
Law Research Papers/Topics

Human Rights and The Law an Appraisal of the Right to Fair Trail in Uganda Criminal Court

ABSTRACT The study examined the "human rights and the law: an appraisal of the right to a fair trial in Uganda Criminal Court ". The right to a fair hearing is provided under Article 28 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Article 28(1) directs that in the determination of civil rights and obligations or any criminal charge a person has a right to a fair, speedy, and public hearing before an independent and impartial court. The study was guided by the following objectives, to exami...

A Critical Analysis of the Law Regulating Juvenile Delinquency in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study identifies the legal framework regulating juvenile delinquency in Uganda at national, regional, and international levels. In chapter one the study focuses on the background of the study, objectives of the study, the statement of the problem that motivated the study, and a hypothetical question to test the validity of the study also points out the significance of the study not only to the researcher but also other cook 11ho 11 ill use the study. The study looks at related li...

An Analysis of the Law and Policy On Prostitution in Uganda: A Case Study of Kampala District

ABSTRACT This study examined the law and policy on prostitution in Uganda. However, having noted above that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land; other laws existing in Uganda have to conform to the constitutional provisions. Thus it is along this argument of conformity with the Constitution that there was need to research and show whether all the laws providing for prostitution are not discriminatory but rather equitably applied. A case in point is the Penal Code Act which deals ...

Environmental Law Compliance and Its Implications for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated environmental law compliance and its implications for oil and gas exploration and production in Uganda, it was guided by the following objectives; to examine the developments in the oil and gas exploration and production sector in Uganda, to identify and examine the environmental impacts of oil and gas exploration and production in Uganda, to review the activities involved in the oil and gas exploration and production processes, to analyze the national, region...

Human Rights in A Conflict Setting: A Case Study On the Cause and Impact of the Recurring Civil War in South Sudan

ABSTRACT This Research paper analyses violations of human rights in a conflict setting. The focus of this study is in South Sudan the world's youngest nation which has been affected by recurring civil war since it gained independence. This study analyses the causes and impact of the recuning civil war in South Sudan and provides suggestions to peace and stability in South Sudan. In order to achieve the objectives, the study examines the various reasons why there is recurring civil war and th...

Whether There Is Need for The Legalization of Abortion in Uganda On Society General A Case Study Of Makindye Division Kampala District

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction The present study deals primarily with whether the law on abortion needs to be amended and this practice legalized, the effectiveness of the law on abortion .The key aspects will involve an investigation into the legal provisions of the law on Abortion and its implementation. l.lBackground. Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriag...

The Effect of Divorce On Women and Children in Uganda "The Legal and Customary Perspective".

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0. Introduction. This study is an investigation of the legal and customary impacts of divorce on women and children in Uganda. The study will explore the problems that divorcees (women) and the children of these families are faced with and interventions that have been employed to address the trauma that they are faced with. This chapter will present the background to the study, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, the objectives of the study, the...

An Appraisal of the Analysis of the Electronic Signatures' Act No 7 Of 2011 And Its Impact On Evidence Law in Uganda

ABSTRACT  A digital signature provides information regarding the sender of an electronic document. It provides data integrity, thereby allowing data to remain in the same state in which it was transmitted. Here the most widely used type of cryptography is the public key, where the sender is assigned two keys, one public, and another private key. The original message is encrypted using a public key while the recipient of the message requires a private key to decrypt the message. Then the rec...

Critical Analysis of Lending On the Security of Matrimonial Property in Uganda: The Issue of Spouse

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Recognition of duty between spouses began a long time ago. This led to the development of fiduciary spousal duties 1 • The husband because of his management and control over the community propetty naturally occupied the position of a trustee for a wife and the family2 As such, based on the historical and traditional notions he was deemed the head of the family and tasked with the responsibility of executing important mandates on behalf of the family. Particular...

Critical Analysis On the Legal Regime Providing for the Rights On an Accused Person Under Criminal Justice System in Uganda

ABSTRACT The above research was carried out in the Republic of Uganda with an intention of examining the legal regime providing for the rights of accused persons under criminal justice system in Uganda in the republic aforesaid. The research addresses the inherent and inalienable nature of human rights generally. It critically analyses rights of suspects and accused persons putting into consideration the legal initiatives that have been taken by various stakeholders in the justice system. In...

Protection from Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess protection from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in terms of promotion and protection of Human Rights, in periocular achieving freedom from the act of to1iure cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. To that end, the study focused on establishing factors responsible for the occurrence and persistence of torture in decentralized administration. It examined the legal framework in place to address the crime of torture, ...

An Examination of the Role of Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Armed Conflict Situations: A Case Study of South Sudan

ABSTRACT The abbreviation ADR stand for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Basically on the abstract about this research, is to examine the role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in armed conflict situations like the South Sudan case that I am now researching about it. The brief statement in term of introduction is to define the term dispute that is encompasses in this thesis because the area of my research deal with the application of ADR and the legal frameworks which are supposed to be apply...

The Role of the Police in The Administration of Justice. A Case Study of Uganda

ABSTRACT  The research on the role of the police is presented in the following study that was under taken to reveal the stand of the police's role in the administration of criminal justice in Uganda from the colonial time it was formed to the present. The study is divided into two (2) sections in which section one introduced us to the role played by a democratic police institution, gave us a background of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, research hypothesis, the research...

Critical Overview On the Role of Kadhi Courts in Solving Family Disputes in Uganda

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction This chapter presents the introduction of the study, the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, research objectives, research questions, scope of the study, significance of the study, methodology and literature review and organization layout. 1.1 Background to the Study The concept of Khadi Courts is strongly believed that Assyrians and Sumerians from Iraq, where earliest civilization of the world arose found their way to...

A Critical Analysis of Jeremy Bentham's Doctrine of Utilitarianism, Its Efficacy and Application in Africa's Legal System

ABSTRACT The thesis analyses the doctrine of Utilitarianism as propounded by the English philosopher, Jeremy Bentham. It encompasses the basic principles that nurture the Utilitarian discourse in all its pursuits. The study also encounters the various types of Utilitarianism and the criticisms thereto in which it is presented that besides laws, even rules, actions and motives must produce the desired happiness of the greatest number of people so as to pass the Utilitarian test. The study the...

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