
Research Papers/Topics Law

The Role Of The International Criminal Court In Enhancing Criminal Justice In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................

SSA Research 94 PAGES (31012 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Assessment Of Legal Regime In The Effective Protection Of Copyright In Uganda

ABSTRACT The above research was carried out on a cross-section of the East Africa region but emphasis on Uganda with an intention of examining the prevalence, causes, effect and factors impeding the effective protection of Copyrights. The research attempts to trace the genesis of copyright and its progress to date, showing the shifts of circumstances that have occured overtime making Copyright more multifaceted and mystifying to the layman. The research discusses, the sources of copyrights, ...

SSA Research 77 PAGES (16816 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Examination Of The Contradictions Within The Employment Laws Regarding Labor Rights A Case Study In Uganda

ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the Employment industry and its laws and regulations in Uganda. Specifically the study looks at the contradictions within the Employment laws regarding labor rights and the therein as applied to Uganda. The objectives of the research are to find out in general how the employment laws and regulations are being applied in Uganda, assess their applicability establishing the cun-ent working conditions of Employees, review the Employment Regulatory Bod...

SSA Research 62 PAGES (21515 WORDS) Law Thesis
Separation of power in African Governments. A case study of Kenya under the new constitution 2010.

Abstract The principle of separation of powers is a system of vesting power of the state in separate branches that is the executive, legislature and the judiciary1 . The separation of power is a model for the governance of a state. This model was developed in ancient Greece and came into wide spread use by the Roman public as part of the unmodified constitution by the Roman public society. Under this model, the state is divided into three branches each with separate and independent powers and...

The Quest For Domestic Relations Law In Uganda.A Case Study As To Whether Its Anaccessity Or Wastage Of Time And Resources

ABSTRACT The research entitled the quest for domestic relations bill was aimed at the following objectives to establish and investigate inadequacies in the methodologies employed in the initial processes of the domestic relation laws reforms, to assess the shortfalls within the advocacy strategy employed from the time the domestic study report was made public in 1998 until the current period,to investigate and establish the possible extraneous factors responsible for the delay of the passing...

SSA Research 114 PAGES (25564 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Analysis Of The Concept Of Judicial Independence In Uganda In The Context Of Post 1995 Constitution.

ABSTACT This is a study on the principle of judicial independence. This is a doctrine that has attained universal force which requires that in the perfonnance of its functions, the judiciary must act independently. The judiciary is the only institution that is entrusted with the role to protect the freedom and liberty of persons by way of interpreting the law. It therefore means that for efficient protection of personal freedom and liberty the judiciary must not be subject to any person or au...

SSA Research 90 PAGES (31190 WORDS) Law Thesis
Recruitment Of Child Soldiers In Armed Conflicts In The Great Lakes Region: The Role Of Legal And Human Rights Instruments In The Protection Of Children's Rights

Abstract The Great Lakes Region which constitutes of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda. The Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi is a region that has been invariable embroiled in wars and conflicts spanning decades. Broadly, a number of factors are responsible for this state of affairs ranging from social, cultural, economic and political factors. More specifically however, divergence in political thought and opinion, ethnicity, imperialistic tendencies, the struggle for wealth and natural ...

Edu Frontiers 71 PAGES (24022 WORDS) Law Paper
A Critical Examination Of The Administration Of Justice In The

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................. ii DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMEN...

SSA Research 70 PAGES (19094 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Welfare And Protection Of Children In Uganda. A Critic Of The Children Act

ABSTRACT ... the child, due to the needs of his physical and mental development requires particular care with regard to health, physical, mental, moral and social development, and requires legal protection in conditions of freedom, dignity and security. Preamble to the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the ChildParagraph 6 This quotation above shows clearly that children's rights deserve the same level of attention in the human rights discourse like the rights of every other...

SSA Research 62 PAGES (19266 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Customary Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Among South Sudanese Commmunities: A Case Study Of Dinka Bor.

Abstract This study was carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and problems associated with the use of customary dispute resolution mechanisms among the Dinka Bor of South Sudan. It was carried out in the three counties of Bor, Twic East and Duk that make up what is called Greater Bor area in Jonglei State, South Sudan. Data was collected using interviews and questionnaires with a sample of sixty adult respondents. Secondary sources of obtaining information about customary law of th...

SSA Research 62 PAGES (10392 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Money Laundering Phenomenon- Preventive And Practical Problems Of Implementation, A Case Study Of East Africa Region

ABSTRACT The above research was carried out on a cross-section of the East Africa region with an intention of examining the prevalence, causes, effect and factors impeding the fight against money laundering. The research attempts to trace the genesis of money laundering and its progress to date, showing the shifts of circumstances that have occured overtime making money laundering more multifaceted and mystifying to the layman. The research critically examines the various stages of money lau...

Edu Frontiers 65 PAGES (16323 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A legal analysis on sexual violence and access to justice for minors and persons with disabilities in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study's mam objective was to critically analyze access to justice m relation to sexual violence law in Uganda and the specific objectives were to; I. To analyze the existing Jaws in relation to defi Jement in Uganda. 2. To lind out legal and policy frame work on Access to justice and sexual violence on minors and persons with disabilities. The study was done in Uganda in the districts of Kampala and Kitgum in Notihern Uganda and the respondents were sampled li·om police, parent...

Edu Frontiers 62 PAGES (18316 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The African Union's Response In Addressing Unconstitutional Changes Of Government In Africa Between 2000 And 2012

Abstract Public International Law may be defined as the body of mles which are legally binding on States in their intercourse with each other. .. that govern the relations of States. But, States are not the only subjects of international law. International organizations and to some extent also individuals may be subjects .... 1 One of and perhaps the most impmtant functions of the United Nations is to maintain intemational peace and secm·it/ among the Nations of the world. As such, this duty...

Edu Frontiers 79 PAGES (22749 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Protection Of Child Refugee's Right To Food In Refugee Camps A Case Study At Nakiv Aale Refugee Camp

Abstract More than half of the world's refugees are children. In some refugee situations, children constitute as much as 65% of the displaced population. 1 Each day another 5000 children become refugees; one in every 230 person in the world is a child who has been forced to flee his or her own home. 2 Children under 18 years of age constitute 56% of all refugees in Africa. 3 The preamble of the Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC) recognizes that all minors are entitled to special care ...

Edu Frontiers 58 PAGES (13306 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The legal perspective for the prevention of oil curse in Uganda

ABSTRACT The confirmation of commercially explorable oil deposits in the Albertine Graben region of Uganda has attracted a lot of attention, nationally and even internationally. This is not only because of the socio-economic impact oil production may have on Uganda but there is a lot of attention on whether Uganda will follow what seems to have become a trend in resource rich African countries. This trend is clear in ~ountries like Nigeria, Gabon, Angola and Equatorial Guinea. Despite the fa...

Edu Frontiers 92 PAGES (27658 WORDS) Law Project

781 - 795 Of 1432 Results