Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Semiannual Variation of Dst-Related Disturbance and Association with Solar and Geomagnetic Activity

ABSTRACT A study of the semiannual variation of the Monthly mean Dst-related disturbance in H and Z components of the geomagnetic field has been carried out. Magnetograms from fifteen (15) geomagnetic stations in the high- mid- and low latitudes, and which includes three of the stations used in computing the Dst index have been analyzed. Sixty-one years data (1950-2010) was utilized. The H-component (Hdiff) and Z-component (Zdiff) of the Dst-related disturbance were computed by removing the s...

Subsidence and evolution of Nigeria's continental margin: implications of data from Afowo-1 well

A good understanding (If the structure and mode of evolution of the continental margin of Nigeria is crucial for many reasons. In terms of hydrocarbon accumulation, the area is of high economic importance as demonstrated by the high level of exploration activities that has been maintained in the area especially in the last three decades. The fishing industry would also benefit from a proper understanding of the bathymetry and morphology of the margin. Nigeria's scientific institutions have ye...

Estimation of Sucrose Loss Due to Inversion Process as A Result of Multiple Effect Evaporation

TABLE OF CONTENTSTITLE PAGE.iDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vDEFINITION OF TERMS viABSTRACT viiTABLE OF CONTENTS viiiLIST OF TABLES xiTABLE OF FIGURES xiiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction I1.1 Problem statement 21.2 Aim 21.2.1 Objectives 21.3 Significance of the study 21.4 Scope of study 3CHAPTER TWO 42.0 Introduction 42.1 Process Description 42.1.1 Cane sugar production 42,1.2 Harvesting and transport 52.1.3 Canepreparation 52.1.4 Milling 6vi”2.1.5 Clarification .62.1....

Effect of Flocculent On Scale Formation in Evaporators

ABSTRACT  Scale formation has become a big burden to sugar manufacturing industries, especially in evaporators, this is because of the characteristics of cane juice which is allowed in evaporators. Evaporators are used to evaporate as much water as possible from the juice using exhaust steam from the powerhouse as the heating medium so as to concentrate the juice which is called syrup (that is the juice leaving the evaporator) and the juice entering the evaporator is termed as clear juice. S...

Palm Print Recognition System

ABSTACT Palmprint recognition has been investigated over ten year years. Palmprint is proven to be distinguishable from other features because of number of attributes. These attributes include color, clarity, position, continuity, length and variation in thickness. Lines are represented in a very efficient way and it needs low storage and consistency in detection and these are efficient for shape matching involving large database. But there will always be a problem of missing or broken lines ...

Positron-Impact Excitation Of The Lowest Autoionizing State In Rubidium Atom Using Distorted Wave Method

  ABSTRACT Many calculations on atomic collisions and scattering processes have been performed on electron impact excitation of the lowest autoionizing state of rubidium, but not much attempt has been made with positron impact which is of equally fundamental importance and is receiving attention nowadays with the availability of improved positron beam experiments. So, in this study, total cross-sections, differential cross-sections, lambda parameter, R parameter and the alignment parameter...

Mechanical Properties And Thermal Degradation Of Bitumen-Acacia Sap Composites

ABSTRACT The rapid increase in traffic intensity, axle loading, rigorous climatic changes and commercial road transport continues to impose severe demands of load and environment on the highway system. Bitumen mostly used as a binder for road construction, waterproofing agent, coating, and insulation among others has poor mechanical and thermal properties. Different synthetic binder modifies that are being used to improved performance lead to environmental pollution during disposal. Therefore...

Positron Impact Excitation For The Lowest Autoionizing State Of Cesium Using The Distorted Wave Method

ABSTRACT Atomic collision cross sections are of interest because they can show the collision dynamics involved in the scattering process. There has been an upsurge in interest on positron collision processes due to recent advancement in positron beam experiments. In these studies, alkali metal atoms receive preference due to their simple electronic structure and spectra. We have calculated differential cross-sections, integral cross-sections, lambda (λ) parameter and the alignment parameter ...

Magnetic Studies Of Iron Ore Mineral Deposits In Mbeu Area, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Iron industry in Kenya is dependent on imported raw materials. Local deposits of iron ore have been identified at various places in the country but not much has been done to determine whether the deposits are viable in quantity and quality for commercial exploitation. The location and delineation of the iron deposits and formation in the Mbeu area appraises the potential of such mineralization. Ground magnetic survey of Mbeu area was conducted to investigate subsurface geology on the...

Contributions To Operator Theory And Applications

Abstract This thesis consists of two parts. The first part deals with existerice and approximation techniques for finding solutions of operator equations or fixed points of operators belonging to certain classes of mappings. The classes of mappings studied include the K-posztz~~dee finzte operators, the suppressive mappings and accretive-type rntippings. In particular, it is proved that for a real Banach space X, the equation Au = f , f E X, where A is a Kpd operator with the same domain�...

Design Construction and Characterization of Improved Local Pyranometer for the Measurement of Solar Intensity at Nsukka

TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Title Page i Certification ii Approval Page iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Table of Contents vi List of Tables ix List of Figures x Abstract xi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Purpose of the Study 4 Objectives of the Study 4 Research Questions 5 Hypotheses Significance of the Study 5 Scope of the Study 6 Operational Definition of Terms 6 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Conceptual Review 7 Pathophysiology 7 Di...

Measurement of liver dimensions For Sudanese using computed tomography

ABSTRASCT:- This descriptive study, conducted in the state of Khartoum in the period from April 2016 till October 2016 Hospital Zitouna International Specialist, by checking researcher random sample of Sudanese patients and of 50 patients aged between 32 and greater than 65-year-old goal of a researcher in this study to measure the dimensions of liver Sudanese taking four dimensions the following the measurement of the human liver, , the anterior posterior dimension of the left hepatic lobe ...

Tectonic Significance Of Some Geochemical Data Associated With The Ophiolitic Complexes Of The Darno Megatectonic Line, Ne-Hungary

The original tectonic setting of the mafic and ultramafic rocks of the megatectonic line of Darno are investigated using evidence provided by their major elements and trace element contents, 

Quark Star Model With Charged Anisotropic Matter

Abstract We find two new classes of exact solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell system of equations. The matter distribution satisfies a linear equation of state consistent with quark matter. The field equations are integrated by specifying forms for the measure of anisotropy and a gravitational potential which are physically reasonable. The first class has a constant potential and is regular in the stellar interior. It contains the familiar Einstein model as a limiting case and we can generate ...

31 - 45 Of 53 Results