International Law and Diplomacy Research Papers/Topics

Native System OF Land Tenure In Gape Colony And The Transkeian Districts.

ABSTRACT The Native tribes which cotjle under our consideration are those situated in the Eastern districts of Cape Colony and in the districts collectively known as the Transkei. It should be noted, in ~he first place, that these tribes had not had a long and undisturbed occupation of their territories. They were,~ colonists of almost as recent an origin as that of their white neighbours. They had been constantly disturbed as regards the occupation of their lands by their own migra...

An Examination Of The Opportunities And Challenges Facing Women In Ghana’s Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And Regional Integration (2000-2019)

ABSTRACT Historical accounts from various countries globally have proven that women were exempt from officially participating in diplomatic activities until the early 1990’s. In Ghana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has helped implement Ghana’s foreign policy over the years. Although Ghanaian women have participated in decision making, management and development, not enough women in Ghana have played significant roles in politics and public service. Using the qua...


ABSTRACT Over the years, the concept of good governance, which guided the study has become the mantra for donor partners, the Global West and some NGOs, as an ideal way of addressing the perennial problems facing developing countries. Good governance eventually became a precondition for aid in Africa in an attempt to propel African leaders to respect human rights, implement economic reforms, ensure alternation of power in a free and fair election, among others. Among other things, African lea...

World Trade Law: Contemporary Issues and Concerns

It is obvious that Article XXIV is one the most important gatt provision regarding ftas. In this article is mentioned that ftas should have four important features: (1) duties and other restrictive commercial regulations must be eliminated; (2) substantially all trade must be covered; (3) external tariffs and commercial regulations – that is, measures applicable to non-parties – may not be higher or more restrictive than those in effect before the FTA or interim agreement was concluded; a...

Conventional and Critical Approaches to Terrorism

Any attempt to define terrorism comes with a challenge. The influential author and historian Walter Laqueur (1977, p.5) declared that a comprehensive definition of terrorism is not possible. It has appeared in many different forms, under many different circumstances. It is no wonder that there are many approaches to understanding terrorism and its outcomes. This essay considers two schools of study that investigate the nature of terrorist conflict; Conventional Terrorist Studies (TS) and Crit...

Achievements And Challenges Of Technical Aid Corps As A Foreign Policy Tool

ABSTRACT . The Technical Aid Corps Scheme is conceived by the Federal Government of Nigeria as an instrument of economic diplomacy. The ultimate aim of the programme is to promote Nigerias economic interest and boost her image in the comity of nations. However, despite the huge investment, Nigeria has not leveraged on the opportunities provided by TAC as a policy instrument to harvest economic and other dividends from the recipient states. The aim of the study therefore is to assess the sche...

The Impact Of Boko Haram Insurgency On Socio-Economic Activities In Nigeria (Study Borno State)

ABSTRACT The study compacts with the impact of boko haram insurgency in Nigeria, study of Borno State. The study proceeded with the objectives i.e. to investigate the implications of the Boko Haram insurgency on socioeconomic activities in the state. For this study, the use of primary data was applied to get first-hand information from residents of the state and the method of data collection as the questionnaire. Statistical tools were used to analyze the data collected part of which include ...


ABSTRACT This paper explores the analysis of Obasanjo administration in International diplomacy. Since independence Nigeria’s foreign policy remains the same but however there was significant change to its foreign policy under the government of President Olusegun Obasanjo from 1999 – 2007. In another part, the study examine the changes in direction of foreign policy of different administrations as this pertained to the foreign policy establishments in Obasanjo administration and how it pl...

Ethiopia's Foreign Relations Polices towards European Union

The current foreign policy of Ethiopia, namely “The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and Strategy” was introduced in 2002. The Ethiopia is in a critical stage in reforming its Foreign policy. The foreign policy of Ethiopia has set various strategies in implementing the core objectives of the external relations. After the introduction of the foreign policy document in 2002, many international changes have been noticed. However, the foreig...

The Binding Status of International Treaties and Conventions on Sovereign States

ABSTRACT The concept of sovereignty of states has been a matter of much controversy among legal scholars and practitioners. This is as several states have over the years, strived to foster better international relations (diplomacy), with others, as well as reputable international organisations, in order to ensure economic viability and political stability amongst the larger global community, even in the face of maintaining territorial sovereignty. However, traditional international law norms...

An Assessment of The United Nations and the Gulf War 1, Principle and Collective Security Approaches

The purpose of this research is to critique the Principle of Collective Security and proffer possible solutions to help policy makers in the international arena devise means of calling off collective actions and improve the tenets of Collective Security. Gulf War 1 (1990-1991) is the major focus in critiquing the Principle of Collective Security. The research approach is non-experimental, qualitative, exploratory-descriptive and contextual. In this study, the sampling method was non-probable ...


Abstract China’s remarkable economic growth and relative stability have seen it taking on bigger international roles as an economic and political power of its own kind and in its own right. In fact, it has been opined that “there is unequivocal evidence that China has positioned itself as (the) economically relevant country in the world in recent times such that, it is described as the world’s emerging giant among emerging economies, and as ‘economic powerhouse’.” Being this plane...

The Chicago Convention and Civilian Aircraft in Times of War

Abstract Airspace used for civil aviation is also used for military purposes. Military activities undoubtedly present safety implications for civil aviation. Generally, the greatest risk posed by military activities to civil aviation has been demonstrated by occurrences of civil aircraft being shot down deliberately or by mistake, causing numerous fatalities. This paper undertook a doctrinal analysis of civilian aircraft in times of war; beginning with a conceptual analysis of terms vital to ...

The Doctrine of Res Judicata of an International Arbitral Awards

INTRODUCTION Every legal order recognizes the need for finality of disputes and it is commonly known as Res Judicata1 . This principle exists in all jurisdictions and it is aimed at putting an end to the adjudication of disputes. Some writers suggest it is rooted in public policy and others take the view as not taking the second bite at the cherry2 , this principle is important to dispute resolution. Dispute resolution can take many forms such as litigation, to alternative forms among which i...


The prevalence of terrorist attacks on the Nigerian State despite the Nigerian government counter-terrorism efforts have led to several discussions on the way forward. This long essay seeks to advocate for international collaboration with the Nigerian government to fight and actually defeat terrorism in Nigeria. ABSTRACT Thisstudyseekstoappraisetheprosecutionofthewaragainstterrorism bytheNigerian state governmentvis-à-vis the legalprinciples ofstate responsibility,responsibilitytoprotectand...

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