
Research Papers/Topics Law


TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.1 Acknowledgment ....................................................................... 1V 0.2 Declaration .................................................................................................................. V 0.3 Abbreviation ................................................................................................................. IV 0.4 List of cases and non English terms ................................................................................

SSA Research 57 PAGES (12272 WORDS) Law Report
Critical Analysis Of Enforcement Of Pre-trial Rights Of Suspects Under Uganda's Legal Regime. Case Study: Kasese District

ABSTRACT This research paper is a critique of how the rights of suspects are violated. It handles the way police violates rights of suspects from the events of arrest, detention and investigation, that is to say its limited to suspects not the accused. The research proposal contains an introduction, background of the study, statement problem, objective of the study, research questions, scope of the study, limitations, methodology, synopsis and literature review, the domestic and international...

SSA Research 49 PAGES (14789 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Implication Of The Law On Plea Bargaining In Criminal Justice System In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................... , ........................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... ii CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................ 1 1.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................

SSA Research 54 PAGES (18425 WORDS) Law Report
The Impact Of The Laws On Tax Incentives On The Socio-economic Development In Uganda

ABSTRACT The dissertation was undertaken to collect data on The Impact of the Laws on Tax Incentives on the Socio-Economic Development in Uganda. It employed both qualitative and quantitative methods in collection of data; theses were questionnaire/ interview guide and observation. Using sampling/ the research selected 133 respondents out of the 200 targeted population and questionnaire and interview method were used to collect data. The study targeted various classes of stakeholders ranging ...

SSA Research 68 PAGES (16063 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Analysis Of The Landlord And Tenant (Business Premises) Act Cap 193 Laws Of Zambia. A Case Study Of Zambia

ABSTRACT The legal system of any country has either a negative or positive impact, one area of investment where the legal system can have impact is real estate. In Zambia a good legal system will strike a balance between property owners or landlords on one hand and tenants on the other hand. The purpose of this study is to critically analyze the applicability and effectiveness of the Landlord and Tenant (Business Premises) Act. The general introduction through to the general conclusions and r...

SSA Research 51 PAGES (14392 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Access To Criminal Justice In Rural Hard-to-reach Areas In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kalangala District

ABSTRACT Justice Law and Order Sector member agencies, departments and other NonGovernmental Organisations, have played a big role in addressing the issues of access to crime justice in Uganda and more especially the rural however, the problem still exists and the gap is still very big whereby the marginalised and vulnerable groups being disadvantaged by age, gender, history, disability and economic status. These categories have bigger challenges in accessing justice and face discrimination,...

SSA Research 66 PAGES (15816 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Legal Analysis Of Labor Laws: A Case Study Of Uganda.

ABSTRACT This report is entitled "legal analysis of labor laws in Uganda". The study was carried out based on three objectives, that is; to identify the various labor laws in Uganda, to establish the current working conditions of employees in Uganda, and to find out how the labor laws are being applied in the Uganda. The study was in form of a descriptive survey, to describe and analyze the condition of the areas being studied as it was at the time. The study population comprised of 300 emplo...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (10908 WORDS) Law Report
The Refugee And The Right To An Effective Remedy In International Law: A Case Study Of Dadaab, In North Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between the relationship between refugees and state compliance with human rights obligations, and protection of refugees' rights under the international refugee law in Kenya, for this purpose which is to validate and test the existing information about it_ to test the hypothesis of there is no significant relationship between international law and being a refugee. The specific objectives of this study are to determine the effects of protection...

SSA Research 79 PAGES (25891 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Legal Frmework Governing Maritime Adimistration In Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research examined Uganda's maritime administration. Water transport is not a problem limited to Uganda. It is a wide spread problem in most communities both developed and developing world and as such it has attracted international attention by developing conventions aimed at smoothening operational safety and navigation on water resources. Uganda has ratified some of the instruments and conventions to signify her compliance with the obligations by developing comprehensive legal ...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (12602 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Impact Of Trade Law On Common Market In East Africa A Case Study Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The research on “the impact of trade laws on common market in East Africa gras based on Kenya basing on the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The research involved both quantitative and qualitative methods data collection. The study was mainly based on internet and library research. the research had five chapters, chapter one which included, the general introduction, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope of the study, hypotheses, methodology, justification of the s...

SSA Research 69 PAGES (13484 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Examination Of The Legal Regime Of The Coastal States Under The Unclos

ABSTRACTThe United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) also referred toas the law of the sea convention is the international agreement that resulted from thethird United Nations Conference on the law of the sea (UNCLOS III). The law ofthe sea convention defines the maritime zones, the rights, responsibilities andlimitations to the rights of the coastal states with respect to their use of the world'soceans. The UNCLOS codified many aspects of customary international law andalso i...

SSA Research 45 PAGES (9368 WORDS) Law Report
Police And Criminal Investigation: Analysis Of Successful Police Criminal Investigation And Challenges Of Investigation In Uganda. A Case Study Of Lira Municipal, Lira District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... ivLIST OF FIGURES .......................

SSA Research 102 PAGES (22858 WORDS) Law Report
The Legal Analysis Of The Pro Bono Services In Uganda, The Effectiveness Of The Institutions In Uganda.

ABSTRACTLegal Aid is a right which is recognized and provided for both at international and national level in order to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Access to Justice is an important right which should be enjoyed by all people in the world in-espective of their social, economic and political differences in order to promote the role of law.The legal aid providers Network (LASPNET) was established to link up all legal aid service provider by providing a ...

SSA Research 44 PAGES (12115 WORDS) Law Report
Defilement: A Critical Analysis Of The Law And Practice In Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at analyzing the law and practice in Uganda regarding defilement. The objectives of the study were; to examine the existing laws in relation to defilement in Uganda and to establish factors and practices that aggravates defilement in Uganda.The researcher used a descriptive design to get in-depth information about the topic to critically m1alyses the laws about defilement and practice in Uganda. Stratified random sampling was used.!' 1•The respondents ...

SSA Research 42 PAGES (9703 WORDS) Law Report
Examining The Applicability Of The Extradition Law In Uganda's Judicial System

TABLE OF CONTENTSDEClARATION ....................................................................................... iAPPROVAL. ........................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ ivDEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................

SSA Research 69 PAGES (12468 WORDS) Law Report

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