
Research Papers/Topics Law

A Study of the impact of leadership and change management strategies on organisational culture. - The Case of Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) Namibia

Abstract This research project sought to examine the linkages between leadership, culture and organisational effectiveness at Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC Namibia). The study's aim was to identify and investigate the factors that lead to any perceives or real challenges related to leadership, organisational culture and change. The study found that despite initial challenges faced by management and dissatisfaction raised with regard to the organisational change process, the majority ...

Alyssa Flores 60 PAGES (15554 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Exploratory Study On Strategic Planning And The Role Of Communication In The Public Service Of Namibia With Specific Reference To The Ministry Of Gender Equality And Child Welfare

Abstract A strategic plan is a management tool that is used to transform organizational objectives into actions. Public Service managers have a responsibility to ensure that strategic plans are developed to stir the organization in the desired direction. However, crafting the best strategy is not the end in itself but the ultimate result will only be realized once the plan is successfully implemented, hence the need for effective communication during strategy formulation and implementation. T...

SSA Research 87 PAGES (21730 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Language Of Law: Imperative For Linguistic Simplicity

Abstract Language is a veritable tool of the legal profession as a lawyer's proficiency is sometimes measured in terms of his linguistic dexterity: both verbal and written. However, over the centuries, there seemed to have evolved a distinct language of law usually referred to as legal language. Legal language employs specialised vocabulary and unusual sentence structure which contributes to its peculiarities. It is sometimes cumbersome to understand legal language due to the usage of a larg...

Interrogating the procedure for suspension and removal of elected councilors in Zimbabwe and its impact on devolution and independence of local authorities.

ABSTRACT The concept of devolution has gained considerable currency in contemporary good governance discourse. Devolution of powers to localized political and administrative units of the State is a means to achieve development, a tool for democracy and a means to achieve good governance. This dissertation interrogates the procedure for the suspension and removal of councilors from office in Zimbabwe and its impact on devolution and independence of the local authorities. A critical comparative...

SSA Research 87 PAGES (23320 WORDS) Law Dissertation

vi TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL FORM i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABBREVIATIONS v CHAPTER ONE 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of the Study 1 1.3 Problem Statement 4 1.5 Research Method 5 1.6 Delimitations of Study 5 1.7 Significance of Study 6 Chapter Synopsis 6 CHAPTER TWO 7 INTERNATIONAL, REGIONAL AND SUB-REGIONAL FRAMEWORK ON PUBLIC DEBT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES IN CENTRAL BANKING 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Definition of PDM 7 2.3 Historical Development of PDM in Centra...

SSA Research 45 PAGES (12356 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Human Rights Vs. Culture: The Plight Of Young Women Concerning Sororate Marriage In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The position of the woman and the girl child has for a long time been uncertain in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) IN 19911 and the Convention on the rights of the Child (CRC) as well as the regional counterparts of these instruments. In 2013, the nation adopted a Constitution Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 (the Constitution), which makes specific mention of women‟s rights and children‟s rights2. S...

SSA Research 33 PAGES (10080 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Critical Analysis Of The Referral System Under The Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court

ABSTRACT This research sought to establish whether the referral system under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is fulfilling the international community‟s quest to end impunity under international criminal law. The research provides a critical analysis of the referral system looking at its application in reality by the various actors so empowered to implement it. It is the argument of this research that the referral system has been hijacked by selective justice, revenge, ...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (13942 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Analysis of POTRAZ in light of international best practices”

Abstract The study sought to analyse the role of POTRAZ in the regulation of telecommunications regulations vis-à-vis international best practices. Telecommunications play a pivotal role in a modern society which is characterized by new technological advancements on a daily basis. It is also a major contributor in economic development especially in Zimbabwe thus there is need to ensure that the regulatory authority complies with international requirements so as to aid economic development an...

SSA Research 49 PAGES (13072 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Online Music Distribution and Piracy In Zimbabwe: A case of Jah Prayzah’s Album Jerusarema on Jive Zimbabwe’s Online Music Store

ABSTRACT Online music distribution is a new phenomenon in Zimbabwe which artists, distributors and consumers are yet to fully adopt. The Internet has provided a platform for distribution but unfortunately, it has provided space for sharing music illegally and the distribution of counterfeits is on the increase. The Internet has also altered the traditional way in which music was distributed. Record labels are slowly becoming irrelevant and online music distribution is slowly taking course. Th...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (24437 WORDS) Law Dissertation

ABSTRACT International criminal justice system thrives and survives on state cooperation. In order to end impunity and pursuant to the principles of individual criminal accountability and individual criminal responsibility, states are obliged to arrest and surrender suspects within their territories or in their custody or control in terms of Article 86 and 87 of the Rome statute. State cooperation with the ICC is peremptory, since it is the major weapon the court can use to bring the suspects...

SSA Research 64 PAGES (18548 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Applicability Of The Doctrine Of Constitutional Avoidance To Constitutional Adjudication In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study looks at the doctrine of constitutional avoidance as well as the doctrines of subsidiarity and ripeness and their application in constitutional litigation in Zimbabwe especially as they relate to the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in Chapter 4 of the Constitution. The purpose of this research is to assess whether their application is in accordance with the duty placed on all institutions at every level to respect, fulfil, promote and protect the rights and freedom...

SSA Research 75 PAGES (24734 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Critical Analysis Of The Applicability Of International Humanitarian Law In The Context Of Cyber Warfare

Contents CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT ......................

SSA Research 61 PAGES (16560 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Analysis Of The Legislative Protection Of Legal Capacity For Persons With Mental And Intellectual Disabilities In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe has an equality and non-discrimination clause that prescribes non-discrimination and proscribes any disability based discrimination. Zimbabwe, as a party to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, is obligated to construct its equality clause in line with the standards set out therein as the clause acquires a special meaning in relation to persons with mental and intellectual disabilities. The denial of legal capacity to...

SSA Research 63 PAGES (17393 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Cisg Articles 92 And 96 Reservations And Global Uniformity Of International Sales Law: Failure Or Success Through Compromise?

ABSTRACT The CISG is acclaimed world over for its success in unifying internationals sales law despite the compromises during its drafting. This thesis examines whether the compromises in the Article 92 and 96 reservations have affected the uniformity of the CISG and whether they are still relevant for the success of the Convention today. In conclusion it recommends that the declarations be withdrawn and the Convention be amended to allow for uniformity of the CISG.

SSA Research 55 PAGES (15618 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Critical Analysis Of The Impact Of The Constitution [Amendment No. 20] On The Regulation Of Abortion In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This dissertation sought to critically analyse the impact of the Constitution [Amendment no. 20] on the law regulating abortions in Zimbabwe, taking into account that the Constitution provides for the protection of reproductive rights and adopts the concept of Constitutionalism. The study brought to attention crisis that the prolife Abortion law conflicts with abortion practices in reality as there are high numbers of abortions being performed in society and this is an indication of ...

1096 - 1110 Of 1431 Results