Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Hearing Impairment On Academic Performance In Primary Schools In Sabatia East Zone Sabatia Division- Kenya

ABSTRACT The effects of hearing impairment on academic performance in primary schools in Sabatia East is the key issue that the researcher made a proposal to investigate the problem, set objectives and made literature review that acted as her source of reference. The researcher identified the methods of carrying out the research in terms of subjects to be involved which she resolved to be regular primary teachers. The approach used was quantitative and qualitative and the procedure used in sa...

Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Inclusive Settings School In Arua Municipality, Arua District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the phys...

Methods Of Teaching And The Mentally Challenged Learners In An Inclusive Setting A Case Study Of Pageri Administrative Area Eastern Equatoria Southern Sudan.

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine teaching methods and academic performance of mildly retarded pupils in Pageri administrative area —Eastern Equatorial Southern Sudan. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the relationship between visual aids and performance of mildly retarded children, to determine the relationship between motivation and performance of mildly retarded children, to determine the relationship between demonstrating and performance of mildly reta...

Challenges Of Teaching Mathematics To The Learners I With Specific Learning Difficulties The Case Study Of Kihumbuini Zone, Thika District Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya is a signatory to the provisiOn of Universal Education for all in pnmary schools. The new government that took power in December 2002 has implemented this. The quality of education in primary schools needs to be emphasised as it marks the beginning and the foundation of the learner's success in education achievement. Mathematics is one of the core subjects that determine whether the learner will qualify for the most marketable profession as well as course e.g. medical science a...

Pre-planning For Essay Writing And The Improvement Of Students’ Writing Skills In Secondary Schools Located In Rubaga Division, Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between pre-planning for essay writing and the improvement of students’ writing skills in Secondary Schools in Rubaga Division, Kampala District, Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives; to determine the students’ knowledge in preplanning for essay (composition) writing, to find out the improvement of students’ writing skills; and is there a relationship between pre-planning for essay and improvement of students writing s...

Challenges Of Teaching Learners With Visual Impairement In Kiswahill In Kitundu Zone, Mbooni West District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the challenges faced by teachers teaching learners with visual impairment in Kiswahili in Kitundu zone of Mbooni west district. At the same time the researcher came up with the intervention measures to support teachers teaching learners with visual impairment in Kiswahili language in Kitundu zone of Mbooni West district and the whole country at large. The study was approached both qualitatively and quantitatively. The survey design was adopted...


ABSTRACT The ban of the cane as a measure to deter indiscipline in schools following the adoption of the Children ·s Act of 2001 has caused mixed reactions among education stakeholders. This has been irnrsened by the ill-preparedness of teachers in using guidance and counseling as an alternative. This study therefore took a critical look on the effects of cane withdrawal on discipline in prima1y schools. It also looked at whether the schools still apply the cane as a means of instilling disc...

Challenges Affecting The Learning Of Mild Mentally Challenged Learners In Regular Schools Of Matuga Division Kenya

ABSTRACT The report study was based on team work composed of teachers and stakeholders in education at the DEO's office Kwale Kenya and was guided by the following objectives;To establish the characteristics of mentally retarded learners.- To find out the problems affecting the learning of mild mentally challenged learners in regular schools.- To assess how teachers manage and involve children with mental disorders in teaching learning process.Based on the above objec...

The Performance Of The Hearing Impaired Children In An Inclusive Setting: A Case Study Of Muhuru Division, Nyatike District, Migoricounty

ABSTRACT The study was about the performance of impaired children. The study was guided by three objectives; Causes of Hearing Impairments, establish characteristics of hearing impairments and Interventions to assist learners with hearing impairments.TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix ACRONYMS x ABSTRACT xi CHAPTER ONE......... ,,,..~ ~1 INTRODUCTION ~.... ...~..~. ,...,,.“““. ...•.~•. ...

Teachers Attitude And Learning Of Speech And Language Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Selected Schools In Makadara Division Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT The researcher was out to find the teachers’ attitudes and learning ofspeech and language ofhearing impaired learners. She introduced by saying what the hearing sense was and its purpose in life (Morse f979~. The researcher brought out the views ofthe communities towards these learners. Hearing impairment was defined by various authors, class~fication, problems faced by the children in learning and the intervention measures to be taken were noted. Education ofheaçing impaired lear...

Teachers Attitude Towards Inclusion Of Pupils With Hearing Impairements In Regular Primary School In Ruffiu Division Thika District Kenya

ABSTRACT Provision of special needs education is a great milestone in addressing the challenges found in learners with special needs. This research has been initiated to investigate how attitudes of regular primary school teachers have helped in inclusion of learners with hearing impairment in a regular primary school. The investigation was centered in finding out attitudes towards people with hearing impairment, Salamanca statement and framework for the action and intervention of the hearing...

Academic Achievement Of Pupils With Hearing Impairment In Inclusive Education: A Case Study Of St. Johns Senior Secondary School-nyabwjna Sheema District

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS v CHAPTER ONE: 8 1.0 Introduction 8 1.1 Background of the study 8 1.2 Statement of the problem 10 1.3 Purpose of the Study 11 1.4 Research Objectives 1.5 Research Questions12 1.6 Scope of the study 12 1.6.1 Geographical scope 12 1.6.2 Subject scope 12 1.6.3 Time scope 12 1.7 Significance of the Study 12 1.7 Definition of Key Terms 13 1.8 Theoretical Perspectives 14 CHAPTER TWO 15 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.0 Intro...

An Investigation Into Moral Decay And Performance Among Primary School Learners In The Inclusive Setting In Kala W Ani Zone, Mbooni District

ABSTRACT: This study intended to investigate into 1noral decay and the performance among pri1nary school learners in the inclusive setting of Kalawani Zone-Mbooni District. The study objective to investigate causes of moral decay, establish the effects of moral decay, establish the effects on performance and effects of moral decay. The study targeted 150 teachers in the 10 primary school in Kalawani Zone, out of which a sample of 50 was rando1nly sampled. Questionnaires were used to collect d...

Mathematics Teachers' Background Variables Related To Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education (Kcpe) A Case Of Marmanet Zone, Laikipia District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence KCP E mathematics pe1Jormance in Public primary schools. The study further sought to establish whether the attitude of Mathematics was related to pupils 'performance in KCP E mathematics. In addition, the problems the teachers faced while teaching mathematics was investigated. The target population was mathematics teachers in public primary schools in Marmanet zone. All the mathematics teachers were given the quest...

Hindrances Of Quality Education In Inclusive Setting In Selected Public Primary Schools In Longisa Division - Kenya

ABSTRACT FACTORS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IN PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN LONGISA DIVISION The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that are affecting quality of learning environment in public primary school in Longisa Division. The justification for the study is that there has been low academic performance in the division for the last decade. The study focused on variables that were presumed to directly affect quality learning. These variables included the a...

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