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Education Research Papers/Topics

School Feeding Programmes And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Central Dmsion, Moyale District, Kenya

ABSTRACT For a number of years primary schools in Central Division of Moyale District, Kenya have not been performing very well. The researcher wanted to investigate if school feeding programmes will improve pupil's academic performance. In the study, the researcher employed descriptive design. Therefore simple survey or poll for the purpose of describing attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of the study population were used. Questionnaires were used in the collection of data. The raw data was ...

The Attitude Of People To Wards Counseling And Testing Situation: A Case Study Of Kimaanya-Kyabakuza-Masaka District

TABlE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... i DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL iii ACRONYMSv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENT .................................

Absenteeism And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Eci>E Centers In Ciiil Chi La Division Kericho District Kenya

ABSTRACT  My purpose of the study was to find out absenteeism and academic performance of pupils in ECDE (age 6-8 years) in Chilchila Division, Kericho District The division is situated in the pockets of white highlands once colonized by British in Kericho district, faced with adverse weather condition usually very hot, dry and hilly. The area also faces a lot of economic, social and cultural problems. The general performance of the leamers in primary and secondary schools is not pleasing. T...

Motivation And Service Delivery In Secondary Schools A Case Of Schools In Makindye Division, Kampala District — Uganda

ABST~CT The study assessed the Impact of Motivation and Service Delivery in Secondary Schools: A Case of Schools in Makindye Division, Kampala District — Uganda. The objectives of the study included: To determine the impact of directors or Head teachers on teachers’ motivation, establish the implications of teachers’ lack of motivation in secondary school and determine whether there is a significant relationship between the motivation and service delivery in secondary schools in Makindy...

Influence Of Drug Abuse On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Schools Of Makindye Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the Influence of Drug Abuse on the Academic Performance of Learners in the Selected Secondary Schools of Makindye Division. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between drug abuse and the discipline of girls, identify the common drugs abused by girls and the effects of drugs on students. The methods used for data collection were questioimaires to the students and interviews with the teachers. The findings...

The Impact Of Environment On Performance In Schools: A Case Study Of Sotik Tea Highlands Borabu Division, Nyamira District

Abstract Our Environment is our surrounding. This includes living and non-living things around us. The non-living components of environment are land, water and air. The living components are germs, plants, animals and people. All plants and animals adjust to the environment in which they are born and live. A charge in any component of the environment may cause discomfort and affect normal life. Any unfavorable change or degeneration in the environment is known as 'Environmental Pollution. Abo...

Factors Affecting Pupils With Specific Learning Difficulties In The Learning Of English Language In Lugari South Zone, Lugari District Western Province-Kenya

BSTRACT The purpose of the research was to establish the factors affecting the learning of English language by learners with specific learning difficulties (SLD) in the three selected schools. There were about nine classes which were involved to represent the fifteen classes in the school representing regular schools in the district. The researcher targeted two learners from each class. Fortunately all of them filled and returned the questionnaire since the researcher was in that school and c...

Challenges Encountered By Teachers When Teaching Learners With Learning Difficulties In Marafa Zone, Magarini District, Kenya

Abstract In this introductory chapter of the study, the researcher gave the context and theoretical background of learning difficulties. The researcher proceeded to give the statement of the problem, the objectives and the research questions that would guide the scope of the study. The researcher also explained the limitations and delimitations that affected the progress of the study. The chapter ended with the definition of terms used as per the context. 1.1 Background Information In an incl...

Effect Of Religion On The Academic Performance Of Students In Nakaloke Sub County, !Mba.Ale District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the impact of religion on the academic performance of students. The population in this study involved teachers and girls of the sampled schools in the sub county. The main instruments employed in this study were open and closed ended questionnaires and structured interview guides. This research paper is made up of the following major parts; Chapter one is the introductory part. It consists of the background information, statement of the problem...

Causes of drug abuse in public secondary schools in Kenya: A case of wote division in makueni district, eastern province Kenya .

Abstract Drug Abuse is a problem World wide. It is a scourge that does not respect national boundaries, race, creed, level of education, age or economic status Use of drugs is as old as mankind and had been an integral part of each society. Man has been using substances from plants as medicines. When drugs are properly administered they are medicinal blessings to human beings. Man had basically all communities knew how to make alcohols. With onset of modem science we have seen refining and st...

The Causes Of Poor Performance Of Secondary Leaving Examination In Watamu Location In Malindi District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of poor academic performance in Secondary schools in Watamu location, Malindi District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine if discipline affects the students' academic performance, to determine if a teacher's quality affects the students' academic performance; and to determine if school facilities affect the students' academic performance in Secondary schools. The methods used for data collection was q...

The Role Of Religion In The Maintaining Of Society Norms And Values; A Case Study Of Gachoka Division In Mbeere District In Kenya

ABSTRACT A descriptive and qualitative study was carried out about roles of religion in socializing the people. It sought to establish the roles played by religion in society. The study area was Gachoka Division in Mbeere district, Kenya. The following objectives guided the study, to establish the extent to which religion has provided psychological support to the individuals; to find out how religion has created peace and stability in society; to find out how religion has helped to maintain ...

Child Abuse And Learner's Academic Performance In Public Primary Schools In Lare Location Njro District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out was to establish the effects of child abuse on pupil's academic performance in Primary Schools in Lare location, Njoro District in Kenya. The formulated objectives guided the study; to trace the prevailing form (){child abuse; to establish whether child abuse was a common practice in primary schools, to establish the relationship between child abuse and academic performance on learners. The researcher used a purposive sampling technique to pick on responde...

Some Factors Affecting School Administration Under Free Primary Education In Mfangano Division, Mbita District, Nyanza Province Of Kenya.

The research was concerned with some factors affecting School Administration under Free Primary Education in Mfangano division, Mbita District, Nyanza Province - Kenya. The study identified the factors, their impacts and the measures of solving them. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, the samples employed in the study were got from the F.P.E Schools. The researcher made use of the questionnaire technique with the aid of focus group discussions to collect data. The data was catego...

The Impact Of Examination Malpractices On Pupil's Academic Performance In Matete In Sembabule District, Uganda

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948, states that "everyone has a right to education". The World Conference on Education for All (EFA) held in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990, sparked off a new impetus towards basic education. It noted, "That to serve the basic needs for all requires more than a recommitment to basic education as now exists. What is needed is an expanded vision that surpasses resource levels, institutional structures, curricula and conventional delivery systems...

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