
Law Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Truth, Justice And Reconciliation In Acideving Transitional Justice: A Case Study Of The Gacaca Courts In Rwanda After The 1994 Genocide.

ABSTRACT Emerging out of the same dynamics of war and violence that led to the recognition of international human rights, post -conflict or transitional justice is one of the most important developments in the efforts to advance peace as well realize human rights and dignity in the twentieth century. As more and more countries undergo the trauma of civil war or revolutions against repressive regimes, together with the international community they must confront the problems of transforming th...

Smoking In Public Places: The Legal Framework In Uganda

ABSTRACT The research project analyses the efficacy of the ban on smoking in public places in Uganda as well as institutional efficacy in the same context. In response to the threat of public smoking on public health in Uganda which has been continuous, enactment of different laws to attempt to ensure that there is compliance with such laws. Thus there are several institutions that have been established in the attempt to ensure that the law is properly and effectively implemented. However de...

Women and Their Right to Property; An Examination of the Law and Policy in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research was focused on women and their 1ight to property; an examination of the law and policy in Uganda. The study was be can·ied out with the hope that it enlightens and advance the understanding of women's property rights in Uganda as provided for in the laws. The study iss as a result of observation of the apparent injustice against women in particular the denial of women to own property emerging as a result of exploitation of the loopholes in the statutory laws in place th...

Granting of Amnesty in Corruption Cases: Whether it Will Reduce the Rate of Corruption in Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL SHEET IDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Backgrounds to the problems 11.4 Issues arising from the statement of the problem 41.5 Hypothesis 51.6 Theoretical framework 51.7 Scope and the limitation of the study 51.8 Justification of the study 61.9 Literature review 61.10 Objectives and purpose of the study 61.11 Research Methodology 61.12 Chapter Breakdown 7Chapter one: Introduction 7Chapter two: International ...

A Critical Analysis on the Rights of Refugees in East Africa

ABSTRACT The situation of refugees is among the most pressing and urgent problems that the African continent is battling with now, this is as a result of conflicts in the continent especially in the region of East Africa and the neighboring countries like South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Burundi among others. East Africa is currently comprised of five countries which include Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan and Bmundi. The legal instruments that provide secu...

An Examination of the Law and Practice of Cooperate Governance in Uganda; A Case Study of National Social Security Fund (Nssf)

ABSTRACT Corporate governance in Uganda has faced numerous challenges which are both legal and institutional. There has been lack of political will on the side of government parastatals to be accorded the independence they deserve if they are to operate in accordance with the code of Corporate Governance and the best practices or principles of Corporate Governance. The research concentrates on National Social Security Fund (NSSF) which is one of the parastatal facing corporate governance cha...

Children And War; Towards A Comprehensive Legal Approach To The Problem Of Child Soldiers In Africa

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION DEDICATIONAPPROVALACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS  TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the study 1.2 Research questions 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Literature review1.5 Methodology 1.6 Limitations of the study1. 7 Overview of chapters CHAPTER TWOTHE LEGAL PROTECTION OF CHILD SOLDIERS IN AFRICA2.1 Introduction 2.2 The four Geneva Conventions and the two Additional Protocols 2.3 Convention on the Rights of the Child 2.4 Af...

Tax Reforms In Uganda: Missed Opportunities And Prospects For Economic Development

ABSTRACT This study is based on examination of the different Tax Reforms in Uganda. The study was guided by current position of taxes in Uganda, different tax reforms in Uganda and national legal and institutional framework for tax refom1s in Uganda. The study was guided by a doctrinal methodology based on relevant written legal sources such as text books, journals, reports, articles and legislations, internet sources on the subject as well as case laws in Uganda, regionally focusing on East ...

A Critical Analysis on Freeedom of Expression and the Media in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study aims at investigating Freedom of Expression and the Media in Uganda especially the level of independence and freedom of thy mass media industry in Uganda. It explores the challenges that media professionals practically go through and face in the process of carrying out media work and practicing their profession in Uganda Secondly, it identifies how both the existing and newly proposed laws impact on the mass media freedom in Uganda while drawing from the domestic, national,...

The Protection of Male Victims Against Domestic Violence in Uganda

ABSTRACT This study prevention of male victim's aga'insl: domestic violence in Uganda was carried out in the whole of Uganda, sample areas being Kampala, Kabala, Tororo, Kasese and Gulu Districts. Is a specific aim of examining the effects, causes, and how to prevent violence on men. In the comprehensive of the study, the researcher reviewed literature from various scholars on the major variables as well as different laws and polices of various countries in the common wealthy particularly tho...

The Interplay Between Indemnity And Subrogation In Eliminating Unjust Enrichment In Insurance Contracts: Zambia In Perspective

ABSTRACTIn a society characterized by high and unavoidable accidents and losses, insurance remains an important tool for management of risks and remedying losses. However, attaining a successful insurance industly requires a balance in the application and operationalisation of the key principles of insurance which include indemnity and subrogation principles. Research on the relationship of these two principles has become an important subject because the two principle...

A Review Of The Laws Regulating Tobacco Cultivation And Consumption In Uganda

ABSTRACTUganda ratified the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(WHO FCTC) in June 2007, and passed the Tobacco Control Act (2015) in September 2015 incompliance with (WHOFCTC) which requires signatories to pass local legislations aimed atcontrolling tobacco use in their states. Tobacco Control Act, 2015 is the primary law regulating tobacco cultivation and use in Uganda. However, there are some existing laws that lend limited support to tobacco contro...

The Legal Framework Of Withholding Tax (Wht) Compliance Among The Construction Companies In Kampala

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at examining the legal Framework ofWithholding tax (WHT} Compliance amongthe Construction Companies in Kampala. The objectives of the study were; to analyze theFormulation of Tax Policy in Uganda, to examine the Uganda's tax legal regime and institutionalframework's implications on construction companies, to evaluate the impact of laws on Withholding tax of construction companies in Uganda and to fmd out recommendations for the improvement of the Withholding ...

The Efficiency Of Uganda Police In Handling Criminal Related Complaints In Uganda (A Case Study Cid Headquarters Pts Kibull)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDI,CLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................

Analysis Of The Law And Practice Of Receivership In Uganda

AbstractThe study was set to analyze of the law and practice of receivership in Uganda, it was guided by the following objectives which included; examine the adequacy of law on receivership in relation to duties of receivers and power of sale, to examine the liabilities of receiver and how such can be avoided, to examine the problems/challenges released to receivership in Uganda and to examine remedies available to the parties in receivership process. The research design u...

241 - 255 Of 1432 Results