Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Feasible media mix for dissemination of forest conservation support information (FCSI) in South Western Nigeria

Abstract The paper reports tile potentials of media mix in use for agricultural information dissemination as applied to dissemination of information on forest conservation and sustainable land use practices in three southwestern states of Nigeria. It covered enclaves in Sliasha and Oluwa forest reseives in Oshun and Ondo states respective&, as well as settlements surrounding Old Oyo fictional Park h Oyo State. Z'ie media considered were traditionai and eierironic/prinnt Primary data were sour...

Felling Induced Dynamic Stresses In Some Tropical Hardwoods From Nigerian Lowland Rainforest

ABSTRACT A study was undertaken to estimate the magnitude of dynamic stresses (MDS) induced in some mature tropical hardwood species during felling operation and their effect on the harvested wood. Five areas in Shasha forest reserve, Osun State, Nigeria were selected as the study sites because of the prevalent high. Two hundred and eighty nine trees represented by nine different species were studied. The species are Afzelia africana, Nauclea diderrichii, Terminalia superba, Khaya ivorensis, ...

Challenges Of Forestry Incarbon Trading

ABSTRACT  Forests play central and primary roles in the mitigation of climate change. Forests are important carbon pools which continuously exchange C02 with the atmosphere, due to both natural processes and human action. At the global level, 19% of the carbon in the earth's biosphere is stored in plants, and 81% in the soil. In tropical forests, approximately 50% of the carbon is stored in the biomass and 50% in the soil (Karsenty et al, 2003). Wood products derived from harvested timber ar...

Effect Of Process Variables On The Strength Properties Of Veneer Laminated Cement Bonded Particle Board From Mixed Tropical Hardwoods

ABSTRACT Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of elasticity (MOE) of veneer laminated wood cement panel were evaluated. the boards were made of 3 layers comprising . 1.5 mm thick mixed hardwoods sawdust for the two surfaces, and 9mm thick core layer made of plantation grown Gmelina arborea flakes. Three varjabIes were investrgated namely: .Demity at three lev& (1000 w31,10 0kg/m3a nd 1200 kgl m3), Cam& wood ratios of2,5:1.0,2.75:I.O and 3.0:l.O and glue spread of 1.02 kgh2, 1.43 kg/m2 and 1,7...

Promotion Of Intra-African Trade In Timber And Timber Products

ABSTRACT  The objectives of this report are to: Examine the development and current state of the Nigerian timber market with reference to the production and consumption as well as availability of TTPs (in volume and value); Examine the development and current state of imports of TTPs to Nigeria, their distribution channels, end uses and the share of TTPs from Africa; Analyse the internal and external environment of the tropical timber market to identify constraints to the expansion of import...

Comparison of Growth Rings of Dichrostachys Cinera And Senegalia Mellifera Along a Rainfall Gradient: Implications For Bush Encroachment in a Changing Climate

ABSTRACT Tree ring studies, known as dendrochronology, have been an important tool for studying climate variations since the beginning of the 1900s. This is because the information preserved in tree rings of most tree species for many years serves as environmental archives for both abiotic and biotic factors, tools that can be used to monitor climate changes. This study was the first to compare the growth rings of Dichrostachys cinerea and Senegalia mellifera along a rainfall gradient to inf...

Woody Plant Species Diversity And Anthropogenic Disturbances On Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve, Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT Sustainable forest management is threatened by the ongoing human activities. A study was conducted at Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) of Dodoma Municipality, Central Tanzania in 2015 based on the following specific objectives: (1) to identify woody plant species (2) to determine woody plant species dominance (3) to identify human activities conducted, and (4) to assess ecosystem goods and services provided by MGBFR. Systematic random sampling was used whereby 36 plots of 2...

Contribution Of Tourism On Locals Communities Livelihoods: A Case Of Udzungwa Mountains National Park

ABSTRACT The study to assess the contribution of tourism to communities, took place in Kisawasawa, Mang‟ula A, Mang‟ula B and Sonjo villages adjacent to Udzungwa. The study employed several methods including interviews, a questionnaire survey, focus group discussion and secondary data. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12.0 review to come up with several findings, while qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. Findin...

Determining The Quality Of Mine Gushing And Mixed Water Using Coupled AHP And Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Methods

Abstract This study focused on analysis of the chemical characteristics of mine waters. The aim of this study is to correlate the degree of different ionic components in mine water and the influence of their convergence using a combination of the three-scale AHP and fuzzy evaluation methods for the comprehensive evaluation of water quality. Ion chromatography (ICS 1100) has been used to analyze the content of the water sample while portable pH/EC/TDS/Temperature meters (SX 811 and SX 813) we...

Informal Land Conflicts Management Institutions On Common Pool Resources: The Case Of Tarangire Plains, Kondoa District

ABSTRACT This study was done in Kondoa District to explore informal land conflicts management institutions in CPRs of Tarangire plains. The study identified types of land conflicts, examined forms and causes of land conflicts and explored patterns of informal institutions used to manage land conflicts. A cross section research design was adopted. Sampling techniques such as Sampling Frame, Sampling procedure (Simple random and purposive sampling) Sampling unit and Sample size were used. The ...

A Cross Sectional Comparison of Chemical Treatment on Plant Biodiversity at Neudamm Farm, Khomas Region

ABSTRACT This study determined the impacts of chemical application on plant biodiversity in comparison to the control ecosystems over a three-year period at Neudamm farm in Khomas Region, Namibia. In this study, for herbaceous plant sampling, a total of 40 (1m2 ) quadrats were randomly laid in each of the three chemically treated sites (treated in 2015, 2016 and 2017) and in the control site to record the herbaceous plant density, plant species composition, dry matter production and ground c...

Peace And Conflict Impact Assessment Of The Niger Delta Development Commission’s Inter-Ventions In Odi, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Development interventions are aimed at promoting positive change, but they can equally have negative impact, especially in conflict-prone contexts. Whereas existing studies on Odi and the Niger Delta at large mainly focused on the history, environ-ment, culture, conflict and security situations, the peace and conflict impact of Nige-rian government‘s socio-economic interventions in the area have not been fully ex-plored. This study, therefore, assessed the Niger Delta Development C...

Morphometrics of Macrotermes bellicosus (African mound termite) (Blattodea:Termitidae) and the Impact of its Saliva Amylase on the Strength of Termitarium Soil

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of Macrotermes bellicosus present on some parts of the University of Ibadan and to determine the effect of the saliva of termites on the strength of termitarium. Termites were collected from 8 termitaria on Parry Road, University of Ibadan and characteristics morphometrics were measured using stage graticules (10mm) on Microscope. Amylase analysis was conducted to determine the activity of the saliva content in the termitarium ...

Assessment Of Forest Revenue System In Kogi State

ABSTRACT Low and arbitrary review of forest charges encourage waste and poor harvesting practices resulting in underdevelopment of forest resources. The study therefore assessed the type, value and changes in the value of forest charges in Kogi State between 1991 and 2009. Data on forest charges between 1991 when the state was created and 2009 were collected from the Forestry Service of Kogi State. GDP deflator was used to convert the forest charges in each year under study to real or constan...

Household Coping Strategies For Domestic Energy Price Changes In Northeastern

ABSTRACT In Nigeria, high cost of Domestic Energy (DE) has put untold hardship on households. Coping strategy is therefore imperative to meet household domestic cooking and heating needs. Investigating evolving strategies would better inform DE experts and policy makers. This study was therefore designed to investigate strategies devised by households in Northeastern Nigeria for coping with the escalating prices of DE. The domestic energy types considered in the study include Liquefied Natura...

1546 - 1560 Of 2175 Results