
Research Papers/Topics Law

Critical Analysis of the Public Order Management Act 2013 Law of Uganda

The Public order Management Act Came into force on 2nd October 2013, ever since, it has been followed by a lot of protests and criticisms, Some groups of people declared that they would exercise their right to freedom of assembly and demonstration unhindered while the Police state on the other hand that their fundamental duty is to maintain law and Order as per the constitution and the POM Act. This study is to critically analyze the Public Order Management Act and draw a correlation therein ...

Edu Frontiers 71 PAGES (20188 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Role of UN in The Protection of Children's Rights

From the focus on education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to the efforts of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to abolish child labor, to the Children and Youth Program of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to the nutritional work for mothers and young children provided by the World Food Program (WFP), to disease-eradication campaigns by the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN system ...

Edu Frontiers 54 PAGES (18758 WORDS) Law Project
Efficiency of Mediation in Resolving Civil Matters as Opposed to Litigation: A Case Study of the Commercial Court, Kampala

This research aims at looking outside the box of adversarial litigation of matters through the Courts of law. It explores the new trend in Uganda encompassing different forms of ADR mechanisms specifically mediation. In my conclusion this research has looked into the advantages of ADR(Mediation) and tempted me into determining that ADR is a more viable means of administering Justice in Uganda visa vie Litigation.

Edu Frontiers 57 PAGES (13496 WORDS) Law Project

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the law of sharing of properties under Customary Marriages in Uganda. The Objectives of the study were; to review the existing legal framework for the protection and distribution of property, to analyze the effectiveness of the institutional framework governing property sharing in customary marriages, and to examine the effects of the law of sharing of properties under customary marriages in Uganda. The recommended a by analyzing this study on the topic o...


AbstractThe study focused on the effectiveness of new land law regime as compared and contrasted to land law history in Uganda the objective were to examine the existing legal frame work regarding new land regime and the history in Uganda, compare and contrast new land regime and its history in Uganda. And to find out the impact of both systems on the life of Ugandan people.The study found out that people herein have continuously been exposed to suffrage from rampant land disputes. Second!~ t...

Education Consults 77 PAGES (18251 WORDS) Law Report
An Assessment of the Law On Protection of Freedom of Expression and Association in Uganda Between 1995 and 2018.

Freedom of expression which connotes the right to hold opinions without interference and the right to impart, seek, and receive information and ideas, regardless of form, content, or source is so fundamental for the functioning of a democratic society in the sense. that it offers an avenue for the citizens to influence their government. The right to freedom of association in most case when exercised, is used as stepping stone for the enjoyment of the freedom of expression as citizens come tog...

Edu Frontiers 81 PAGES (22504 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Analysis of the Law Protecting Women Against Gender and Sexual Based Violence in Uganda, A Case Study of Central Region.

Abstract The study is an analysis of the law protecting women against gender sexual based violence in Uganda particularly central region. It was specifically aimed at identifying the loopholes within the law, causes effects and the extent of such violence on women. A review on related literature was carried out on current existing information. The study lays down the legal framework and the weakness in supporting laws which are often exploited by the perpetrators of such violence. Gender and ...

Edu Frontiers 63 PAGES (17562 WORDS) Law Project
Free and Fair Elections in Uganda: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Frame Work

Abstract The study examined the electoral laws that provide for the concept of free and fair elections in ;anda. Elections belong to the people because Principles for democratic elections are usually teed to the percept that citizens have the right to take part in government and in the conduct of public affairs of their countries as stipulated under Article 21 and Article 25 of the international mvention as well as other International Human Rights Instruments that will be discussed in the seq...

Edu Frontiers 84 PAGES (21080 WORDS) Law Project
A Critical Examination of the Legal Framework On Gender Inequality In Uganda

Abstract The study assessed the effectiveness of legal framework on gender inequality in Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives to examine the forms and causes of gender inequality, in Uganda, to analyze the legal framework on gender inequality in· Uganda, to examine the extent to which gender inequality laws have been enforced in Kawempe division. The study will largely doctrinal. A number of methodologies will be applied. These will include reviewing the available literature, us...

Edu Frontiers 70 PAGES (19991 WORDS) Law Project
Impact of Poverty On Academic Performance of Students, A Case Study of Kagira Primary School, Ganga Zone Mwimbi Division in Maara District, Kenya

Background of the study Poverty has been the hardest challenge facing human life from time immemorial. It has contributed to low social-economic states in society and has brought absent difficult circumstance that face learners today. It has negatively affected all people regardless of age, culture, race, religion and other factors. On overview of some facts about poverty in the world of South Africa the black Americans suffered untold miseries ranging from diseases, poverty, denial of educat...

Edu Frontiers 43 PAGES (6370 WORDS) Law Project
The Effectiveness of the Juvenile Justice System: The Case Study of Nakawa Division.

Abstract This research work is centering mainly on the psychological development of the juveniles and how they are treated by the law. Much will be examined on their behaviors, abuse, neglect, in relation to their delinquent behaviors. The research will first introduce briefly the concept of juvenile delinquency and the background to the problem. It will go ahead to look back at the main causes of juvenile delinquency in the area, incorporating the different categories of offences perpetuated...

Edu Frontiers 70 PAGES (15715 WORDS) Law Project
Juvenile Delinquency Under the Laws of Uganda; Case Study of Kampiringisa Rehabilitation Centre and Naguru Remand Home

Abstract The study was carried out in order to assess the effectiveness ofjuvenile delinquency under the laws of Uganda using Kampiringisa Rehabilitation Centre and Naguru Remand home as case study in Kampala district. The study objectively sought to identify the different ways how juvenile offenders are handled in relation to the law in Uganda and to establish the possible measures that can be put in place to curb juvenile delinquency in Uganda. Data was collected using interviews and questi...

Edu Frontiers 75 PAGES (16719 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Effectiveness of the Legal and Institutional Framework in Curbing Corruption in Uganda: A Case Study of the Anti-Corruption Act 2009

Abstract The research mms at examining the effectiveness of the legal and institutional framework on corruption in the fight against corruption in Uganda putting into consideration the Anti -Corruption Act 2009. Corruption has continued to be a very serious problem in the country and the entire world in which Uganda is considered to be amongst the most corrupt countries. In trying to solve the problem, the country has come up with different Anti-corruption laws and institutions. However, desp...

Edu Frontiers 106 PAGES (24504 WORDS) Law Dissertation
"The Judiciary of Uganda", A Critical Analysis of Its Independence.

Abstract The study is aimed at examining whether Uganda has done enough to meet the normative standards set by the international community in various instruments on nurturing and maintenance of judiciary as an independent arm of government. The study also eyed at establishing whether Uganda's judiciary is independent, how far has the Ugandan government endeavored to observe its obligation of maintaining and nurturing an independent judicial system as a member of international community. Wheth...

Edu Frontiers 61 PAGES (16491 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Examination of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Its Effectiveness in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research is about the examination of ADR and its effectiveness in Uganda given the different methods of dispute resolution, development and evolution in Uganda including traditional means of settling disputes that have led to present !-DR, benefits and hindrances the research also looks at different types of ADR that can be used by parties, the government to solve disputes. 

Edu Frontiers 51 PAGES (16311 WORDS) Law Project

646 - 660 Of 1432 Results