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Education Research Papers/Topics

Teaching And Learning Biology By Smasse Project Among Secondary Schools In Mbeere South District, Embu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Dakar conference of 2000 was concerned with the quality of education and emphasized education for all by 2015 since the UN had declared education a human right. With the increased demand for in-service education and training, SMASSE project was launched in 1998 as a joint technical co-operation between the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education and Japan through JICA. Despite the enormous resources geared towards in-servicing of Biology teachers to apply the ASEI ...

Assessing Effective Management Of Decentralization Of Teaching & Learning By Teachers Service Commission In Public Primary Schools In Mombasa Sub- County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In the recent past all over the world, there has been a lot of interest in decentralization of government functions all over the world and Kenya has not been left behind as a way of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness and taking governance to the people. Despite decentralization of education functions through delegation and deconcentration of functions, there are still concerns of ineffectiveness in service delivery especially at the local level. The purpose of this study was to a...

Availability And Utilization Of Instructional Resources Used For Teaching History In Secondary Schools Of Hodan District In Mogadishu - Somalia

Abstract The primary purpose of this study was to find out how teachers of history utilized various instructional resources. It also focused on availability of instructional resources for teaching history in some secondary schools of Hodan District in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Hodan was chosen as the location of the study because it has the highest number of schools in the district of Banadir region. In the study, only private secondary schools were used as there has not been single...

Constraints On Pupils Transition From Primary To Public Secondary Schools In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess constraints on pupils’ transition from primary to public secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya. The objectives of this study were to determine trends and performance of national examination and gross enrolment rates in primary schools so as to establish the transition rates from primary to public secondary schools before and after the introduction of secondary school tuition waiver in Bureti sub-county, Kericho County,...

Factors Impeding Teaching Performance Of Teachers With Visual Impairment In Public Primary Schools In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The rights and responsibilities of students who have disabilities have received much attention but the staff members who have disabilities have received far less attention. In the scholarly context, there has been a steadily growing body of literature which addresses issues related to the education of young people with disabilities leaving out teachers with disabilities. This study therefore sought to determine factors that impede teaching performance of teachers with visual impairm...

Socio-cultural and economic determinants of boda boda motorcycle transport safety in kisumu county, kenya.

ABSTRACT  Road safety remains one of the main societal concerns despite extensive research and interventions. It is a serious challenge in Kenya and the world over. The emergence of boda boda motorcycles as a means of transport in the village paths, the highways and city streets has brought a new dimension to road safety in Kenya. Motorcycle transport, though the most dangerous mode of transport, is still preferred by many because of its availability and flexibility. Although motorcycle safe...

Parental Satisfaction With The Quality Of Pre-Primary Education In Bondo District, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Studies done in Kenya show that most pre-primary education programs suffer from poor quality services. However, many parents continue to enroll their children in these schools and it is not clear whether they are satisfied with the quality of services provided. The purpose of the present study was to establish the overall parents’ satisfaction with the quality of pre-primary education provided to their children in Bondo district, Kenya. The study also explored how parents’ s...

Challenges Influencing The Implementation Of Free Secondary Education In Kangema District, Murang’a County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing the implementation of free secondary education in the Kangema District. The objectives of the study were to: find out how increased enrolment in public secondary schools affects the quality of free secondary education in Kangema District; find out the impact of physical and material resources on the quality of free secondary education; establish the role played by the community in the implementation of free secondary e...

Constraints To Management Of School Curriculum: A Study Of Public Primary Schools In Loiyangalani District Of Marsabit County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations indicated consistent poor results between the years 2007-2012 in Loiyangalani district of Marsabit County, Kenya. To reverse this trend effective measures must be designed and implemented at all levels of curriculum management. This calls on all stakeholders in the educational sector and especially the curriculum managers in the area to step up efforts to achieve this. The main purpose of this study was to investigate th...

An Assessment Of The Implementation Of Safety Standards In Public Secondary Schools In Borabu District, Nyamira County, Kenya .

ABSTRACT Safety of students in schools is not only vital but central to provision and acquisition of quality education in any country. The ministry of Education in Kenya has issued to schools, Safety Standards Manual that should serve as guide to school administrators to ensure there is safe and conducive learning environment in schools. The purpose of the study was, to investigate the implementation of the recommended Safety Standards in public Secondary Schools in Borabu District, Kenya. T...

Analysis Of Strategies Used In Teaching Speech And Language: A Case Study Of Machakos School For The Deaf, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate how learners with hearing impairments acquire speech and language skills. The learners with speech impairments are found in developed and developing countries. In developed countries, advanced technology of speech and language training has been in use for a long period compared to developing African countries. As such, speech and language skills among the HI in those countries were well-developed. This study was carried out in Machakos School...

Socio-Economic Factors Associated With Retention And Graduation Rates In The Context Of Tuition Waiver Fund: Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary education is an opening to the benefits and opportunities of social and economic development. Demand for acquiring higher levels of education is increasing radically as countries move towards universal primary education, whereas the global Education for All (EFA) effort offers added impetus for the growth and development in secondary education. In the 21st century, secondary education is recognized as the foundation of educational systems. The purpose of the study was to as...

Pre-Primary Schoolteachers' Use Of Culturally Relevant Instructional Materials In Teaching In Kieni West District, Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Pre-primary school forms the beginning of formal education in Kenya. Research indicates that children who obtain quality pre-primary education have a headstart in life. It is also evident that early exposure and use of culturally relevant instructional materials prepare children to be well adjusted in life. Children are also equipped with problem-solving skills that are important for daily living. A culturally relevant pedagogy provides a way for learners to maintain their cultural ...

Determinants Of Enrolment In Public Vocational Training Centres In Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya has invested heavily in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) through establishing new Vocational Training centres (VTCs) as well as upgrading the existing ones to accommodate more youths. However, there are increasing concerns of low enrolment in these VTCs in Elgeyo-Marakwet County. This study was to establish determinants of enrolment in VTCs in ElgeyoMarakwet County. The enrolment levels in these centres over the past five years (2013-2017) h...

Effects Of Institutional Variables On Early Literacy Among Public Primary School Pupils In Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Low literacy skills and performance among primary schools in Kenya have been found to be caused by poor instructional and evaluation methods. To this effect, TUSOME literacy programme undertook to carry out in-service training of lower primary teachers on reading skills with the view to improving literacy skills acquisition among lower primary school pupils. However, there seem to be a disconnect between literacy investment and learner reading achievement in the country and particul...

3886 - 3900 Of 8017 Results