Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers Attitudes Tow Ards Integration Of Learners With Mental Handicapped In Regular Schools In Tiriki East Division In Hamisi District

The research project was based on teacher's attitudes towards integration ofleamers with mental handicap in regular schools in Tiriki East Division in Hamisi District. Problems faced by these teachers towards integration have been established. It was also noted to put a lot of emphasizes on learners with mental handicap performance in regular set up. Various strategies were also layed down to assist learners with mental handicap in a regular set up. Findings were shown that most respondents/ ...

Motivation And Performace Of Visually Impaired Learners In Inclusive Settings In Upper Nyakach Division Nyakach District-Kenya

With the increasing numbers of the Visually Impaired learners in our Inclusive Settings due to Education For All (EF A) call, there is need of increased awareness of how to handled the visually impaired with definite success in their Performance at school and in life generally. It is often, however, presumed that learners with Visual Impairments are less capable or have less academic potential than the sighted peers. However, Vision is only one source of information and so the teacher factor ...

Problems Encountered By The Teachers Teaching Deaf Blind Children At Kabarnet School For Deaf Blind In Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study investigated the problems encountered by the teachers teachIng deaf blind children at Kabamet School for Deaf Blind in Barlngo District, Kenya. Spedflcaliy, these data were gathered: profile of teachers as to age, gender, marital status, number of years in service and educational qualification; and degree the problems encountered by the teachers teaching deaf blind children in terms of facilities and equipments, learning methodology, formal curriculum, mode of ...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Learners In Regular Schools In Nandi Central District - Kenya. A Case Study Of: Emgwen Division.

ABSTRACT The research was carried out in Emgwen division, Nandi central district Kenya with an aim of determining the factors affecting the academic performance of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. All relevant Primary sources were visited in the process of gathering Primary information. A descriptive design was employed and in this case, questionnaires and interview guides were used in the process of data collection. The study findings revealed the following: that the ma...

Factors That Affect The Education Of The Mentally Challenged Learners In Primary Schools In Municipality Division In Kakamega Central District Of Kakamega County In kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Municipality division to find out the factors that affect education of the mentally challenged learners. People with disability all over the world have for a long time been considered socially and physically less capable, the purpose of this study was to investigate on factors that affect education of the mentally challenged learners in Primary schools in Municipality Division in Kakamega Central District. The study adopted the survey style since it is ...

Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Of Learners With Visual Impairment In Butagaya Sub-County - Jinja District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that affect the academic progress of learners with visual impairment in Butagaya Sub-county, Jinja District. The specific objectives of the study were to; find out the causes of visual impairments, identify challenges facing the academic progress of children with visual impairment and suggest alternative ways of helping learners with visual impairment. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires for head teachers...

Teachers’ Attitude And Academic Performance Of Learners With Mental Retardation In Kandara Division Maragwa District Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of this study was ‘Teacher’s attitude and academic Performance of learners with mental retardation in Kandara Division, Maragwa District. The study was carried out guided by four objectives namely; determining the profile of the respondents, determining the level of teacher’s attitudes, determining the level of academic performance of students and determining if there is any significant relationship between teachers attitude and academic performance. In the methodolog...

Challenges Of Teaching The Hearing Impaired Learners In An Inclusive Setting In Kiazabe Divisionr Kangundo District-Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out at Kiazabe division in inclusive setting to find out the challenges of teaching hearing impaired learners. The problems found to be responsible were lack of knowledge in handling the Hearing Impaired; they were looked at as less being, lack of effective teaching, poor teaching methods, and lack of specialized personnel, poor intervention measures and lack of educational assessment resource centres. The researcher used survey research design. The data was co...

Teachers' Attitudes Towards Teaching Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Schools Under Free Primary Education (Fpe) In Keiyo District-Kamariny Division -Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page .............................................................................................. i Declaration ............................................................................................ .i Dedication .............................................................................................. ii Acknowledgements .................................................................................. iii Table of Contents ..................................

Drug Abuse In Relation To Academic Performance Of Pupils Of Jamhuri Primary School In Thika Municipality In The Surbubs Of Nairobi City Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was designed to examine the degree of drug abuse in Primary Schools among Primary Pupils in Thika Municipality — Nairobi Kenya. Much attention was paid to the pupils of Jamhuri Primary school which is situated in the middle of the slum estates. The researcher applied questionnaire method to collect data which worked relatively well considering the response of the respondents. The study applied with qualitative and quantitative method of data collection where different t...

Challenges Faced By Autistic Learners In Selected Schools Of Kakamenga District In Western Province

ABSTRACT The study was basically on challenges faced by autistic learners in selected schools of Kakamenga District in Western Province. The main objective was to examine the effects of challenges to autistic learners and to identify the possible solutions to over come these challenges. The research objectives were tested by means of questionnaires, documentation and observations, the researcher discovered that most of these autistic learners are being neglected.

Challenges Faced By Teachers In Teaching Science To Children With Hearing Impairment In The Mainstream Schools In Magarini Division, Magarinidistrict Kilifi Province-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the causes of poor performance in science among children with hearing impairment in mainstream schools. This study was carried out in Kabale District Kashambya Subcounty. Interviews and questionaires were used as research tools to collect data from respondents.Random and purposive sampling techniquues were used to select schools and the respondents. The findings revealed that teachers in the mainstream experienced some challenges which among others included; lac...

Effects Of Visual Impairment On Student's Perfomance

Table of Contents DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................

Effects Of Teacher Training And Academic Performance Of The Hearing Impaired Children In Inclusive

ABSTRACT The researcher investigated the educational challenges facing the hearing impaired pupils in selected primary school in Leseru Location. The purpose of the study was to investigate education provision for hearing impaired children in the approaches of teaching resources used in teaching the number of trained personnel handling the hearing impaired learners, the attitudes expressed b~ parents, enlightening the general public about the needs of hearing impaired and then make recomm...

Challenges Faced In Education Provision For The Mentally Handicaped Children In Nyagachi Zone, Nyamira District Kenya

ABSTRACT The research study was conducted to investigate challenges ftJced in education provision for the mentally hamfspped learners in an inclusive setting in Nyagachi Zone, Nyamim Division, Nyamira District. The researcher used survey on teachers teaching in regular schools in Nyagachi Zone, where questionnaires were used to collect inti'Jrmation about problems mentally hanaspped learners face in an Inclusive set up in the zone. The researcher targel:Ed 17 primary schools in Nyagachi...

46 - 60 Of 277 Results