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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Child Abuse On School Children In Embolot Location, Marakwet District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The researcher had noted that there were various practices of child abuse in Embolot Location, Marakwet district. So the study had sought to probe the effects of these abuses on school children. The study was aimed at answering the following research questions: 1. What are the various forms of child abuse that exist in primary schools in Embolot Location7 2. What are the effects of child abuse on school children! 3. What are the ways of alleviating child abuse in schools7 Both qualit...

Challenges Faced By Teachers Teaching Learners With Physical Handicap In Regular Schools Central Division, Kirinyaga District Kenyaa

ABSTRACT The study is based on the challenges that the regular teacher forces while teaching learners with physical handicaps. Physical handicap is a condition which makes it difficult for a person to move or manipulate the physical environment. This condition covers a wide range from the mild degree of clumsiness to a severe degree where a person is in a wheel chair and needs a lot of help. The researcher used the quantitative approach whereby the standardized tools and numerical data were u...

Peer-Mediated Support Strategies For Enhancing Social Interaction Skills Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders In Public Primary Schools, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT A fundamental feature of social life is social interaction, or the ways in which people act with other people and react to how other people are acting, which is a deficit in learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Public Primary Schools in Kenya. It sought to establish peer-mediated strategies enhancing social interactions of children with Autism in Migori County, Kenya. The objectives were: peer-mediated strategies currently used by teachers, the extent to which play activities ...

The Relationship Between Nutrition And Performance Of Pre-School Children In Rabuor Zone Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Growth and development occurs more during the early childhood. It is imperative that children get proper nutrition both at home and in school. To support this, the government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Education has constantly advocated for the provision of centralized feeding programme in every pre-school. However, this has not been the case in Rabuor Zone where only about 18% of the pre-schools offer feeding programmes. Furthermore, statistics at the District Education offi...

Challenges Of Protecting The Right Of The Girl-Child Education In Uganda: A Case Study Of St. Agnes Primary School In Entebbe Municipsl Council

ABSTRACT This study was carried out with an aim of establishing the challenges of promoting the right to education of the girl child under Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Entebbe Municipal Council. The study objectively sought; to identify and review relevant human rights instruments that protect the right to education, to find out how the home environment affects the girl-child's right to education under Universal Primary Education, to establish the School environment factors that are ...

Assessment Of Management Skills Of Educational Administrators And Managers Towards Services Delivered By Teachers In Makindye Division, Kampala, Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .1 APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Back ground of the study 1 1.2. Statement of the problem 3 1.3. Purpose of the study 3 1.4. Objectives of the study 3 1.5. Research questions 4 1.6 Hypothesis of the study 4 1.7. The scope of the study 4 1.7.lTime scope; 4 1.7.2 Content scope 4 1.7.3 Geographical scope 4 1.8. The significance of the study s 1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 5 CHAPITER TWO 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0. Theoretical perspect...

Poverty And Pupils' Academic Performance In The Selected Primary Schools Of Tulwet Zone, Wareng District, Kenya

Abstract The Purpose Of This Study Was To Establish The Effects Of Poverty On Pupil's Academic Performance Of The Selected Primary Schools In Wareng District Kenya. The Specific Objectives Of The Study Were To Investigate The Relationship Between The Effects Mentioned And Academic Performance In Tulwet Zone, And To Investigate The Role Of The Community In Alleviating Poverty And Improving Education In Tulwet Zone. The Methods Used For Data Collection Was Questionnaires To The Staff Members O...

An Investigation Into The Role Of Family Dysfunctional Communication Among Girls- A Case Study Nakuru Probation Girls Hostel

ABSTRACT Dysfunctional conununication in the family produces troubled families which are linked to crimes, mental illness' alcoholism, dmg abuse, poverty, alienated youth and other social problems [Satir 1988]. This study was on girls of age between 15-18yr in Nakum Probation Girls Hostel. The study attempted to investigate the role of dysfunctional communication in the girls' home of origin and its impact on their behavior. The study also looks into how communication is done in the Probation...

Effctiveness Of Free Primary Education On Withdrawing Children From Child Labour In Ngewa Zone-Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the effectiveness of Free Primary Education on Withdrawing Children from Child Labour. The study was carried out on selected schools in,. Kipipiri division Nyandarua District - Kenya. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of learners' attitude and perfonnance of English Language. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the impact of learners' attitude on performance of English language, to establish the relationship between...

The Adequacy In Training And Performance Of Secondary School Counsellors (A Case Study Of Kitui District) Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya is facing an increasing demand regarding quality of guidance and counseling programmes for secondary school counselors, counseling has been de emphasized and priority mainly given to better academic grades for students. The secondary school counselors seems in adequately trained to meet the emerging students needs. This is evident with increasing report of indiscipline and unrest among secondary school students especially the month of June/July some many schools were closed ear...

The Impact Of Female Genital Mutilation On Girl Child Education A Case Study Of Solai Zone Nakuru District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact female genital mutilation and learner academic performance of learners. The objectives were to establish the relationship between FGM and academic performance of learners. The study also examined the strategies used to stop FGM. The study used across -sectional survey design to analyze both quantitative and qualitative. The researcher collected data from 3 schools with a population of 200 respondents. The researcher used a questionna...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education In Kyuso Division, Kyuso District Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of Free Primary Education on Primary education. The research study was conducted between January 2011 and August 2011. The study was carried in Kyuso District. The study benefits the primary education pupils since their well being is advocated fo...

Teaching Methods And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Mathematics In Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education In Ruiru Division Central Province, Kenya

~srncr. The research is based on the teaching methods and performance & pupils in Mathematics in Kenya certificate of secondary education (K.C.S.E). A case study in Ruiru Division, central province, Kenya The research objective was to determine the relationship between teaching of pupils and their performance in Mathematics as a subject. The researcher investigated the problem on the ground and the reasons why students hate and fail Mathematics especially girls. He also dealt with the relatio...

The Phenomenon Of Child Abuse And Factors Leading To Increased Physical Child Abuse: A Case Study Of Soy Division, Kapyemit Village, In Eldoret Municipality Rift V Alleypronvice -Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to determine the phenomenon of child abuse and factors leading to increased physical child abuse in SOY division Kapyemit village as a case study. The study was targeted to children of Uasin Gishu secondary, Central, Secondary, Kapaos .Secondary School and 64 .Seco. ndary schools. Quantitative research design was employed and purposive sampling was . also employed. Head teachers and teachers provided .Secondary data. It was found out that there was overwhelming chil...

The Impact Of School Feeding Program In Odupi Subcounty, Arua District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of school feeding programs in Odupi Sub-county in Arua District. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the school attendance of schools where there is school t~ed~n~ programs, to establish the level of development of children in schools where feeding programs are found and to find out the effects of feeding programs on the education of pupils in Odupi sub-county. The methods used for data collection was questionna...

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