Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Impact of Laterite Excavation on Vegetal Cover in Birigi Village of Niger State

The excavation of laterite has totally removed the vegetative cover of the land area which served as an ecosystem community for Plants and Animals Resistant and successional species of plants and animals would be able to cope with unstable situations which were caused   by the excavation activities. The dwellers around the excavation site are not well enlightened about the environmental impact of the laterite excavation activity in their locality; they only see it as a source of income wit...

Assessment of Pedestrian Circulation in Advanced Trauma Centre in Niger State.

The design of an Advance Trauma Centre taking cognisance of pedestrian circulation is bringing into exploit was has been neglected and rarely used as a medium of creating healing environment for the users or patients of the healthcare centre. This research work seeks to analyse the basic sources of navigation problem in and out of the existing trauma centres in Niger state; also, taking into considerations the necessary norms and ethics that guide the design of healthcare centre. The causes o...

Development of Land Information System for Talba Housing Estate in Minna, Niger State

ABSTRACTThe increase in human population has lay more pressure on land, because of the static nature and importance of land it is highly demanded thereby leading People to search for reliable information relating to such land which is appropriate, has integrity, up-to-date and most importantly secured for development. An information which is not secured is regarded as an irrelevant information and hardly satisfies the need for obtaining it. In surveying, information processed from raw facts a...


The desire to combine nature with architecture had been courted for a very long time. The research results in this area has proved that private and communal spaces should interplay creatively the nature for the benefit of the environment and the planet at large, various activities in these areas had been initiated by individuals and governments at private and city-scale levels. For, just as architecture and urban planning concern themselves with issues of comfort, safety, security, convenienc...

Problems of Compulsory Acquisition and Compensation in the Land Use Act 1978

ABSTRACT The word land means different things to different people and in different context. These different meanings notwithstanding, land, since prehistoric time, has been of elemental significance to the affairs of man. In this thesis the various interests compulsory acquired were looked into. The compensation paid for these interests were adequately examined to determine the adequacy of the compensation. In the payment of compensation, time factor was also considered   This study examine...


ABSTRACT This project examines the impact of higher institution on its neighbouring residential property market. Part of the objectives was to identify the trend of rental values of property market located close to the higher institution. To achieve this, residents were contacted and their opinions were gotten through questionnaires issued. A total number of hundred (100) questionnaires were issued and seventy (70) were retrieved with response rate at 70%. The use of frequency distribution ta...


ABSTRACT This research work recognizes the fact that slum is a general problem to both the developing and developed worlds, while the urban areas attract people from the rural areas it gets over populated and gradually degrades and suffers. This is however, greater in the developing countries than the developed ones. The developing world cities have immigrants who want to benefit from the urban life and hence, result in housing and infrastructure inadequacy, thereby causing poor environ...


ABSTRACT           The research work examined waste generation and management stategies in ado-ekiti, ekiti state. The study involve visiting communities with the objective of studying ways of disposing waste, its management strategies, and the importance of cleanliness and being hygienic which is the primary source of health.           The aim of this work is to analyze waste generation and management stategies in ado-ekiti, ekiti state, and objective is to examine what...

Boundary and Topographical Survey of Part of Gwallameji Village, Bauchi, Bauchi State

ABSTRACTBoundary and Topographic mapping has become a very essential activity for anyarea that intends to develop. The study focused on boundary and topographicalsurvey of part of Gwallameji Village, Bauchi. Topography means configuration ofthe earth surface which include relief, the positions of streams, road, andvegetation etc. the project aimed producing boundary and topographic map of thestudy area which can be used for planning, design or engineering work.topographic maps use symbols to ...

Effects of Population Dynamic on Transportation Planning

ABSTRACT This research has discussed basic population dynamics on transportation, including the basic effects on transportation and factors that influence demographic change such as migration in Oja-Oba, Akure, Ondo State. It has summarized the history of the town population growth and projections through decade, with a focus on rising urbanization and the aging of the town population. Next is the examination of the environmental, economic, and institutional implications of population dy...


ABSTRACT This research has discussed basic population dynamics on transportation, including the basic effects on transportation and factors that influence demographic change such as migration in Oja-Oba, Akure, Ondo State. It has summarized the history of the town population growth and projections through decade, with a focus on rising urbanization and the aging of the town population. Next is the examination of the environmental, economic, and institutional implications of population dy...

Effects of Urbanisation on Rental Values of Residential and Commercial Properties

An overview of how urbanisation affects property values. Aim and Objectives  The aim of the research is to examine the effects of land use planning on residentialproperty values with a view to providing direction to investors on what to consider wheninvesting in the area, while the specific objectives are to: i. To evaluate the urban planning systems in Ibadan. ii. To measure the trend in rental values of residential properties in both the plannedresidential areas and the unplanned residenti...

Assessment of Satellite Imageries in Mapping Agricultural Lands for Use in Land Use Conflict Resolution in Parts of Plateau State, Central Nigeria

Abstract This study investigates the landuse conflict between cattle herdsmen and farmers in Plateau state, Nigeria. It analyzed the landuse and landcover dynamics of the study area between 1986 and 2014 and identified the trance-humance routes, grazing corridors and conflict zones in the area. It went further to determine the optimal farming and grazing zones using GIS multi-criteria analysis. The study made use of Landsat images of 1986, 2001 and 2014, elevation data (SRTM) of 2014, topogr...

Planning for Informal Activities In Kaduna Metropolis

The Urban settlement over the world witness great influx of people from the rural area. These people move to the urban centres because of the basic infrastructure and services rendered. The white collar job (Formal activities) cannot cater for the increased population; as such, informal activities takes off. These informal activities if not planned and controlled, contravene the provision of the planned Urban settlement.

Assessment of the Effect of Communal Conflicts in Kaduna

Conflicts Cannot be separated from man. This is because every individual, organisation or institutions have their interests. In a bid to protect such interest, the interest of others are infringed upon. This research work tends to examine the causes of Conflicts in Kaduna state and profer physical planning measures to alleviate future occurrence.

2026 - 2040 Of 2180 Results