Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Hearing Impairment On The Academic Performance Of Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties In Mathematics In Kanzanzu Zone, Mwingi District

ABSTRACT The researcher report is about the Effect of hearing impairment on the academic performance of learners with specific learning difficulties in mathematics in Kanzanzu zone of Mwingi district. The statement of the problem was identifying major problems facing learners with hearing impairment and the solutions to these problems.

Challenges Faced By Teachers Teaching Learners With Physical Handicap In Regular Schools Central Division, Kirinyaga District Kenyaa

ABSTRACT The study is based on the challenges that the regular teacher forces while teaching learners with physical handicaps. Physical handicap is a condition which makes it difficult for a person to move or manipulate the physical environment. This condition covers a wide range from the mild degree of clumsiness to a severe degree where a person is in a wheel chair and needs a lot of help. The researcher used the quantitative approach whereby the standardized tools and numerical data were u...

Teachers' Attitude And Inclusion Of Special Needs Education Learners In Regular Schools In Gw Assi Divison , Suba District- Kenya.

ABSTRACT The research study was to investigate the teacher's attitudes and inclusion of special needs education learners , in regular schools in Kigoto Zone, Suba District . In related literature, the researcher compared his work with what others had researched in the past. The same was worked with the modules, books and journals among other sources. Data Collection was done using questionnaires, quantitive method in the data interpretation and survey was used to as a design. Simple random sa...

Teachers Attitude And Learners With Mental Retardation In Eastleigh Zone, Kamukunji Division, Nairobi District Kenya

ABSTRACT Learners with mental retardation have probably been the most misunderstood among all exceptional children, this has resulted in them being denied adequate opportunities to practice and develop their maximum potentials. Several derogatory terms have been used to refer to the learners with mental retardation; idiots, imbeciles, subnormal, feeble, morons and fools among others. This trend has persisted in spite of the many intervention strategies that have been put in place in efforts a...

Effective Use Of Total Communication In Teaching Language To Learners With Hearing Impairment In Kiambu District Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of this study was ‘Effective use of total communication in teaching language to learners with hearing impairment in Kiambu District Kenya. One of the aims of the study was to find out whether the teachers have adequate training to teach language to learners with hearing impairment. The researcher had targeted forty respondents to fill the questionnaires but twenty five of them did this. The respondents were teachers teaching language to learners with hearing impairment in...

Teaching Strategies And Academic Performance Of Mild Intellectually Challenged Learners In An Inclusive Setting In Yatta Zone Kitui- Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the techniques which are employed to teach learners with mild intellectual challenges. The researcher also wanted to find out how academic performance of mild intellectually challenged learners in an inclusive setting can be improved. The study was carried out in Yatta zone, Yatta division Kitui district, Eastern province in Kenya. The zone is in the south west of the district (KITUI), which is in eastern part of Kenya. The research was cond...

An Assesment On The Awareness Of Hiv! Aids Issues Among The Deaf In Secondary School, A Case Study Of Wakiso School Of The Deaf

ABSTRACT The study was intended to conduct an assessment on the awareness of HIV/AIDS issues among the deaf students, a case study of Wakiso School of the deaf. The study was justified by the need to identif~’ and provide mechanisms of operation that can guide the behavior of deaf students to enable the control of HIV/AIDS amongst the deaf. The study explored the information pertaining the background of the study that gave an insight on the global, international, continental, county and loc...

Drug Abuse And Students Performance In Kenya Case Study Makuyu Division Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study aims at investigating whether there is any relation between drug abuse and student performance in Kenya, Makuyu division secondary schools. The researcher applied survey method that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches of collecting raw data. Thirty questionnaires were sent to thirty respondents who completed and returned all of them to the researcher. The respondents were randomly sampled. Frequency tables, bar graph and pie chart were used to a...

Challenges Hindering The Performance Of Children With Learning Difficulties In Regular Schools. A Case Study Of Nuu Zone, Mwingi District

ABSTRACT The study was in challenges hindering performance of learners with learning difficulties in the regular primary schools in Nuu zone Mwingi District. The method used in the study was quantative approach. The data collected was obtained through questionnaires. It was analyzed and interpreted using the mean as the measure for central tendency. Research strategy employed as survey method. The data was obtained from 49 respondents out of the 62 originally in the sample population. These i...

Factors Affecting Integration Of Learners With Hearing Impairment In Regular Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Ngewa Zone, Kiambu Distrcict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study carried out an investigation on the challenges and factors that affect the education of the hearing impaired learners in regular primary schools. The study was carried out from Ngewa zone, located in Kiambu District of Kenya. Available literature indicate that a number of factors ranging from the failure of teachers to recognize and appreciate the learning needs of these learners including the dehumanizing treatment that these learners do get from the hearing learners who a...

Mass Unemployment And Academic Performance Of Standard Eight Pupils At Kirindo Primary In Mbit A Division

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between mass unemployment and academic performance. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identifying the cause of unemployment, the effects of unemployment on academic performance and the relationship between mass unemployment and academic performance. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. It employed 50 respondents. Data were analyzed and presented using...

Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Regular School In Wote Zone, Makueni District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the nonnal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the phy...

Mainstreaming And The Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Central Zone, Kisumu Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was basically intended to evaluate the effect mainstreaming on the academic performance of hearing impaired learners. This is done by integrating learners with hearing impairment with the normal ones. These learners should be given equal opportunities like the normal ones, and should not be stigmatized, discriminated or intimidated in any way by those handling them in the classrooms or the whole school at large. To investigate this researcher used descriptive survey and s...

The Effects Of Learning Disability On Learning And Performance. A Case Study Of Manyatta Dmsion, Embu District, ~ Eastern Province, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT Title of study Declaration .............. . ........... .. ........................................ . .............. . ......... i Approval ........................................................................................................................... .ii Table of content ...................... .. ......................................... ..................... iii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................... . .. . ....... . ... ................................

Factors Contributing To School Dropout Ra Te On Prij\1ary School Girls In Ma Tisi Location. Central Division Of Trans-Nzoia District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that contributed to girls' dropout in primary schools in Matisi location. Specific objectives of the study were to: To determine girls enrolment in primary schools in Matisi location, to establish the factors that contribute to girl's dropout in Matisi location, to establish methods of overcoming girl's dropout rate in Matisi location, to examine the role of the Ministry of Education in curtailing primary school girls dropout i...

61 - 75 Of 112 Results