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Education Research Papers/Topics

The Causes and Repercussions of Wetlands Reclamation in Kampala. A Case Study of Nsambya Kirombe Kampala City

ABSTRACTThis paper set out to investigate people's views and attitudes towards wetland reclamation, the factors that tend to predate wetland reclamation as well as the immediate impacts of this scourage to Kampala district in particular and Uganda in general. Field researchwas carried out among the residents of Kinawattaka as the area under investigation. Popular environmentalists were also approached. Respondents of ages between 18 to 60 years were interviewed in due...

Causes And Effects Of Girl Child School Dropout In The Community Of Budondo Sub-County, Jinja District.

ABSTRACTThe study on the causes and effects of girls’ school dropouts was carried out in Budondo subcounty Jinja district. The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes and effects of schooldropout in schools. The research was guided by the objectives of the study which included;finding out the causes of school dropouts in Budondo sub-county, finding out the effects ofstudents school dropouts in the community of Budondo sub-county. The sample size of 60 respondents was got fro...

Challanges Faced By Pupils Who Are Mentally Disturbed In Prima Y School; A Case Study Of Iyego Zone, Murang' A Districf, Central Province Kenya

THE ABSTRACTThis research presents a review on the challenges faced by pupils who are mentally disturbedin primary schools. It provides an interpretive critique of the studies reviewed and focuses onthese areas:-(i) The effects of teachers' attitudes towards teaching mentally disturbed learnershindering educational performance.(ii) The educational challenges faced by mentally disturbed learners.(iii) The relationship between availability of sufficient teaching materials and performanceof ment...

Challenges Of The Universal Primary Education In Uganda A Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools In Mukono Town Council, Mukono District.

ABSTRACTThis study was set forward to establish the outstanding challenges to UniversalPrimary Education within Mukono Town Council by taking a case study ofsome selected secondary schools. The general object of the study was toestablish such challenges to UPE.Chapter two looked at the review of what other researchers had written on thetheme under study by citing out their concerns over the issue of compulsoryeducation or education for all.In the preceding chapter that is, the methodology, it...

Girl Child Education And Its Challenges In Kisl’mlj District Nyahera Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine girl child education and its challengesin Kisurnu District Nyahera sub-county, Kenya. Specific Objectives of the studywere to to assess the challenges in the promotion of the rights of the girl child tobasic education, to describe effects of girl child school dropouts, to identify theways of curbing girl child school dropouts.The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to pupils who wererandomly selected and interviews with teach...

Challanges Facing The Education Of Hearing Impairments Learning In Masinga Division, Yatta District,Kenya

ABSTRACTThe research topic was on challenges facing the education of the hearing impaired/earners in schools in Masinga Division. In chapter one, the researcher came up withthe statement of the problem and the objectives of the study. In chapter two -literature review the researcher defined the term hearing impairment stated thecauses and the types of hearing impairment. In this chapter the researcher noted thecharacteristics, which enables one to identify a learner with hearing impairment; t...

Challenges Facing The Education Of Hearing Impairments Learners In Schools In Masinga Division, Yatta District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe research topic was on challenges facing the education of the hearing impaired/earners in schools in Masinga Division. In chapter one, the researcher came up withthe statement of the problem and the objectives of the study. In chapter two -literature review the researcher defined the term hearing impairment stated thecauses and the types of hearing impairment. In this chapter the researcher noted thecharacteristics, which enables one to identify a learner with hearing impairment; t...

An Investigation Of The Causes Of Drop Outs Of Learners \Vith Special Needs In Education In Marigat Division, Baringo District, I(Enya

TABLE OF CONTENTPageDECLARATION ............................................................................................................... ISUPER VISOR'S APPROVAL ........................................................................................ 11DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. 111ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................

Training And Retention Of Employees In An Organi5ation. (A Case Study Of Uganda Police In Kampala Central Areas)

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of living conditions on students~ academicperformance. The study objectives were; to examine the effect of feeding, school sanitation andaccommodation on students~ academic performance in Katabi sub county Wakiso district. A crosssectional survey design using both quantitative and qualitative methods was used to collect datafrom 300 students and 64 teachers and 7 Head teachers. The qualitative study design investigatedthe possib...

Okwekennenya Engeri Litulica W’oluganda Gy’ayambamu Okuzimbe Empisa Z’abayizi Ku Ddaala Lya Nsenvuddeko.

OKWEBAZA:Abaalugera nti, entasiima ebula agiwa wamma 1~aamanya, kale nangc kantwale omukisa guno okwebaza buli antereddeyo akabega okumaliriza omulimu guno ogutabadde mwangu. Okusookera ddala neebaza nnyo omukadde maama ambereddewo mu buli mbeera yonna ,webale nnyo maama webalire ddala omukama akumpeere kyosinga okwagala mu bulamu bwensi eno. Nzizako Mukwano gwange Ssali John,Father Nsaale Deusdedit,Mukwano gwange Florence Kyalimpa,ssenga wange Nabatanzi Prc...

Effect Of Coporal Punishment On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Schools Of Kirinyaga District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine effects of corporal punishmenton pupils in the selected schools of Kirinyaga district Kenya. Specificobjectives of the study were to: Identify the Causes of corporal punishment Determinethe Psychological Effects of corporal punishment, Investigate the Socialconsequences of corporal punishment, determine the Physical effects ofcorporal punishment, determine how Corporal punishment leads to SchoolDrop Out and determine the effects of corporal p...

Factors Affecting The Teaching And Performance Of Science Subjects Thp Case Study Of Baringo District Secondary1 Schools, Kabartonjo Division, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe study was conducted to establish the ineffective teaching and performance of sciencesubjects. It was particularly sought to establish the factors that affect the teaching andperformance of science subjects in secondary school levels in Kenya. The study was conducted using survey design. The data was collected using questionnaires as the main tool from 40 respondents, from three main secondary schools in Kabarajonjo Division, Baringo District Kenya. Data was presente...

The Effects of Visual Impairment On Academic Performance of Learners in Matete East Zone Matete District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study dealt with the effects of visual impairment on academic performance in primary schools. The researcher used descriptive survey design to gather data in four primary schools in Matete zone, Lugari district. The researcher used random sampling method to pick the respondents in each school. Data was analyzed and come up with the following findings. Teachers did not employ appropriate classroom management strategies to manage students with visual impairment. There was no approp...

The Impact of Free Primary Education On Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools in Kitengela Zone in Kajiado: District Kenya

ABSTRACT The implementation of Free Primary Education in Kenya (FPE), which appears to be focused on the access goal, faces many challenges including large pupil teacher ratios, shortage of infrastructure, lack of standards of academic achievement and limited monitoring and evaluation of teaching-learning processes. There are no sound policies in place to address these challenges, which are a threat to the quality of education. Even after developing a sector wise approach to manage education,...

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