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Education Research Papers/Topics

Relationship Between Team Cohesion And Sports Performance Among Basketball Teams In The 2010 National League In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate team cohesion among basketball players in the National Classic League in Kenya. The study intended to establish the differences in social and task cohesion in the teams, teams‟ cohesiveness and the win-loss records, and gender differences in the teams and the teams‟ size and their degree of social and task cohesion. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised 180 players derived from teams in...

Influence Of Interpersonal Relationship On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairments: A Case Of St. Bernadatte Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of interpersonal relationship on academic performance of learners with Hearing Impairment (HI); a case of St. Bernadette school for the deaf in Turkana County. The study focused on Interpersonal relationship of learners with (HI) and how it helps learners improve on academic performance. The study was triggered after a critical observation of inadequate interpersonal relationship and its effects on learner’s academic performan...

Efficiency In The Use Of Instructional Resources In Public Primary Schools: A Case Of Kapseret Zone, Wareng District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the efficiency in the use of instructional resources in public primary schools. Instructional resources which are educational inputs are of vital importance to the teaching-learning process. They help reduce abstraction and make discovered facts glued firmly to the memory of students. However, there is an outcry in the adequacy and use of these resources in primary schools. The purpose of this study therefore, was to examine the efficiency in the use of instruct...

Early Sexual Behaviour And Its Influence On School Participation By Pupils In Primary Schools In Nguutani Division, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human beings are sexual beings. They will therefore exhibit sexual behaviour at different ages in their lives. Primary school children have been engaging in sexual behaviour, an activity inappropriate to their age. Despite the government’s effort (through the Ministry of Education) to integrate health education topics in the curriculum and the teaching of Christian Religious Education (C.R.E) which deals with moral values and guidance and counseling in schools, pupils engage i...

Home And School Determinants Of School Dropouts In Public Mixed Day Secondary Schools In Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education participation is a crucial factor impacting the life chances of everyone globally. Despite the investment on education by the government, Kenyan schools are still experiencing dropout. This study was undertaken mainly to investigate the home and school determinants of school dropout rates in mixed day secondary schools in Laikipia East Sub-County, Laikipia County. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate: the direct home- based factor determining the school ...

Effects Of Private Supplementary Tutoring On Students’ Academic Performance: A Case Of Secondary Schools In Gatundu South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT While private tutoring may have many positive effects, such as increasing human capital, providing constructive after-school activities for pupils, and generating additional income for tutors, it may also produce a number of negative effects. To this end, the purpose of this study is to find out the effects of private supplementary tutoring in secondary schools in Gatundu South District. The objectives of the study are to: analyze the scale of private supplementary tutoring in second...

Inter-Ethnic Conflicts: Trends, Causes, Effects And Interventions In Rumuruti Division Of Laikipia County, Kenya (1963 – 2010)

ABSTRACT The study focuses on the historical trends, causes, effects and interventions to inter-ethnic conflicts in Rumuruti Division of Laikipia County, Kenya between 1963 and 2010. The objectives of study included: tracing the historical trends, investigating the causes of inter-ethnic conflicts; examining their effects on food security as well as the intervention measures. The study is significant because inter-ethnic conflicts impact on the communities’ livelihoods as well as national s...

Causes Of Child Labour Among Learners With Mild Mental Retardation In Special Units In Igembe North District, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish causes of child labour (CL) among learners with mild mental retardation (LMMR) in special units in Igembe North, Meru County, Kenya. The study aimed to find out causes of CL among LMMR with the following objectives: To investigate the role of socio-economic status of the family in influencing LMMR to engage in CL, to investigate social cultural practices that influence involvement of LMMR in CL, to establish school practices that can predispose L...

Computer Aided Instruction And Performance In Kiswahili Language Skills Among Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru County, Kenya Computer Aided Instruction And Performance In Kiswahili Language

ABSTRACT The Ministry of Education initiated the integration of computer technologies in teaching of school curriculum in order to enhance quality of education in Kenya. Poor performance in Kiswahili subject skills has been experienced for a while, among majority students in sub-county secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The integration of CAI in teaching of Languages, helps to transform pedagogical skills in order to improve learners’ performance. The purpose of this study was ...

Factors Influencing Choice Of Teacher Supervisory Approaches Employed By Headteachers In Public Secondary Schools In Nyeri South District, Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Since the declaration of Education for All (EFA) in Jomtien (Thailand) in 1990, quality education has been high in the agenda of the international community. This has created the need to improve the quality of education in many developed and developing countries. In response to international commitments to EFA goals, the Government of the Republic of Kenya is committed to improving the quality of education in secondary schools. For example, the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KESI) ...

Social Media Usage And Its Effects On The Teaching Learning Process In Secondary Schools In Nyamira North, Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main aim of this project was to investigate social media effects on the teaching learning process in secondary schools in Nyamira North, Nyamira County, Kenya. This is due to the revolutionizing aspect of social media on organizational performance. Many people including education stakeholders are using the social networking sites than ever before. In educational institutions, social media usage is influencing the students‟ examination performance. The objectives of this study w...

Impact Of Headteachers’ Support On The Implementation Of Guidance And Counselling In Secondary Schools In Mombasa District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers and school administrators recognize the important role that guidance and counseling plays in School management. Guidance and counseling in most Kenyan schools is not effective as indicated by the many cases of indiscipline in the schools. The head teacher as the chief architect of the school is responsible for the overview of the systems, processes and resources and how they combine to produce intended student learning outcomes. This implies that the success or failure of a ...

Effects Of Child Labour On Participation In Public Primary Education In Kayole Division, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the gains achieved through free primary education, there are still factors that hamper participation in education by children in Kenyan primary schools. For children from poor backgrounds, one such issue is child labour. The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of child labour on participation of children in public primary education in Kayole Division Nairobi County. It was informed by the following objectives: to determine the nature of child labour in Nairobi ...

Challenges Faced By Board Of Governors In Secondary Schools Management: A Case Of Taita – Taveta County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The search for quality education has been winding and tedious. It dates back to the days of the missionaries, who introduced the first formal education in the form of 3 R’s; a Rithmetic, Read, wRite. The Africans disenchanted by this type of education attempted to manage their “own” education but flopped due to lack of technical know-how. A reprieve came after independence when the government ensured the education of a Kenyan child was at par with that of the white. Subsequent ...

Determinants Of Social Interaction And Their Effects On Learning Of Children Living With Autism In Regular Pre-Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate determinant of social interaction on learning of children with autism in regular pre-schools in Nairobi County. The research objectives of the study were prevalence of autism, preschool existing culture, nature of training of preschool teachers, diet of children living with autism, attitude of teachers towards children with autism. Studies show that countries like U.S.A, China, South Africa and Zimbabwe are including children with autism i...

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