Polymer Science and Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Exploring Medical Polymeric Nanoarchitectures for Safety in COVID-Era

COVID-19 outbreak has rapidly disseminated across the globe, with severe consequences on humanity. Personal protective polymeric materials (PPPM) or personal protective equipments (PPE) are effective barrier protection against bodily fluid penetration and is compulsory for medical personnel to wear during medication of highly contagious COVID-19 patients in varying hospital wards across the globe to ensure protection against contraction. Nanotechnology (NT) advancements in textiles have avail...

A Review: Progress in Electrical conductivity, Electromagnetic interference and Energy Storage Applications of MXene Polymeric Nanocomposites

2-D nanomaterials (NM) including graphene as well as transitional metallic dichalcogenides exhibit great prospects to enlarge the scope of materials utilized by the military. Specifically, they demonstrate importance in electrical energy storage uses. Due to sheet-like architectures and elevated electronic dissipation, 2-D NM can utilize efficient techniques of energy storage for defense applications. Emerging from medium (vehicles) towards miniature electronic sizes, gadgets such as batterie...