Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Regular Teachers’ Perceptions of Learners With Epilepsy in an Inclusive Educational Setting in Kamukunji Division, Nairobi, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION . .. .. APPROVALDEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS . v LIST OF TABLES ~ viii ACRONYMS ix DEFINiTION OF TERMS. x ABSTRACT xiCHAPTER 1 1LO Introduction 1 Li Background to the Study ~ 1 L2 Statement of the Problem ......... ~ . ~ 2 L3 Objectives of the Study 2 1.4 Significancy of the Study ~ 31.5 Research Hypothesis ~ 3 1.6 Research Questions ................_.~...... 3CHAPTER 2 0 000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...

Girl Child Education And Academic Performance In Ainabkoi Zone Eldoret East District, Uasin Gishu County Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya recognizes education for girls and women as a tool, for empowering them and as a fundamental human right. There is an improvement in the overall literacy for both males and females thus nanowing the gap between them. However, despite their awareness, the national enrollment figures in primary schools camouflage regional variations that pose a challenge to the national achievement. The main goal of closing the gender literacy gap will not therefore be achieved without focusing ...

Teachers Attitudes Tow Ards The Performance Of Pupils With Learning Difficulties In Tigithi Zone, Laikipia District Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................. .iv TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................... v LIST OF...

An Investigation on Academic Underperformance Encountered by Hearing Impaired Learners in Special Schools and Units in Coast Province, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDeclarationAcknowledgement iiApproval iiiTable of content iv-vList of tables viAbstract viiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Overview• I Background information1 .2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Objective of the study 21.5 Scope of the study 31 .6 Significant of the study 31.7 Review 4CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE2.0 Overview 52. 1 Inability to perform above expected levels 52.2 Definition 62,3 Prevalence 72.4 Causes of hearing loss 72.5 Types...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairment in an Inclusive Setting Upper Nyakach Division Nyando District Kenya

Abstract This research investigated into the problems affecting learners with hearing impairment in an inclusive system. The government of Kenya introduced a policy of education for all. This benefits only learners in the main stream. Learners with hearing impairment are disadvantaged. Their interests are not looked into in terms of educational resource, infrastructures, health etc. the researcher’s major concern is that learners who are challenged should Pot be discriminated upon more so t...

Learning Conditions of Pupils with Epilepsy in Regular Primary Schools, Kaujakito Zone, Amukura Division, Teso District- Ke Ya

TABLE OF CONTENTDeclaration p~ge (i)Approval page (ii)Dedication page (ii)Acknowledgement page (iv)Abstract (v)Chapter OneIntroduction1:1 Background of the study 1-21.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of~the study 31.4 Objectives of the study 41.5 Research questions 51.6 Scope of the study 61.7 Significance of the study 7Chapter TwoReview of Related Literature2. 1 Attitudes of teachers towards learners with epilepsy 5-92.2 Teaching/ learning strategies for learners with epilepsy 10-172....

Challenges to Effectiveness of Teachers in Special Schools for Mentally Challenged Learners in Gatimu Division Ny Ada Ura District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration: ............................. .Approval. .......................... .Dedication: .............................. .Acknowledgement ..................... .CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION11IlllVV1. 0 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1· 1: 1 Background information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 :2 Statement of the problem................................ 11 :3 purpo...

The Impact of Advertising On Drug Abuse Among the Youth in Kapseret Division, Uasin Gishu District of Uasin Gishu County - Kenya A Case Study: Kapseret Division

ABSTRACT This study was about the impact of advertising on drug abuse among the youth in Kapseret Division in Uasingishu District. The study was based on three objectives, that is, to find out the different types of instructional materials in Primary schools in Kapseret Division in Uasingishu District, to establish the relationship between teachers’ use of instructional materials and pupils’ academic performance and to find out the attitude of teachers towards the use of instructional mat...

Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Learners in Regular Schools in Lamu District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................. .iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................................................

Emotional and Behavior Disorders On Performance Among Pupils in Sambut Primary School Uasingishu District in Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSTITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... iDECLARATION ............................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL .................................................................................................. .iiiDEDICATION .................................................................................................. vACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................

Analysis of the Factors Responsible for Pupils Drop Out in Schools in Sagalla Division Voi District- Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ......................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................

Factor Affecting Performance of Children with Hearing Impairment in Akokoro Sub County in Apac District

ABSTRACT The study was on factors affecting academic performance of children with hearing impairment in apac district. Chapter One contains Background of the study, Problem Statements which include negative attitude of both parents and teachers, lack of trained teachers in schools, lack of instructional materials and communication barrier which to some extent the problems have been addressed by inclusive education in place, classroom construction by government and other Non - Governmental Org...

Teachers Attitudes Towards Mentally Retarded Learners in Kayole Zone in Embakasi Division, Nairobi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Due to free primary education that was implemented in 2002 in Kenya. Most education with mental retardation were admitted to the regular schools this prompted the researcher to investigate teachers attitudes towards mentally retarded learners. The study was earned out in kayole zone in Embakasi Division, Nairobi district Kenya for nine months 0from January to august 2009.the study obtained information from teachers both male and female in the five sampled schools the sampling was don...

Challenges Faced By Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In Modogashe Zone, Modogashe Division, Lagdera District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe impact of free pnmary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only rhe normal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools asveil as the wider community and society.The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special educat...

Impact Of Special Schools In Promoting Communication For Persons With Hearing Impairment "A Case Study Of Special Schools For The Deaf In Rwanda"

ABSTRACTThe main objective of this study is to assess the impact of special schools in promoting communication for persons with hearing impainnent a case study of special school for the deaf in RWANDA.To achieve this objective we investigated a hundred twenty eight (128) teachers for the deaf located in ten special schools and four mainstreaming schools around the country.The questionnaires and interviews addressed to the teachers, pupils and school authorities helped me t...

91 - 105 Of 610 Results