
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Designing A Continuous Quality Improvement Framework For Improving Electrowinning Current Efficiency

ABSTRACT The use of quality control techniques such as Statistical Process Control (SPC) has become essential for any business to thrive in the modern industry. Statistical quality control is one of the reasons why the Japanese had a significant advantage over their competitors. However, many organizations are still not yet applying this powerful quality control technique (Ben & Jiju, 2000; Helm, 2018). In addition to that, although substantial research has been done to improve electrowinnin...

Assessment Of Atmospheric Dispersion Of Fly Ash Within The Vicinity Of Van Eck Coal-Fired Power Station, Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT Increase in population led to the growth of industrialisation which has stimulated the development of alternatives to produce electricity, including the use of coal. Coal-fired power plants produce an abundant amount of electricity, addressing the ever-increasing electricity demand. Power plants produce fly ash as a result of coal combustion for electric power generation. The Van Eck Power Station is the oldest and only coal-fired plant in Namibia that is located at the outskirts of ...

Adsorptive Potential Of Maize Tassel-Ethyl Acrylate Biopolymer Embedded Magnetic Nanohybrid Towards The Removal Of Cd(Ii) From Aqueous Solution: An Experimental Design Methodology

ABSTRACT A novel maize tassel-ethyl acrylate biopolymer embedded magneticnanohybrid(MTEA-MN)was designed for the adsorption of Cd (II) in batch experiments.Copolymerization parameters such as solvent amount, initiator concentration, monomer concentration, temperature and reaction time on grafting percentage were optimized.Characterization of the adsorbent was byFourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The effect of pH, contact time, initial concentration and adsorbent dosage and their ...

Modelling, Analysis and Control of Induction Generators for Wind Energy Conversion

ABSTRACT This research work presents the modelling, analysis and control of two topologies of induction generators for wind energy conversion. The two topologies are the shorted stator induction generator (IG) and the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). Each of the two topologies employs a wound rotor induction machine and a set of back-to-back converters connected to the rotor of the induction machine, for the energy conversion process. Vector variable models are conventionally deployed f...

The Impact Of Network Outage On Value Added Services: A Case Study Of M-Pesa In Ilala Municipal In Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing the impact of network outage on the Value Added Services (VAS) particularly Mobile-Pesa (M-Pesa) among other (VAS) offered by Vodacom network operator in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Ilala municipal in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. The basic parameters used to assess the network availability were Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) and Total User Outage Time (TUOT). The parameters like the time to get response from the operat...

Low Temperature Glycerolysis as a High FFA Pre-Treatment Method for Biodiesel Production

ABSTRACT A novel low-temperature glycerolysis process for lowering free fatty acid (FFA) in crude jatropha oil for alkali catalyzed transesterification has been developed. The response surface methodology (RSM) based on the central composite design was used to model and optimize the glycerolysis efficiency under three reaction variables namely; reaction time, temperature and glycerol to oil mass ratio. The optimum conditions for the highest glycerolysis efficiency of 98.67% were found to be ...

Comparative Analysis On Reception Of Digital Video Broadcast-Terrestrial: A Case Study Of Arusha City

ABSTRACT  Tanzania has been among the earliest countries in Africa to employ Digital Video Broadcast-Terrestrial (DVB-T) System. The deadline for Analogue Switch Off (ASO) was set to be in 2015, but Tanzania decided to have phased switch off since 2010. DVB-T is a new system in Tanzania and hence the extent of quality of the signal needs to be established. This research compares the reception of DVB-T second generation spatial signal strength as offered by Star Media Limited, Agape Associate...

Mixed Culture Fermentation In The Hydrolysis Of Cereal Flour For The Production Of Industrial Biochemicals

ABSTRACT Hydrolysis of a complex medium (whole-wheat flour) using a mixed culture of Aspergillus. awamori and Aspergillus. oryzae was carried out for the purpose of producing a fermentation medium that can be used to produce industrial chemicals.. The experimentation was carried out in shake flasks as well as in a 10-litre fermenter and the results obtained in all cases indicated that the two microorganisms could cooperate together to hydrolyse both the starch and the protein in wheat flour c...

The Effect Of Particle Size And Particle Size Distribution On The Modulus Of Rupture Of Some Nigerian Clays

ABSTRACT    The  effects  of  particle  size  and  particle  size  distributions  of  three clay samples, on their modulus of rupture were studied. The three clay samples were collected from natural clay deposits  at  Nsu;  Ohiya-  Umuahia;  and  Awo-Omamma  all  in south  eastern  Nigeria.  The  particle  size  analysis  of  the  clay samples was done by laser diffraction in wet suspension mode and the results disclosed that Awo-Omamma clay has greater proportion...

The Economics Of Crude Oil Stabilization

ABSTRACT  Estimating the gas/VOC emissions from oil and gas producing equipments has been a goal which the industry and regulatory agencies have spent a great deal of study and effort to contend with. This research estimated the flashing losses of gas/VOC emission from conventional atmospheric storage tanks to the atmosphere using Vasquez-Beggs Equation (VBE). Using VBE confirmed observed losses experienced in the industry as is represented in a graph showing the losses. It went further to q...

1471 - 1485 Of 3416 Results