
Law Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Analysis of Pre-trial Detention in Uganda

ABSTRACT This research paper analyses pre-trial detention (remand) in Uganda. It digs deep into the causes and effects of lengthy pre-trial detentjon and provides suggestions to end it. The paper gives appropriate history of the wider context of pre-trial detentions in Uganda that 5pans from the immediate post-colonial times of Uganda to the recent, highlighting major historical events that have shaped the law on pre-trial detention. It goes ahead to provide an analysis of the literature both...

The Examination of the Legal Regime On Environmental Sustainability in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was conducted basing on an Examination of the legal regime on environmental sustainability in Uganda. lt was based on five chapters where chapter one examined the introduction, background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, research questions, scope of the study, literature review and the methodology that was used to conduct the study, two examined the causes and effects of environmental degradation in Uganda. Chapter three examined the legal framework in ...

A Critical Analysis of The Various Causes of Electoral Offences and Malpractices and Their Consequences in Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study undertook to identify the various causes of electoral malpractices and their consequences in Kenya. Although the constitution and other major legislations in Kenya provides for the governance of elections and prohibits electoral malpractices, the study carried out proves that the fight against electoral malpractices are far from over. The electorate the three arms of government alike have accelerated electoral malpractices in Kenya. Principles of rule of law have been thro...

Whether There Is Need for the Legalisation of Prostitution in Uganda and Its Implication on Society Generally. A Case Study of Makindye Division: Kamp Ala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................

An Analysis of The Law on The Prevention of Drug Abuse in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study provided for an analysis of the law on the prevention of drug abuse in Uganda. It therefore expressed concern on the legal framework in regulation of drug abuse in Uganda/ ways through which drugs have been abused in Uganda/ explored the challenges of the law on prevention of drug abuse in Uganda and also prov1ded for summary of findings/ conclusions and recommendations. The study used a doctrinal research method which was based on analyzing legal documents and how they hav...

Kampala International Univesirty A Critical Analysis of The Enforcement of Rights of Children In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR .......................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................. ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... vLIST OF CASES ..................................................................

A Critical Analysis of The Law Relating To Fraud Cases In Adoption Proceedings in Uganda. A Case Study of The High Court Family Division

ABSTRACTThe research is majorly made to critically analyze the law relating to adoption of children in Uganda. Adoption refers to the vesting of parental rights and duties related to a child in the adopter on their application to the court vested with jurisdiction to grant an adoption order.The major reasons for analyzing the law relating to adoption of children in Uganda are, the laws allow adoption to be made by those that are twenty-five years older than the childr...

The Effectiveness of Central Bank in Regulating Banking Sector ~Nuganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE ................................................... : ........................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... : ............................. 1 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background of the Study .........

A Critical Analysis of Customs and General Principles in The Development of International Criminal Law,

ABSTRACTInternational criminal law is one of the very broad aspects of intemationallaw generally, dealing with the investigation and possible prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of international crimes. In the prosecution of intemational crimes, intemational criminal law does contain various principles, norms and customs that have in fact contt~buted to its development. It is w1derstood that whilst international criminal law is different from intemational humanitari...

The Constitutional History of Uganda Since Independence 1962: A Critical Analysis.

ABSTRACT This research investigated the constitutional history of Uganda since independence of" 1962 a critical analysis. The purpose of this study is to address the general public on how rulers/leaders alleviate from leading according to the constitution which poses a danger to democratic governance. The researcher found out that although here have been established constitutions put in place; the reality is that most of these constitutions have remained on paper. This research reviews the co...

The Effectiveness of The African Court on Human and People's Rights in Resolving The African Challenges: A Case Study of War Out Break in The Republic of South Sudan as at 2013-2014

ABSTRACT The research was focused on the effectiveness of the African court on human and people's rights in resolving the African challenges: A case study of war outbreak in the Republic of South Sudan in 2013-2014. The general objective of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the African court on human and people's rights in resolving Afi·ican challenges. The study is to examine the legal frame work in establishing African court on human and people's rights and its mandate. To asse...

The Impact Of Domestic Violence On Students' Perfomance In Kagadi District.

Abstract The study was about study is to explore the causes and effects of domestic violence on Students performance/ the objectives were to identify various forms of domestic violence experienced by Students in to identify causes of domestic violence against Students in Kagadi District and to determine the effects of domestic violence on performance of students in Kagadi District The study found out that Domestic violence has far-reaching impacts to the victims/ which are physical, psycholog...

Analysis Of The Legality And Impact of the Death Penalty In Kenya

ABSTRACT The death penalty is associated with two fundamental human rights; the right to life and the protection against cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. This research sought to establish whether the death penalty as practiced in Kenya conforms to comparative and international human rights norms. It analyzed the legality of death penalty in Kenya with respect to the right to life and its impact. The research was historical and was also based on the reports and views of va...

Legal Realities Versus Culture: A Perspective On Land Acquisition In West Moyo District In Uganda

ABSTRACT: Land is the most essential pillar of human existence and national development, according to the Government of Uganda (Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, 2011: 2). It is a source of identity and cultural heritage. With 87 percent living in rural areas, of which 34 percent lives in poverty, land in general and access to land in specific is a crucial issue in Uganda (FAO, 2010.) Indeed there is an upsurge in large scale land acquisition including a rush for land that for...

Criminal Justice System in Uganda And Its Impact on Mob Justice.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................

211 - 225 Of 1432 Results