Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Changes of phytoplankton communities in Lakes Naivasha and Oloidien, examples of degradation and salinization of lakes in the Kenyan Rift Valley

Abstract Increasing degradation of the water quality, caused by overuse and salinization, leads to considerable changes of the phytoplankton composition in Kenyan Rift Valley lakes. Exemplarily, the phytoplankton communities and biomasses of deteriorating freshwater Lake Naivasha and salinizing Lake Oloidien were studied between 2001 and 2005, accompanied by physico-chemical measurements (pH, total phosphorus and nitrogen, alkalinity, conductivity). Over the last three decades, the ecology o...

Electrochemical Study of Conducting Polymer/Lignin Composites

Electropolymerization and redox behavior of lignin composites were characterized by cyclic  voltammetry (CV), electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), and Fourier transform  infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Oxidation of lignin (LG) composites mixed with different polymers such  as; Poly (o-phenylenediamine) (POPDA), Pyrrole (Py), 4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene-sulfonic acid  (AHNSA) on working glassy carbon electrode (GCE) were performed by cyclic voltammetry in a  three-electrode ...

Green Mediated Ferrofluid as a Probable biofuel base for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) : A Review and Practical Evaluation and Prospective Application

The agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal and the international Energy Agency tailored towards addressing the global crisis  of climate change mitigation (depletion of the Ozone layer is of great concern due to the adverse effect of carbon emission activities which has proven to be pungent, lethal, non-degradable with zero socio-economic relevance). Hence,  this research study under a feasibility check investigated the possibility of synthesizing green ferrofluid from pl...

Observation Problems Related to Superposition

For a long time it was thought that light can't escape the Universe, because in traveling outward it merely expands the boundary of the Universe, largely neglecting the contradictions created by this thought, hoping to find an answer about what was not taken into account somewhere in the future. Without even trying to think of another possibility and trying to imagine a much simpler answer that light doesn't do it at all. We, without our high-precision observation machines, are non-determinis...

Physico-Chemical And Heavy Metals Assessment Of ‘Nzu Clay’ And Its Effect On Hairs Of Consumers

ABSTRACT  The assessment of the quality of the geophagious ‗Nzu Clay‘ obtained from two hills in Ozanogogo, Ika South LGA, Delta State and Uzella river, Owan West LGA in Edo State Nigeria, with the highest cation exchange capacity, bulk density and dispensability index, 10.800±0.424 meq/100g, 0.915±0.120 gcm-3, 80.00±1.414 respectively was investigated while the pH range from 4.4 to 4.6. The concentrations of heavy metals in ‗Nzu clay‘ obtained from the hill side were signifi...

Contributions to Operator Theory and Applications

Abstract This thesis consists of two parts. The first part deals with existerice and approximation techniques for finding solutions of operator equations or fixed points of operators belonging to certain classes of mappings. The classes of mappings studied include the K-posztz~~e definzte operators, the suppressive mappings and accretive-type rntippings. In particular, it is proved that for a real Banach space X, the equation Au = f, f E X, where A is a Kpd operator with the same domain as A'...

Waste Disposal and Groundwater Quality in JimetaYola Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT. Waste disposal and groundwater quality studies were carried out in the Jimeta- Yola area. The area lies between latitudes 9'1 1'N to 9'20'~ and longitudes 12'23'~ to 12'33'~~ and covers an areal extent of about 305km2. Groundwater quality monitoring was carried out through the collection of water samples from hand-dug wells, boreholes and leachates beneath refuse dumps. These samples were analyzed chemically and bacteriologically using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), DW20...

Concentration of Cadmuim, Lead and Chromium in Human Whole Blood

Abstract Human whole blood samples obtained from blood banks in different hospitals in Enugu State were analyzed for cadmium, lead and chromium concentrations using atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. The results of the analysis showed that about 72.7% of the samples had cadmium concentrations more than the limit of safe exposure (5ug/l of blood). Also about 18.2% of the samples had the concentrations of lead to be more than the maximum permissible limit in adult human blood which is...

