
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Synthesis And Characterization Of Extruded Alkali Activated Earth-Based Composites For Sustainable Building Construction

ABSTRACT Alkali activation is a rapidly developing area in the global materials research and development community. It is based on alkali aluminosilicate chemistry with primary focus on the activation of solid aluminosilicate materials under alkaline conditions to produce three-dimensional network of inorganic polymer binders. However, little research has been conducted to harness this technology in the development of earth-based composites. This work provides insights on the application of ...

Evaluation Of In-Fill Well Placement And Optimization Using Experimental Design And Genetic Algorithm

ABSTRACT Determination of optimal well locations for infill drilling is a challenging task because engineering and geologic variables affecting reservoir performance are often nonlinearly correlated and have some degree of uncertainty attached to them. Numerical models which are the basis of well placement decisions rely on data that are uncertain, which in turn translate to uncertainty in our numerical simulation forecasts. The objective of this research is to employ an efficient optimizati...

Layered Composite Thin Films For Cost Effective Transparent Organic Solar Cell Electrodes

Abstract In this dissertation two main themes are explored. In the first part some phenomenologies of light transport across the ZnO/Al/ZnO (ZAZ) thin film multilayer structures are investigated. The multilayered ZAZ thin film composite structures are explored for potential applications as transparent electrodes (TEs) alternatives to the costly transparent indium-doped-tin-oxide (ITO) anodes that are used currently in organic solar cells (OSCs), organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) and var...

Radiological Safety Assessment Of The Ghana Research Reactor-1 At Shutdown Using Atmospheric Dispersion Model

A radiological safety assessment of the GHARR-1 was evaluated by calculating approximately the TEDE of radionuclides release from the reactor at shutdown using atmospheric dispersion model before the commencement of the core conversion from HEU to LEU fuel. A condition essentially needed for safety and environmental impact assessment to obtain the core conversion (removal) program license. In doing so, a source term estimation and radiological safety assessment were initially performed. ...

Combined Effect Of Rheological Model And Equivalent Diameter Definitions On Pressure Losses/Equvalent Circulating Density Estimation.

ABSTRACT Without accurate estimation of annular pressure losses it is possible to face serious problems that would yield to interruption in drilling operation and sometimes lead to the abandonment of the well. Therefore, exact estimation of annular pressure losses is vital in drilling and well completion operations to control formation pressure and optimize drilling and completion fluids hydraulic program. Many investigators have proposed different equivalent diameter concept to provide a si...

Diagnostic Plots For Analysis Of Water Production And Reservoir Performance (A Case Study)

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at the understanding of the various diagnostic plots for the analysis of water production that are available as well as the application of these methods in a case study. It also aimed at the establishment of a work flow for the evaluation of water production mechanisms. A workflow was developed that combines numerical simulation and diagnostic plots to analyze the water production performance in a reservoir. This workflow was validated using a case study. The m...

Deepwater Petroleum Exploration And Production In The Gulf Of Guinea: Comparative Analysis Of Petroleum Fiscal Systems Performance

ABSTRACT Petroleum Fiscal System (PFS) is a major determinant of investment decision in the exploration and production of oil and gas in any country. It basically describes the profitability relationship between the host government of the producing community and the International Oil Companies (IOCs). The comparative analysis of the performance of the fiscal regimes becomes imperative as it affects the interest of the investor and the production of oil and gas. During the formulation of any ...

Technical Assessment Of Mining Site And Barite Quality In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Barite is an exceptional non-metallic mineral composed of barium sulphate and it is used mainly by the oil and gas industry as drilling mud in deep drilling, where high pressure is encountered. The specific gravity of barite should range from 4.2 to 4.6 in order to be used as drilling mud. In Nigeria, barite deposits are found in veins and cavities hosted by varieties of rocks. In this work, barite deposits in various troughs of Nigeria have been sampled and analysed for the purpose...

Effect Of Gas-Oil-Ratio On Oil Production

ABSTRACT Maximum production from an oil well can be achieved through proper selection of tubing size. The selection of optimum tubing size must be evaluated when completing a well in any type of reservoir especially solution gas drive reservoir since there is likelihood of producing more gas as the reservoir pressure declines. The most widely used methods such as Tarner, Muskat and Tracy methods for predicting the performance of a solution gas drive reservoir were discussed and used to estim...

Clay Ceramic Materials For Water Filtration: Properties, Processing And Performance

ABSTRACT Ceramic water filters are promising household water treatment technology, as they are capable of removing waterborne pathogens and thereby reducing diarrheal disease. Flow rates are the main quality control criterion for manufacturing, and multiple theoretical flow rate models have been published. This dissertation presents the results of combined experimental and theoretical studies of flow rate variation in ceramic water filters in frustumand disk-shaped ceramic water filters. Als...

Improving The Wear Resistance Of Barite Mining Tools

ABSTRACT Wearing of mining tools leads to high replacement costs, machine downtime and loss of business opportunities. This work was however, aimed at improving the wear resistance of AISI 1065 and 1070 proeutectoid steels used for (barite) mining operations. To achieve this, the case hardening method adopted was pack-cyaniding with dried and pulverized cassava leaves (a type of carbonitiriding) at 700, 800, 850 and 900°C. After the carbonitriding process, the 1065 steel was quenched and tem...

Development And Evaluation Of An Integral Passive Solar Crop Dryer

ABSTRACT    A direct-heated solar crop dryer suitable for rural farmers and households was developed and evaluated. The simple structured dryer was fabricated using square and round pipes, aluminium sheet, Perspex, wire gauze, bolts and nuts. Its performance was evaluated using cassava chips and three cylindrical aluminium chimneys of heights 1200mm, 800mm and 400mm; all of equal diameter. Mature cassava roots were peeled, washed, chopped into flat circular chips of 10mm thickness and sprea...

Developing Rainfall Models For Enugu City

ABSTRACT    Suitable rainfall models of Enugu City is presented based on the statistical method of least squares. A total of 23 rainfall models are developed in all and grouped into 2 sets. The first set contains 4 rainfall models which represents an inverse relationship between rainfall intensities and durations for specified return periods of 1.1, 2.2, 5.5 and 11 years. High and positive values of coefficients of correlations of 0.9735 to 0.9885 were obtained; an indication of good ...

Well Performance In Solution Gas Drive Reservoirs

ABSTRACT The practical application of various production parameters and relations to predict the well performance analysis of a solution gas drive reservoir is the primary objective of this study. These parameters include: IPR (inflow performance relation), OPR (outflow performance relation) and PI (productivity index). Theoretical data was used to predict the performance behavior of a solution gas drive reservoir from start of production till its abandonment. IPRs and OPRs were developed du...

Fiscal System Design And Economic Evaluation For Petroleum Resource Development In Ghana

ABSTRACT Petroleum fiscal regime defines the extent to which the host government and the prospective investor can apportion risks and share project rewards. Ghana’s petroleum industry has become an attractive place for most investors because the current fiscal regime governing the industry is based on old petroleum tax laws and systems. In this study the petroleum fiscal regime currently used in Ghana was modelled, reviewed and evaluated. A proposed progressive fiscal regime was then put f...

1741 - 1755 Of 3408 Results