Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Effects of Increased Land Use Changes on Runoff and Sediment Yield in the Upper River Nzoia Catchment

Abstract River Nzoia originates from three water towers namely Nandi hills, Cherengany Hills and Mount Elgon. With increased anthropogenic activities in Nzoia river catchments, land cover has continuously been altered. This scenario has resulted into increased quantity of physical parameters in runoff among them, sediment load and turbidity, during rainy season. This study modelled effects of increased land use changes on runoff and sediment loads. Digital Elevation Model, spatial soil data,...

Physico-Chemical and Microbial Quality of Greywater from Various Households in Homa Bay Town

Abstract In recent years concerns over dwindling reserves of ground water and overloaded or costly sewage treatment plants has generated much interest in the reuse or recycling of greywater. Re-use of greywater offers several advantages including a reduction in the demand on potable water supplies. Despite the prevalent direct reuse of greywater, especially in water scarce areas, its quality is not well documented. This study determined the physico-chemical and microbial quality of greywater...


Abstract: Rain water harvesting has been practiced for many years and has positively impacted life, agriculture and economy. Despite its known benefit, the adoption of rainwater harvesting is slow in the Mohamud Haybe district, and water scarcity remains a major constraint to life and economic development in the district. This study was conducted to assess rain water harvesting technologies (RWHT) and determinants that affect the adoption of rain water harvesting in Mohamoud Haybe district, ...

Anaerobic treatment of opaque beer wastewater with enhanced biogas recovery through Acti-zyme bio augmentation

Abstract: This study investigates the potentially of biologically treating opaque beer wastewater using the bio augmentation technology at the same time harnessing biogas and bio solids as value added products. Wastewater sample were collected in 5L containers and the sludge was separated from the liquid. The liquid and sludge were bio augmented with Acti-zyme with loadings of 5 g/L, 10 g/L and 15 g/L and were left to settle over a period of 30 days under anaerobic conditions. The wastewater...

Bio ethanol from sewage sludge: a bio fuel alternative

Abstract: In this study, the potential to fully exploit sewage sludge as a raw material for bio ethanol a source of bio fuel is investigated. Sewage sludge hydrolysate was first made by introducing Bacillus flexus in order for saccharification to take place before fermenting to bio ethanol using yeast. The hydrolysate was then prepared for fermentation by introducing 10 g/L of peptone, 2 g/L of KH2PO4 and 1 g/L of MgSO4. Afterwards, fermentation was allowed to take place at varying pH (4.0e7...

Energy densification of animal waste lignocellulose biomass and raw biomass

Abstract: The need to reduce carbon emissions has encouraged more research into use of biomass energy in place of coal. Biomass is carbon neutral; its use can therefore lower net emissions. Biomass can be upgraded to a fuel similar to coal by torrefaction. Different biomass have been torrefied but there is limited research in possible use of lignocellulose biomass from animal waste. This study aims to compare extent of energy densification of torrefied cow dung, corn cob and pine wood. They ...

Attenuation potency of mineral liner to cationic migration

Abstract: In waste containment, it has become imperative that regimes of soil, surface and groundwater reserves are duly protected from contamination from leachate generation and migration in landfills. However, in developing countries such as South Africa, the construction of engineered facilities may be costly and the prevention of contaminants may become significantly reliant on the geology of the waste disposal site. More so, membranes forming part of geocomposite systems for waste conta...

Assessment of the Status of Knowledge Sharing Practices,Barriers and Opportunities in Nekemte City Administration, Ethiopia

Abstract Knowledge is a critical organizational resource in public administrations. In order to function effectively and satisfy the citizens‟ ever increasing demand for better services and products, governments should strengthen institutional capacity by making use of available knowledge and striving to create new knowledge to provide efficient services, make fair decision and for solving societal problems at large. Knowledge sharing, which is one of the most important processes of knowled...


TABLE OF CONTENT certification_ I Declaration_ Ii Dedication_ Iii AcknowledgementIv Table Of ContentV List Of FiguresVii List Of TablesViii AbstractViii CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION_ 1 1.1  Background of Study_ 1 1.2  Objective of Study_ 4 1.3  Significance of Study_ 5 1.4  Scope of Study_ 5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERAURE REVIEW_ 6 2.1 General Overview of Construction Techniques.6 2.2  Laterite_ 7 2.2.1  Engineering Characteristics Of Laterites_ 9 2.2.2  Laterite Classification_ 12 2.3  Termites...

Application of Modified Fmtlxlylz Dimensional Equation to Sludge Filtration using Sludge Drying Bed

ABSTRACT A natural filtration on sludge drying bed has resulted to a modified equation incorporating the compressibility coefficient. The equation was derived using the application of a modified FMTLXLYLZ dimensional analysis technique. The equation was validated using experimental data from a pilot scale sand drying bed and there was a close agreement between theory and experiment with a correlation coefficient ranging from 0.94 to 0.98. The experimental slope and intercept was found to be ...

Experimental Investigation on Effect of Partial Replacement ofCement with Bamboo Leaf Ash on Concrete Property

Abstract Ethiopia’sconstructionindustryisaggressivelyexpandingthaneverbefore.Cementisthemostessentialandexpensivematerialin thisregard.Cementtakes10%–15%byvolumeofconcrete.Nowadays,theconstructionindustryischallengedbythescarcityof cementandpriceescalationofthecementmarket.However,scholarstrytoreplacecementwithpozzolanicmaterial.Besidesthis, theyinvestigatedthatbambooleafashpossessespozzolanicproperties.Ethiopiahasabout850,000hectaresoflowlandbamboo,soitisgoodtoutilizebambooleafashasarepl...

Influence of Hydrologic & Sediment Parameters in Modeling Stream Flow of Osun River, Osun State Nigeria

CHAPTER ONE         INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background to the study The water is the most important natural resource especially in the arid or semi-arid zones that face high population growth, scarcity of freshwater, irregularity of rain- fall, excessive land use change and increasing vulnerability to risks such of drought, desertification and pollution. Thus, the availability and the sustainable use of this resource become the core of the local and national strategies and politics...

Gis-Based Assessment of Water Availability and Water Demand in Asa Catchment, Kwara State

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                     Pages Title page                                                                                               i Certification                             �...

The Effects of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material in Production of Concrete

ABSTRACT Sugarcane Bagasse is the fibrous residue leftover when sugarcane is squeezed for its juice. Bagasse ash is obtained by subjecting Bagasse to calcinations using furnace. This work is aimed tat using Bagasse Ash as a replacement in the production of concrete. The bagasse was collected from dumped in a market in Kano and thereafter sun-drie to eliminate any trace of moisture. It was then taken to the blast furnace for calcinations(controlled burning) at a temperature of 1250OC for 25mi...

Investigation of the Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sediment Yield and Surface Runoff in Offa Watershed Kwara State

ABSTRACT In this research, an hydrological modelling tool, soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) used to investigate the spatial and temporal variation of sediment yield in a watershed. The model was run for 31years using spatial data such as Digital Elevation Model, soil map, land use and precipitation, wind and solar radiation. The results showed that the maximum value of surface Runoff was estimated as 19100.034mm in the year 2005 while the minimum surface Runoff was 1000.671mm in the yea...

1 - 15 Of 32 Results