
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Design and Construction of an Autoclave

ABSTRACT One of the major problems confronting healthcare professionals is the control of pathogenic organisms. This is because microorganisms are present in our environment and may contaminate healthcare instruments from time to time. An autoclave was designed and constructed to sterilize materials/items used in such healthcare institutions. The autoclave has a liquid capacity of 2 litres and is heated electrically with a 2kw heating-element. The test showed a decrease in the growth of micro...

Characterisation Of Fuel Briquettes From Gmelina Arborea (Roxb) Sawdust And Maize Cob Particles Using Cissus Populnea Gum As Binder

ABSTRACT Large quantities of agricultural and mill residues which are generated annually in Nigeria constitute environmental health hazards. Densification of these residues which is a major way of converting them to high quality fuel has not been adequately studied in Nigeria. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a system for briquetting and combusting Gmelina arborea sawdust and maize cob particles. Gmelina arborea Sawdust (GS) was obtained from a small-scale sawmill in Ib...

Performance Evaluation of Drip Irrigation and , Fertigation System for Sweet Maize and Telfairia Occidentalis

Abstract. Studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of drip irrigation and fertigation system on the yields of sweet maize and telfairia OCL·irtclltalis. Three treatments: watering once per week ((i.JR lures) (W;), twicc (11M:, 1itrcs) (W2), ,Ind thrice. (17.16 1itrcs) (V)) WCIC applied to sweet 1II'li;,(. Four tl'L'.;ltIIIClils: 17 litl'l:s (WI), I S7() lit res (W,), 170 litrcx ('IV}), 22.05 litrcs (W4) and lour Icrtigation levels: SLi.0kg/iJ'l (I:I!: 68.0Gkg/ha (F2); 81.92kg/ha (F...

A Generalized Model For Quantitative Evaluation Of Reliability Indices of The National Grid System

ABSTRACT Retbiliry indices ore considered to be remonabk md logic wuys to judge the perfirmame of rm electric power tystem ReliabiIi~in dices which m proposed by the IEEE are used ra evaluate the perfmmce of selected distribution.~stemo n the natlonai grid. Ten yems of outage data (1998 - 200 7) from seven selected disi?ibwtl'on systems on the national grid were wed as case studies in this resewch work. A generalized model is developedf or a qsrantimive evalucrti~nof relative indices of the n...

Detection Of Tjb[Le Point Of Crack Mit.Tat1on Using Multi-Stage Random Sampling (Mrs] And Spatial Point Pattern (Spp)

ABSTRACT Porosity is a majw defect in cast aluminum alloys affecting in particuIm, the fatigue strength. l%e pom sewe cr9 points of saess concenmrion mdpolnts of crud initiation for evenfwI f~ilwe. In this work Fractal undysis was used to numericdy chmucferke the pores in mi-directiondly solidfleddl 4.5 WI % Cu alloy microgrqhs, nrnlsverse section at a distance of I4mm porn the mefaUchitl mold inteflme. l%e Spatial Point PaTtern (SPP) and the Multi-stage randbm samplng (MR$l methd were used 1...

Development Ofa Computer Aided Software For Power Transmissionshaft Design .With Multiple 'Criteria

ABSTRACT Power transmission shafts, such as the crankshaft, impeller shaft, propeller shafts, camshafts ere, are essential machine elements with wide application in mechanical systems. The manual shaft design procedure is known to be tedious and complex because of large numbers of formulas, many. computations and' iteration procedures involved in the design. However, the use of Computer Aided Software (CAS) offers improved accuracy, high speed computations, reduced rigorousness and cumbersome...

Species Selectivity For Charcoal Production In Three Ecological Zones Of Nigeria

ABSTRACT Several factors influence the quantity of charcoal production in different parts of Nigeria. The study investigated species selectivity for charcoal production in three ecological zones of Nigeria. Data were obtained through the use of structured interview schedule administered to three hundred and twenty seven respondents selected through snowball. The data were subjected to descriptive and analysis of variance. The results show that the mean age of respondents was 44, male (88.1%),...

A Correlation For Predicting The Viscosity Of Nigerian Crude Oils

AUST.RACT An -elnpTricaZ'-eq"uarlon that could be used for predicting the viscosity of Nigerian crudes is presented in this paper. The correlation uses oil specific gravity as the main correlating parameter, and also incorporates the effects of reservoir pressure, temperature and oil formation volume factor. ' i 'i _. . Dcua from well over 400 samples of Nigerian crudes wae used for developing the correlation, with most samples however, from reservoirs alar above saturation pressure. The resu...

The Sequence Dependent Machine Set-Up Problem: A Brief Overview.

ABSTRACT The Sequence Dependent Machine Setup Problem (MSP). a class of difficult problems in combinatorial optimization that is representative of a large number of important scientific and engineering problems, has been attracting much attention in recent times. In this study. literature and historical reviews of the MSP were carried out. Some recent developments were reviewed while possible future research directions were also highlighted.

Effects Of Cane Peeling And Aqueous Extraction On Compatibility Of Two Rattan Species With Portland Cement

ABSTRACT Rattan cane is a relatively abundant lignocellulosic in Africa and Asia that could be used for wood-cement composite production. However, rattans tend to inhibit cement setting. This study investigated the effects of cane peeling and aqueous extraction on maximum hydration temperature (Tmax) and setting time (tmax) rattancement- water systems using Calamus deerratus and Lacosperma secundiflorum rattan species. Peeling was done manually to remove the silified epidermis before hammer-m...

Carbontl V) oxide Capture anti Sequestration in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges

Abstract The capture and storage 0/ carbo II dioxide (eeS) produced durtng the combusuon of fossil fuels 110· offers one option/or attaming large scale reductions in the enusstons of greenhouse gases and thus. promote a clean environment. It IS 1101l' becoming clear that ees technologies could promote the use or consumption of fossilfuels than otherwise previouslv thought. Tills paper presents an OI'er,lel" of the techniques Involved 111 the capture and sequestration of carbondioxideic'Oi)....

Control of Chaotic Oscillation and Response Charaterisation in Duffing Oscillator Using Vibration Absorber

Abstract This work investigated the control of chaotic behavior of a harmonically perturbed DufTing Oscillator using vibration absorber. The system of two degrees of freedom governing equations were simu Eated nu rner i~allyu sing classical fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm for a constant time step. The solution time history, phase plots and Poincare maps were usd to validate tbe simulation. Essentially, the details of the' Poincare map were used numerically to determine the periodicity ofDu...

1591 - 1605 Of 3416 Results