Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Species Composition and Host Association of Thrips (Thysanoptera) in the Eastern and Greater Accra Regions, Ghana

ABSTRACT  Thrips are crop pests causing damage to a wide range of crops ranging from fruits to vegetables to ornamentals through direct feeding or oviposition on plants. The main objective of this study was to determine the species composition of thrips and their host range in some selected parts of Greater Accra and Eastern Regions of Ghana. Thrips were collected from flowers, leaves and twigs of vegetable, ornamental and tree crops by beating and jarring and identified to species level. Fi...

Field Evaluation of the Fruit Fly Food Bait, SUCCESS APPAT® (GF-120), and Waste Brewers’ Yeast (WBY) Against Fruit Flies (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) in Mango Orchards

                                                            ABSTRACT  The efficacy of Waste Brewers‟ Yeast (WBY) + Imidacloprid (Akape® ) (insecticide) as food bait was compared with the novel fruit fly food bait, commercially available as SUCCESS APPAT® (GF-120) in the field as attractants for the management of fruit flies in mango orchards at the Coastal Savanna ecological zone for two major seasons (2010/2011 and 2011/2012). Randomised Complete Block Des...

Characterization Of Atmospheric Particulate Matter At E-Waste Landfill Site In Agbogbloshie, Accra

Abstract A year-long investigation has been carried out on atmospheric particulate matter (APM). Elemental composition,mass concentration, sources contributions and their fingerprints were determined in APM samples collected, in Agbogbloshie scrap market, between May 2010 and April 2011. PM2.5 and PM102.5 size fractions of APM were collected 24-hourly on 47 mm diameter nuclepore filters of pore sizes 0.4 µm and 8 µm respectively, using the Gent sampler. Gravimetric analyses were carried out...

Resistance Mechanisms And Susceptibility To Organophosphates, Carbamates And Pyrethroids In Anopheles Gambiae S.L. Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) In Hohoe District, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Malaria is a threat to more than 40% of the world's population accounting for more than 300 million acute cases and between 1.1 and 2.7 million deaths annually. Over 90% of the malaria cases are in sub-Saharan Africa, constituting 10% of the total disease burden. Currently activities support the extensive use of insecticide treated materials for malaria control. However these efforts are threatened by the evolution of resistance in the main malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae s.l. tow...

The Potassium Status Of Soils And Its Absorption By Cassava In Selected Farms In The Central Region

ABSTRACT Potassium (K) plays an outstanding role in plants and animals. Cassava, a widely grown staple in Ghana is noted for extracting large amounts of K from the soil. Cassava’s ability to absorb K from the soil is worth studying as it is vital for sustainable production and biofortification. The study was conducted to assess cassava’s ability to absorb K under fertilized and unfertilized systems. Two cassava genotypes, Cape Vars and Botan were grown under different fertilizer treatment...

Conflict Resolution Strategies On Community-Driven Projects In Private And Public Housing Estates In Lagos State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study examined the cause of conflict and resolution strategies employed in the management of community-driven projects (CDPs) in selected public and private estates in Lagos State. Primary and secondary data were used. Primary data were collected through a structured questionnaire, in-depth interviews with key informants and personal observation. A structured questionnaire was randomly administered to 25% of landlords/heads of households in both the Lagos State Development and P...

Solid Waste Collection And Management Practices Among Community Residents In Varying Population Density Areas In Ibadan, South West Nigeria

Abstract This paper presents the results of a study conducted in four socio-economic (three urban low-, medium- and high-density residential communities and one rural) areas of Ibadan. The study assessed the amount and nature of solid waste generated, the level and benefits of community participation in source separation and recycling potential and the factors responsible for poor solid waste management in the city. The study is cross sectional in design involving 153 households. A questionna...

Population Structure And Threats To Sustainable Management Of Woody Plant Species In A Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem In Nigeria

Abstract This study was conducted to assess population structure and threat to the sustainable management of woody species in the various ago-ecosystems in Dutsin-Ma Local Government Area (LGA) Katsina State, Nigeria. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used to collect data from 21 randomly demarcated 100m × 100m sample plots. All woody plant species found in the sample plots with stem diameter >2 cm at 20cm above ground, were recorded. Population structure was summarize...

Spatial Analysis And Socio-Economic Burden Of Road Crashes In South-Western Nigeria

Road traffic accidents are a major health problem in Nigeria. Death and injuries resulting from road crashes in the country have been on the increase over the years. For instance, fatality rate rose from 5.3 in 1970 to 5.8 in 2005. The purpose of the paper is to assess the pattern and socio-economic burden of road crashes on road accident victims in south-western Nigeria. The study relied on the administration of 438 questionnaires to road accident victims in both public and private hospitals...

Susceptibility of Human Bed Bugs (Cimex hemipterus)to Selected Insecticide Products in Three Educational Institutions in Accra Metropolis, Ghana

ABSTRACT The rapid increase in bed bug resistance to pyrethroids call for the development of novel control strategies. Products combining pyrethroids and neonicotinoids have become very popular for bed bug control in Ghana and around the world. However, concerns about evolution of resistance to these compounds have been scantly reported in Ghana. Over the years, various control measures have been employed to control bed bug populations of which chemical insecticides are the most common metho...

Assessment of OrganoChlorine Pesticides and Atrazine Residues in Maize Produced in Ghana Using GC-ECD/ GC-MS

ABSTRACT Maize is consumed by over 95% of the Ghanaian populace and the practice of using atrazine, lindane and other organochlorine pesticides in its production has raised concerns about potential adverse effects on human health and the environment. A field survey was conducted in this study to assess farmers‟ knowledge of safe handling and use of these chemicals as well as toxicity awareness and symptoms among farmers and traders. Residues of the pesticides in maize samples as well as th...

A Study on the Properties of Blended Regenerated Spent Catalyst and Cement Sandcrete Blocks

ABSTRACT Sandcrete is widely used as building material. Its properties greatly depend on the properties and proportions of its constituents. The main binder material to produce sandcrete is the Portland cement. The uncertainty about future availability of commonly used Portland materials concomitantly with the environmental problems such as greenhouse gases emissions and high cost of clinker consumption are highlighting the need of identifying other materials for the construction industry, w...

Radiographic Evaluation of Wall Thickness, Corrosion and Deposits in Pipelines

ABSTRACT Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a group of inspection techniques used to detect, locate and assess flaws in materials without affecting, in any way, their continued usefulness or serviceability. NDT has the ability to inspect castings, weldments and measure wall thicknesses in an accurate and comprehensive manner. In this study, NDT techniques were used to inspect large diameter pipes that are used for transporting substance in the form of liquids and gases in industries. The aim o...

Application of Geographic Information Systems to Management of Municipal Solid Waste Depots in Lagos Island Local Government Area of Lagos State

Abstract The nature of socio-economic transactions taking place in Lagos Island every day makes solid waste management challenges more acute. These transactions generate large volume of waste which has become an environmental challenge because of poor refuse management strategies which do not match the rate of refuse generation. This study examines the underlying factors militating against efficient control of solid waste collection in Lagos Island by applying geographic information systems a...


ABSTRACT Though the Persons of Disability Act 715 calls for the provision of an accessible environment, attention on the mobility needs of commuters with disability has focused on persons with disability access to public buildings like library without paying attention to the walking environment connecting the homes of commuters to these public facilities. This study was carried out to examine the road transport infrastructure and mobility needs of students with physical disability in UCC. Sp...

1801 - 1815 Of 2175 Results