
Research Papers/Topics Law

Women's Rights To Inherit Land Case Study Of Embakasi Constituency, Kenya

Table of Contents CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................. ii DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ...................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................

SSA Research 62 PAGES (13795 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Effects Of Immigration Laws And Policies In The Enhancement Of International Trade In Uganda: A Critical Assessment

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................

SSA Research 71 PAGES (18986 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Bride Price And Domestic Violi~Nce In Customary Marriages Case Study Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................

SSA Research 47 PAGES (11586 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Abuse Of Gender Equality In Juba County, South Sudan

ABSTRACT An investigation of the Impact of Gender Equality on Involvement of Women in Administration was conducted in Juba County and Terreka County, Southern Sudan. The variable considered includes; forms of gender equality in society, its effects in the society and the attempts to curb it. The general survey research design was used, methods used in data collection include; oral interviews, questionnaires, observation in the societies. The study revealed that the major forms Gender Equalit...

An Analysis On The Law Of Defilement In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kapchorwa District, Eastern Region

ABSTRACT The research on "analyzing the law of defilement was done in Uganda. The study was guided by the research objectives. The objectives included: to analyze the legal framework in controlling girl child defilement; to examine the causes of defilement in Uganda; to suggest strategies that can be put in place to improve on the control of girl child defilement; to examine the effects of defilement among girls in Uganda. The study found that most girls are defiled between the age of 12-17 ...

SSA Research 67 PAGES (16045 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Critical Analysis Of Consumer Protection Laws In Uganda

ABSTRACT This thesis entitled "A critical analysis of consumer protection laws in Uganda". It's majorly to focus on the Contract Act 2010, Sale of Goods Act Cap 82, and Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act Cap 327 and briefly refer to the National Drug Policy and Authority Act Cap 206 and the Foods and Drugs Act Cap 278. This Dissertation attempts to analyze and determine how these legislations have assumed the effective implementation of consumer protection and also how they have failed ...

SSA Research 66 PAGES (17292 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Critical Analysis Of The Duties And Liabilities Of Directors Of A Company: A Case Study Of Kampala District

ABSTRACT Tlus study "A Critical Analysis of the Duties and Liabilities of Directors of a Company" was carried out in Kampala to specifically examine; the different duties of directors of a company and their liabilities; the effectiveness of the legal regime that provides for directors and their duties; the various enforcement challenges that the company directors encounter in course of performing their duties; to analyze possible remedies that are available to an aggrieved shareholder where ...

SSA Research 67 PAGES (20856 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Analysis Of The Sufficiency Of The Domestic Violence Law In Uganda A Case Of Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF STATUTES ...................................................................................................................... v LIST OF CASES ..................................

SSA Research 98 PAGES (31560 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Concept Of Matrimonial Property: A Case Study Of Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION •.•.•....•..••..••..•.•••..•••..•••••••••...•.••••.....•..•.••••.••••.•..••••..•••••.••.•••••••••••••...•••••• i DEDICATION .•••.••••••.•....•..••••......••••••••......•••.••....•.•.•••.•........••••••.•.....••••••••••.•......

SSA Research 61 PAGES (21148 WORDS) Law Thesis
Investingating The Promotion And Protection Of The Rights Of Employees Living With Hiv /Aids At Work Places In Uganda A Case Study; Of Rubaga Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study focused on the role of the protection of the rights of HIV/AIDS victims at workplaces. HIV /AIDS is a world-wide health problem affecting the young and the old irrespective of the status. The scourge has got no cure as yet and the PL WHA survive on the availability of the antiretroviral drugs. There has been an outcry from the people living with HV/AIDS regarding the violations of their human rights citing lack of protection from the existing legal instruments. The pu...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (17256 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Analysis Of The Appropriateness Of The Judicial Remedi~S Against Trademark Infringement Inuganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... i DECLARATION ................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ..................................................................................... iii LIST OF CASES APPLIED .................................................................... iv Chapter One 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Chapter Two 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Introduction /Background ...........

SSA Research 101 PAGES (32494 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Social - Legal Analysis Of The Voluntary And Involuntary Resettlement Of The Bakiga In Kibaale Distrct

TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARIES Page Table or contents Dedication Ill Statement ororiginality.................... .. ....... . ....... .. 1v 1 c k no\' ledgemcnt v List o r statutes............. .. .. ... ......................... . .... VI CHAPTER ONE • INTRODUCTION /ND B/CKCROUND 1.1 Background or the Study ............................ .. .. 1.2 Statement or the problem......... .. .. . ................... 5 1 . . Objectives or the study...... . .... .. ......... . ........... .. 5 1.4 Re...

SSA Research 63 PAGES (15906 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Analysis Of Imprisonment As A Source Of Punishment A Case Study Of Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study analyzed imprisonment as a source of punishment in Kampala District it was guided by the following objectives to discover role played by prisons in Uganda in the reduction of crime rate and recidivism by reforming and rehabilitating prisoners under incarceration, to examine whether the existing laws are effective to enable the reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners who have been imprisoned, to change the general perception of the community about imprisonment from bein...

SSA Research 71 PAGES (22732 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Appraisal Of The Implementation Of The Law Of Marine Insurance In Uganda The Law Of Marine Insurance & The State

TABLE OF CONTENTS page DECLA APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IV LISTOFSTATUTES v LIST OF CASES VI TABLE OF CONTENTS  CHAPTER ONE lNTRODUC~flON 1.0 Background Information 1 1.1 Statement of the problem 3 1.2 Purpose of the study 3 1.3 Research objectives 3 1.3.1 General objectives 3 1.3.2 Specific objectives 3 1.4 Research questions 4 1.5 Scope 4 1.6 Significance 4 1.7 Definition of key words 5 CHAPTER TWO UTERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Maritime legislation 7 2.2 Administrati...

SSA Research 76 PAGES (14722 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Effectiveness Of The New Electoral Laws In Curbing Post Election Violence In Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to collect data on the new legal order in Kenya with the ultimate goal of establishing their efficacy in preventing and curbing election and post-ckction iokncc in Kenya. The research covered the whole country with emphasis on the areas most aflectcd by the 2007-2008 election violence. It unraveled a number of loopholes that hinder the complete efficacy of the new legal order as well as those that were in the repealed legal order but corrccll'd by the n...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (20669 WORDS) Law Dissertation

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