
Law Research Papers/Topics

State Sovereignty Vis-A-Vis International Relationship A Case of Uganda Kenya Relationship

ABSTRACT This study analyzed state sovereignty vis-a-vis the international relationship between Uganda and Kenya towards Uganda, 1963-20 I 4, with a specific focus on commercial and economic foreign policies. It contends that until2014 Uganda remained Kenya's leading trade partner, thereby necessitating an analysis of Kenya's foreign policy tools and instruments towards Uganda. Kenya's foreign policy generally aims at protecting Kenyan territorial integrity/ security and maximizing wealth cr...

An Appraisal of Indemnity as A Key Principle in The Practice, Of Insurance -Uganda as A Case Study

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Indemnity is the controlling principle of contracts of insurance which is the system for wide distribution of accidental losses and an arrangement for transferring and distributing risk. 1 Insurance is essentially a contract of indemnity, and from this cardinal principle arise many of its distinctive characteristics.2 The purpose of insurance is indemnity and indemnity only and whenever it is applied to any other, such use is a perversion of the true principle.3 ...

The Implication of the Veil of Incorporation of Companies On Members

ABSTRACT The concept of lifting the veil of incorporation has a really been misunderstood for a great period of time especially by the lay man. It has been called upon even where the necessary statutory as well as common law provision do not necessitate. Even for the legal minds the mechanism for putting this substantive law into procedure have been murky and unclear. This paper is therefore aimed at prounding simplistic elucidation on the whole concept of lifting the veil of incorporation m...

The Law and Its Effectiveness as A Deterrence Mechanism of Crime in The Criminal Justice System of Uganda. A Case Study of Kampala Uganda.

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Criminal law is distinctive for the uniquely serious potential consequences or sanctions for failure to abide by its rules. Every crime is composed of criminal elements, capital punishment may be imposed in some jurisdictions for the most serious crimes, and physical or corporal punishment may be. imposed such as whipping or caning, although these punishments are prohibited in Uganda. Individuals may be incarcerated in prisons or jail in a variety of conditions d...

The Customary Land Tenure and The Importance of Certificate of Customary Land Ownership. A Case Study in Acholi-Madi Sub- Region.

CHAPTER ONE RESEARCH BACKGROUND This contains the problem that the researcher intents to address, the objectives of the research paper and the methods the researcher will use to collect data while in the field as well as an analysis of the similar prior research undertaken by scholars towards the same subject matter. To the best of the knowledge of the researcher, as the title of the research reads "The customary land tenure and the importance of certificate of customary land ownership", cas...

Banks and Fiduciary Responsibilities the Law and Practice in Uganda

ABSTRACT This study "Banks and Fiduciary Responsibilities, The Law and Practice' was caiTied out in different banks in Kampala district, with specific aims of establishing the circumstances that bring about fiduciary arrangements and the legal issues taken into consideration to decide these responsibilities; finding out the different forms of fiduciary responsibilities, examining the circumstances that can lead to breach of fiduciary relationships through an analysis of the loopholes in the ...

The Oil Pricing Crisis; A Review of the Current Legal Regulatory Pricing of Petroleum Products in Kenya

ABSTRACT Energy occupies a pivotal position in any country's search for economic development. The availability of a reliable supply of energy spurs economic development through raised levels of productivity, creation of employment opportunities and income generation. It is indispensable to point out that one of the key sources of energy in Kenya is petroleum and petroleum products. The determination of the price of petroleum products in Kenya has been left to the international market forces ...

An Appraisal of the Electronic Tax (E-Tax) Employed by The Ura in Collecting Taxes

ABSTRACT The study established the legal effectiveness of the electronic tax (e-tax) employed by the (URA) in collecting taxes. All the reforms in the Uganda's tax system were aimed at improving tax collections, administration, and above all e-tax. In a bid to improve e-tax, Uganda Revenue Authority decided to go online hence introducing the electronic tax filing system. Despite of the introduction of the Electronic tax system, Uganda Revenue Authority is facing a problem of tax payers faili...

An Appraisal of the Legal Roles and Liabilities of Executors and Administrators of Estates in Uganda

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0   Introduction 2.0   The law of inheritance provides for the manner of inheriting property, the mode of distributing properties of deceased persons and how other related matters should be dealt with. If a person dies, there are various legal consequences, the most important of which will concern the status of his partner, if the deceased was married or had a civil partnership, and the distribution of any property the deceased owned. Property inherit...

Re-Shaping Institutions for Industrial Dispute Settlement in Nigeria: Perspectives on the Status of the Industrial Arbitration Panel

This work intends to make an analysis of the Industrial arbitration panel as an institution forTrade dispute resolution in Nigeria under the Trade Dispute Act of 1990. Subsequently, anexamination into the defects that has rendered the institution ineffective will be made andthereafter to proffer solution with a view to re-shaping the machinery for Trade disputeresolution in Nigeria. A comparative study of the dispute settlement mechanism in SouthAfrica, Tanzania and the United Kingdom would b...

Consumer Redress Channels Under Nigerian Laws: A Comparative Analysis

The relational disparities between the Nigerian consumers and suppliers have been pronounced that a Nigerianconsumer can only be described as a subject but not a king. It is however, palpable that there is no economy in the world that is devoid of consumer abuses and exploitation. It is regrettable that Nigerian consumers appear to be the most abused and most exploited by manufacturers (local and international), suppliers and retailers. This paper seeks to catalogue consumer redress channels ...

A Review of the Customary Law of Inheritance and Succession amongst the Efik and Qua Communities in Cross River State, Nigeria

CustomaryLawembodiescustomsaspracticed by the people which they regardas binding on them.1It is any system oflaw different from Common Law and aLaw enacted by legislation, but which isenforceable and binding within Nigeria asbetween the parties subject to its way.1This article reviews the Customary Lawtheoriesofinheritanceandsuccessionamong the Efik and Qua communities inCross River State. To this end, it examinesthevariousclassificationsoftheCustomaryLawofInheritanceandSuccessionasapplicable...

The Concept of Separation of Powers in Uganda

CHAPTER ONE SEPARATION OF POWERS 1.1.0 General Introduction This paper intends to address the concept of separation of powers in Uganda between the three organs of government videlicet, the legislature, Executive and the judiciary1 . This paper is geared towards providing a comprehensive and a current ' critical analysis of the concept of separation of powers, its merits and demerits and the extent to which Uganda has complied with the concept. Separation of powers is often used to justify t...

The Analysis Of The Effect Of Forced Displacement Of Internally Displaced Persons: Case Study Northern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... .i DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................ v LIST OF STATUTES ................................................................................................

The Refugee And The Right To An Effective Remedy In International Law

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... i DECLARATION ...................................................................................................... iii APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ v ACKN...

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