. The main objective was to examine the effects of challenges to autistic learners and to identify the possible solutions to over come these challenges. The research objectives were tested by means of questionnaires, documentation and observations, the researcher discovered that most of these autistic learners are being neglected.

Challenges faced and academic performance of intellectually challenged learners in inclusive settings nairobi kenya.

ABSTRACT Learners with mental retardation do not benefit from normal learning due to the challenges that they encounter. This study critically focused on these challenges and their academic performance in inclusive settings in Nairobi Kenya. The researcher adopted the quantitative approach of data collection from the target population. Teachers from public Primary schools were involved as respondents. Thirty teachers drawn from different primary schools responded to the questionnaires. Purpo...

Challenges of Teaching/ Learning of English Language Performance on Learners with Speech Difficulties in Madiany Zone, Rarieda District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT  In this research paper, the researcher studied the challenges of teaching and learning of learners with speech difficnlties on the performance of English language in Rarieda District, Kenya. The research investigated the various challenges that learner's experinced in speech. The research was carried out in Madiany Zone. The researcher took his sample popnlation from one to form four in the three schools, that is, Chianda High School, St. Sylvester's Secondary and Okela Mixed Secon...

Teachers Attitude Towards Academic Performance Of Learners With Learning Difficulties In Selected Schools In Kitise Zone Makueni District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the ph...

Attitude Of Teachers And Inclusion Of Intellectually Challenged Learners In Kisumu West District Regular Primary Schools Kenya

ABSTRACT  Through observation and conservations the researcher established that the intellectually challenged learners were not accorded their due human respect and rights by the teachers. Teachers regarded them as abnormal, violent and slow in learning and therefore unworthy to be accommodated in their midst. This prompted the researcher to conduct a study to fmd out why it was happening. He prepared questionnaires for both teachers and pupils. The respondents were able to answer the questi...

Academic Performance Of Mentally Impaired Learners In Some Selected Regular Primary Schools In Kegonga Division Kuria

ABSTRACT The lthe government tries to provide to all Kenyan citizens includinJ those with special need education for all (A.F.A.) in the year 2015. The policy created ~''opportunity to the mentally disable children who were perceived incapable academically to go to school, so the researcher's interest was to investigate theacademic performance of these mentally challenged learners, in some selected regular primary school in Kegonga Division, Kuria District.During the research, she formulat...

Challenges Faced By Teachers In Teaching Science To Children With Hearing Impairment In The Mainstream Schools In Magarini Division, Magarinidistrict Kilifi Province-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the causes of poor performance in science among children with hearing impairment in mainstream schools. This study was carried out in Kabale District Kashambya Subcounty. Interviews and questionaires were used as research tools to collect data from respondents.Random and purposive sampling techniquues were used to select schools and the respondents. The findings revealed that teachers in the mainstream experienced some challenges which among others included; lac...

256 - 270 Of 610 Results