
Research Papers/Topics Law

Divorce Proceedings Under The Matrimonial Causes Act Cap. M7. Lfn 2004 At The High Court In Nigeria; Precedents And Procedure

This article aims to guide a new wig and to arm him with the basic knowledge of interviewing, preparing and filing of a divorce process and as well as emphasis on the entire procedure including stage to stage guide in divorce proceedings in High Courts of Nigeria. VICTOR. U UZOCHUKWU LP.

Traditional Coup D’états In The Bamenda Grassfields Of Cameroon Chieftaincy Institution: A Historical Exploration

ABSTRACT One  of  the  most  noticeable  features  of  the  social-cultural  heritage  of  the Cameroon  Grassfields  is  the  chieftaincy  institution.    Chiefs  are  a  permanent feature  of  the  Cameroonian  Grassfields  society.  Throughout  history, Grassfields  chiefs  have  been  at  the  center  of  the  political,  social-economic  and cultural  life  of  their  respective  societies.    This  paper  reveals  that  the  violent de...

International Media Campaign on Human Rights Abuses and Extra-Judicial Killings in the Ongoing Nigerian Military’s Counter-Insurgency: The Victor, the Victim and the Abused

Abstract The  unsettled  and  subjective  nature  of  what  constitute  human  rights abuse  and  extra-judicial  killing  affords  most  western  nations  and international  media  to  misconstrue  security-related  matters  in  most developing  world.  More  problematic  is  how  such  misconstrued  reality on  the  ground  and  publicity  inform  policy  decisions  of  these  nation, thereby,  undermining  military  counterinsurgency  operatio...

Protection of Global Commons: Challenges and Prospects

Abstract The  aim  of  this  paper  is  to  examine  the  concept  of  global  commons, identify  these  global  commons  through  the  lens  of  international  law and  assess  the  challenges  facing  the  governance  of  these  global commons  as  well  as  the  inherent  benefits  that  can  accrue  by  virtue  of proper  governance  of  these  resource  domains.  The  study  revealed that  there  are  governance  systems  in  place...

Nigeria’s Ratification of International Human Rights Instruments and the Question of the Non-Justiciability of Chapter II of Its 1999 Constitution

Abstract  This  paper  examined  the  implication  of  Nigeria’s  ratification  of international  human  rights  instruments  in  relation  to  enforcement  of socio-economic  rights  in  the  country  and  debunked  the  age-long postulation  that  Chapter  II  of  the  Nigerian  Constitution  is  nonjusticiable.  The  paper  proceeded  to  show  that  even  if  Chapter  II  of  the said  Constitution  was  to  be  held  to  be  non-ju...

Negotiating Loan And Insolvency During Covid-19

This article proposes viable options to failing entities during the pandemic

Editorial: Restructuring Nigeria, True Federalism or a Journey towards Confederacy?

This  maiden  editorial  of  the  Carnelian  Journal  of  Law  and  Politics examines  a  vital  question that  is essential  to the  Nigerian polity.  There have been  many  commentaries on the  imperfect  federalism practiced  in Nigeria,  which  is  the  consequence  of  the  foundational  problems  with  the Constitution  of  the  Federal  Republic  of  Nigeria,  1999.  Despite  the attempt  of  the  constitution  to  make  evident  the  re...

World Trade Law: Contemporary Issues and Concerns

It is obvious that Article XXIV is one the most important gatt provision regarding ftas. In this article is mentioned that ftas should have four important features: (1) duties and other restrictive commercial regulations must be eliminated; (2) substantially all trade must be covered; (3) external tariffs and commercial regulations – that is, measures applicable to non-parties – may not be higher or more restrictive than those in effect before the FTA or interim agreement was concluded; a...

Elements of murder in Australian law

When considering murder there are several components of law which must be taken into account. This essay highlights elements of murder to be considered: mens rea (guilty mind), actus reus (guilty act), self-defence, provocation or involuntary manslaughter. The elements of murder must be addressed to ascertain if the act in question is actually murder. For a conviction to be safe, it is essential that the evidence provides an outcome that is beyond reasonable doubt; the burden of proof is upon...

Conventional and Critical Approaches to Terrorism

Any attempt to define terrorism comes with a challenge. The influential author and historian Walter Laqueur (1977, p.5) declared that a comprehensive definition of terrorism is not possible. It has appeared in many different forms, under many different circumstances. It is no wonder that there are many approaches to understanding terrorism and its outcomes. This essay considers two schools of study that investigate the nature of terrorist conflict; Conventional Terrorist Studies (TS) and Crit...

Achievements And Challenges Of Technical Aid Corps As A Foreign Policy Tool

ABSTRACT . The Technical Aid Corps Scheme is conceived by the Federal Government of Nigeria as an instrument of economic diplomacy. The ultimate aim of the programme is to promote Nigerias economic interest and boost her image in the comity of nations. However, despite the huge investment, Nigeria has not leveraged on the opportunities provided by TAC as a policy instrument to harvest economic and other dividends from the recipient states. The aim of the study therefore is to assess the sche...

The Impact Of Boko Haram Insurgency On Socio-Economic Activities In Nigeria (Study Borno State)

ABSTRACT The study compacts with the impact of boko haram insurgency in Nigeria, study of Borno State. The study proceeded with the objectives i.e. to investigate the implications of the Boko Haram insurgency on socioeconomic activities in the state. For this study, the use of primary data was applied to get first-hand information from residents of the state and the method of data collection as the questionnaire. Statistical tools were used to analyze the data collected part of which include ...


Globally, women constitute over half of the world’s population; they are involved in various ways to improve society and develop it; however, women are not properly represented in political positions. The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) of 2019 was able to find that there was an increase in the number of women in government as head of states from 12 to 21 over the past 20years[1] but this number is an outcry when compared to the population of women, those of age that could be...

Afri Research 31 PAGES (10541 WORDS) Law Project
Is State Police the antidote for effective policing in Nigeria?

This study is embarked upon to ascertain the viability of state police in Nigeria and whether a state police model would be the antidote for effective policing in Nigeria. The study examines the policing system in Nigeria and the advocacy for change in how the country is being policed, this is against the backdrop of the centralized structure of the Nigeria Police Force(NPF) and the increased waning of confidence in its ability to effectively control the upsurge of violent crimes across the c...

Aisha Tosan 262 PAGES (88022 WORDS) Law Thesis

ABSTRACT This paper explores the analysis of Obasanjo administration in International diplomacy. Since independence Nigeria’s foreign policy remains the same but however there was significant change to its foreign policy under the government of President Olusegun Obasanjo from 1999 – 2007. In another part, the study examine the changes in direction of foreign policy of different administrations as this pertained to the foreign policy establishments in Obasanjo administration and how it pl...

1186 - 1200 Of 1431 Results