Urban And Regional Planning Research Papers/Topics

The contributions of informal housing in urban housing development: a case study of Kawangware in Nairobi

Abstract: Existing evidence shows that Nairobi is experiencing a serious housing problem. The existing housing stock is wholly deficient while the existing conventional housing supply mechanisms, both private and public, are not able to meet the housing 'demand' leave alone the 'need'. This situation is worsened by the rapid urbanization process Kenya is experiencing accompanied by the accelerated growth of the urban population through natural increase and the unprecedented movement of peopl...

Housing Satisfaction Attributes among Households in Uyo Capital City Territory, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT In Nigeria, attempts at determining household housing satisfaction based on household income are often not guided by rigorous parameters. Past housing policy lumped income groups together, variations in income levels notwithstanding. Housing satisfaction aspirations of many people were frustrated. The unwholesome condition manifested in building alteration practices from their original forms to households’ desirable forms. The study is aimed at determining indices for various inco...

Determinants of Urban Land Use Dynamics in North Central Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Land development in the North Central Nigeria seems to be shifting out of the city centre to the fringes. Areas at the fringes that were once described as quiet and serene environment now seem to be characterized by noise, traffic congestion, informal economic activities and proliferation of incompatible developments. Literature has shown that city planners do not take cognizance of the factors responsible for these developments. The aim of the study was to determine the factors in...

The Challenges and Impacts of Implementing Development Control Regulations in Rural Settlements of Enugu State

ABSTRACT Implementation of development control regulations has many challenges and impacts in rural Enugu State of Nigeria. This study focuses on the challenges and impacts of implementing development control regulations in rural settlements of Enugu State. Development control in rural Enugu State is ineffective due to building developers’ little or non-compliance with contravention notices served on them. The planning authorities in Enugu State have lacked the needed development control me...

Impact of Household Solid Waste Disposal Practices on the Environment of Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at determining the impact of household solid waste disposal practices on the environment of Enugu metropolis. This is with a view to developing appropriate strategies for improving solid waste disposal system in Enugu metropolis. The objectives of the study were to: (i) examine the existing nature of household solid waste disposal practices in Enugu metropolis, (ii) identify the pattern of household solid waste disposal practices, (iii) identify the environment...

Urban Design of Open Common Spaces in Khartoum State

Abstract Open urban spaces in residential areas in Khartoum; suffer from severe neglect and violation because of the obvious infringement and desertion, so it is not used for cultural, social, recreational and environmental purposes which are supposed to achieve as required. Open urban spaces established in order to gain a unique situation and realize beauty, elegance and glory in urban interfaces and create pleasant, beautiful and comfortable places to perform a range of useful activities th...


ABSTRACTThe research on the impact of citizen participation in community development in Ibeku in Aboh Mbaise has analysed the data collected through stratified random sampling techniques. Data came from primary and secondary sources. The finding from the analysis showed that poverty, disunity among the leaders and corruption hindered citizen participation to a greater extent. The research also discovered that the citizens maximally participated in community projects from initiation to executi...


ABSTRACT Technological change has greatly impacted everyday life. In Finland, for example, Nokia and the mobile phone technology have enjoyed a similar position as a national vehicle for economic and social change, as the tractor in the Soviet Union, in the 1950 ́s. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have transformed the way people communicate and interact with one another. It has brought, not only new ways of socializing, consuming and producing services and experiencing plac...


ABSTRACT Today development is related to globalization and transition to digital economy as well as to growing pressures on the environment and the society. As the proportion of the urban population is rapidly increasing, cities are becoming more and more the focus of these changes this paper. Most cities in the European Union (EU) are increasingly promoting smart green just actions, trying to learn from the experience of more advanced cities in this field. These actions obviously affect urba...

Three-Dimension Modelling of Urban Temperature Landmasses and Its Planning Consequences

ABSTRACTThe study adopted Thermal Infrared Remote (TIR) Sensing and Geospatial Information System (GIS) Techniques using LANDSAT TM, LANDSAT ETM and LANDSAT OLI sensors to acquire Urban Surface temperature data emitted by objects in the study area and store the information as a digital number (DN) thermal band (B6, B61 and B10) as well as secondary data acquired from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET). Urban Surface Temperature was obtained through the following processes: Acquisi...


Abstract: The environment of man has been subjected to many degraded conditions owing to the various activities of man in his bid to effectively harness the potentialities that bound in their natural setting. In this process, that cultural, physical and socio-economic environment becomes the major sufferer of these activities. The Dangote cement factory in Obajana since inception in Kogi state has carried out major industrial excavation and the processing of raw materials into cement. The eff...

Poor Management of Drainage System in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria

Abstract: The study examines the Poor Management of Drainage System in Lokoja Kogi State Nigeria the data for this study was gathered from drainage related literature, field observations, journals, newspapers and through the use of questionnaire, oral interview and personal observation. Simple random sampling was adopted to obtain information from the respondents. Two hundred (200) respondents from the sample were interviewed. The finding reveal that drainage system in Lokoja are not adequate...

Recreational Behaviour Of Kuchi/Ebbo Residents In Lapai Local Government Area Of Niger State, Nigeria

Abstract: Recreation as an activity voluntarily undertaken for pleasure, fun, relaxation, exercise, self expression or release from boredom and tension, e.g. visiting areas such as parks, lakes, rivers, forest or engaging in different exercises such as trekking, hunting, camping and also indoor recreational facilities such as cinema, club house, gymnasium, casino and cultural centres. This paper deals with recreational behaviour of Kuchi and Ebbo in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State ...

Evaluation Of Urban Expansion And Its Implications On Land Use In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Rapid urban population growth has led to not only an increasing demand for more land, more so for residential use. This land is not available within the city but at the peri-urban areas where parcels of fertile agricultural land are being converted into residential use at an alarming rate. This is because of the expanding urban area to its urban fringes that is accompanied by an increasing demand for land to accommodate the increasing urban developments. The specific objectives of th...

An Evaluation Of Rural Electrification Adoption Dynamics In Meru-South Sub-County, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Electricity services are crucial for human well-being and to a country‘s socio-economic development. Despite its importance, low levels of electricity adoption and use continue to prevail in most rural areas in SSA. Low socio-economic development has been attributed among others factors, to lack of modern energy sources especially electricity among households, which has been identified as a major setback in propelling empowerment and development at household and community level. Th...

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