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Education Research Papers/Topics

A Study Of Factors Influencing The Introduction And Implementation Of Pre-Primary School Life Skills Curriculum In Ainamoi Division, Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT One of the most important objectives of education is the socialization of the individual. The school is a socializing agency, while curriculum is a tool used to address emerging concerns of society hence constant effort is needed to make this tool useful and to evaluate its effectiveness. Kenyan children face challenges that include gender bias, early sexual debut, drug and substance abuse, rape and exposure to Human Immunodeficiency Virus leading to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndro...

Use Of Scientific Language In Instruction And Performance In Chemistry: A Study Of Selected Secondary Schools Of Kabarnet Division, Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The language barrier could account for the difficulty that learners and teachers find within science education leading to low performance in the science subjects at the secondary school level. The language used by chemistry teachers when presenting science concepts, principles and skills during the process of instruction may attract students to the study of chemistry ( swing towards chemistry) or may discourage them (cause a swing away from chemistry). Thus, the use of language of i...

The Hiv/Aids The Dropout Rates Of Pupils Of Selected Schools: A Case Study Of Kangema Division, Murang’a District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was about the impact of Human Immune Virus & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome on dropout rates of selected primary schools in Kangema Division, Murang’a district, Kenya. The significant respondents were the class teachers, parents, orphans and head teachers of those selected primary schools. The questionnaires were issued to the parents from each selected school at random. The schedules were given to class teachers of selected schools through the head teachers. For mor...

Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status And Academic Achievement Among Secondary School Students In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents’ socioeconomic factors affecting student’s academic achievement in KCSE in pu lic secondary schools in Marama-south ward Butere sub-county. The main objectives of this research were: Esta lish how parental education level affected student’s academic performance in the KCSE, Examine the extent to which parental occupation influenced the student’s academic achievement in the KCSE and Asses how the household income of the...

Factors Affecting Enrollment Of Learners In Primary Schools A Case Study Of Kanja Zone, Embu District Kenya..

Abstract The major pwpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting enrolment of learners in primary schools Kanja zone Embu district, Kenya. The research objectives were; to investigate the relationship between poverty, child labour, gander imbalance, and parent's level of education, position of a child in a family, cultural and religious beliefs, distance from home to school and educational policies and enrolment of pupils in prima,y schools in Kanja zone Embu district .. T...

Causes And Impact Of Child Labour 0n Academic Performance Of Pupils: A Case Study Of Waberi Zone, Garisa District, North-Eastern Province

ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the causes and impact of child labour on the academic performance of pupils. The study carried out this research from Waberi zone, North Eastern Province in Garisa District. Previous studies indicate that among the causes of child labour that finally force children out of school include; ignorance about the risks associated with involving these children in work, poverty that leaves families with no option apart from gambl...

Mainstreaming And The Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Central Zone, Kisumu Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was basically intended to evaluate the effect mainstreaming on the academic performance of hearing impaired learners. This is done by integrating learners with hearing impairment with the normal ones. These learners should be given equal opportunities like the normal ones, and should not be stigmatized, discriminated or intimidated in any way by those handling them in the classrooms or the whole school at large. To investigate this researcher used descriptive survey and s...

The Effects Of Learning Disability On Learning And Performance. A Case Study Of Manyatta Dmsion, Embu District, ~ Eastern Province, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT Title of study Declaration .............. . ........... .. ........................................ . .............. . ......... i Approval ........................................................................................................................... .ii Table of content ...................... .. ......................................... ..................... iii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................... . .. . ....... . ... ................................

The Impact Of Balanced Diet On Child Growth And Development

ABSTRACT i study was carried out in 30 pre-schools in Homa Bay district in Kenya in )tember 2009. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of lanced diet in mental growth and development of a child below six years. The 1ya Ministry of Education records show that, Homa Bay district had a total of l Early Childhood Education Centres (DICECE). Most of the centres were ached to public primary schools. Others were privately owned. The pre-school led represent 20 percent of the schoo...

Effects Of Motivation On Academic Perfomance Of Leaners With Leaning Disablities In Public Primary Schools In Ojolla Zone Kisumu East District. Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION. APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii AKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v ABSTRACT vii DEFIMTION OF TERMS viii CHPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Back Ground to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 3 1.4 Objectives of the study 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.0 Introduction 5 2.1 Causes of learning problems among learners 5 2.2 Ways of preventing learning disability 6 2.3 Indicator...

Causes Of School Drop Out On Girls Of The Selected Primary Schools Of Lviumias Division, Mumias District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to determine Factors leading to girls' dropout in Mumias Division, Mumias District Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine whether poverty leads to girls drop out, to investigate whether attitudes towards girls' education leads to drop out, To determine the school factors that lead to girls drop out, to Determine whether social cultural factors lead to girls drop out and to investigate whether indiscipline contributes to gi...

Effects Of Hiv/Aids On Academic Performance In Selected Primary Schools In Kabarnet Zone, Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended research was to analyze the impact of HIV i Aids on the education sector in Kenya. All the respondents. In review of related information, all secondary sources were revisited as this could give a clear picture of what the whole study was be handled. The study employed a qualitative approach or method which allowed a collection of comprehensive intensive data and provided an in-depth study on why strategies and measures in place had not produced the desired re...

Challenges Of Universal Primary Education In Selected Primary Schools Of Busimbi Subcounty, Mityana District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was carnecl out with an intention to determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal Primary Education in Uganda, while reflecting some selected government aided prima1y schools in Busimbi Sub County as an illustrative example All other autiJOrs· · works similar to this particular study were revisited and this formed tile IJasts of the researcher's revtew of related literature. A descriptive survey design was employed since the whole study was about...

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