Sediment Loading and Subsidence in the Niger Delta Sedimentary Basin

INTRODUCTION Geological and geophysical investigations reveal that maximum subsidence of the basement and active downwarping of the lithosphere have occurred around the axis of symmetry of the Niger Delta. A great bulk 6f sediments h~ accumulated:in this sedimentary basin stn~~ Tertiary, and during the period of accumula- . tion, vertical tect()nic movementS took place. This is evidenced by the presence of shallow water sediments ia deeper parts. of the basin. It is obvious from the overall t...

Studies of the Drying Performance of Melon and Rubber Seed Oils.

ABSTRACT Oxygen absorption studies of blends of oils of seed s eed melon~(~SD), rubber (RSO) and linseed (LSD) have been L carried out at room temperature in order to optimise the drying performance of MSO and RSO. A manometer was used to measure O2 absorbed. The set-to-touch time ( STTT) of o i l o r o i l blend was measured after 3 hours of O2 absorption and 18 hours of ageing. Addition of LSO to MSO reduced its STTT from 12.25 hours to 4.0 hours at 50/50; this compares favourably with the ...

The Geologic Setting of Lead-Zinc Deposits of Ishiagu, Southeastern Nigerian

Abstract-The Ishiagu lead-zinc deposits of southeastern Nigeria are associated with folded shales of the Asu River Group. The PbZn mineralization is restricted to a series of closely spaced, steeply dipping subparallel fractures which trend NW-SE and typically form en-echelon patterns. Along a second set of fissures, oriented NE-SW and of an earlier generation than the NW-SE system, only the gangue minerals (siderite and quartz) are characteristic. The style of mineralization is exclusively f...

Iterative Approximation of Equilibrium Points of Evolution Equations

Abstract Suppose that E is a real Banach space .which is both uniformly convex and q-uniformly smooth and that T is a Lipschit;: pseudocontractive self-mapping of a closed convex and bounded subset K of E. Suppose F(T) dcnotes the set of fixed points of T and U denot :s the sunny nonexpansive retraction of K onto F(T) and w any point of K, it is proved that the sequence {xn),"Lo generated from an arbitrary xo E K bv (where I denotes the identity operator on E and {a,),"==, and {Pn),"=o are re...

The Growth and Characterization of Thin CDs by Solution Deposition Technique

CONTENTS .- - CERTIFICATION: DEDICATION : ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION : ' 1.1 Motivation behind growth of thin Films 1.2 What are thin films .I "3 Uses of thin films 1.4 Deposition techniques : 1.5 Reasons for the technique used in experimentation 10 - CHAPTER TWO : BASIC SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS 12 - 39 2.1 What are SemicondLlcrors 12 2.2 Examples of Semiconductors 14 2 '3 Types of Semiconductors 16 2.4 Semiconductor Statistics 20 2 -41 Probability of occupation of allowe...

O-Acylation of Angular Diazaphenoxazine and Related Carbocyclic Analogue Using Buchwald Catalyst

ABSTRACT Synthesis of twelve O-arylated diazabenzo[a]phenoxazine-5-one and its carbocyclic analogue is reported in 46 - 99 % yields. The intermediates were prepared by anhydrous base catalyzed reaction of 2,3-dichloro-1,4- naphthoquinone with 4,5-diamino-6-hydroxyl-2-mercaptopyrimidine and 2- aminophenol. The O-arylation process occurred smoothly in non-polar solvent, toluene with the inexpensive base, K2PO4 at 110o C. The intermediates were combined with a variety of electron-deficient, elec...

Hydrogeophysical Investigation in Nsukka Area Southeastern, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Resistivity surveys were carried out at seven stations within the university of Nigeria, Nsukka and its environs. The objective was to determine areas suitable for the drilling of boreholes for groudhvater. The results generated from this survey were interpreted in terms of the number of subsurface layers, usurer thickness, depth to uquifer and, probable lithology$orrnations. However, lithologic interpretations were carried out using exist ring borehole data from the area. A BEM Terr...

16 - 30 Of 53 Results