Applied Epidemiology Research Papers/Topics

Spatially Variable Risk Factors for Malaria in a Geographically Heterogeneous Landscape, Western Kenya: An Explorative Study

Abstract/Overview Large reductions in malaria transmission and mortality have been achieved over the last decade, and this has mainly been attributed to the scale-up of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets and indoor residual spraying with insecticides. Despite these gains considerable residual, spatially heterogeneous, transmission remains. To reduce transmission in these foci, researchers need to consider the local demographical, environmental and social context, and design an appropriate...

Modeling the effects of information-dependent vaccination behavior on meningitis transmission

Abstract: We propose a mathematical model to investigate the effects of information–dependent vaccination behavior on meningitis transmission. The information is represented by means of information index as early proposed by d'Onofrio et al. (Theor. Popul. Biol., 2007). We perform a qualitative analysis based on stability theory, focusing to the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) and the related transcritical bifurcation taking place at the threshold for the DFE. Finall...

Optimal control strategy for TB-HIV/AIDS co-infection model in the presence of behaviour modification

Abstract: A mathematical model for a transmission of TB-HIV/AIDS co-infection that incorporates prevalence dependent behaviour change in the population and treatment for the infected (and infectious) class is formulated and analyzed. The two sub-models, when each of the two diseases are considered separately are mathematically analyzed. The theory of optimal control analysis is applied to the full model with the objective of minimizing the aggregate cost of the infections and the control eff...

Analysis of the mitigation strategies for COVID-19: from mathematical modelling perspective

Abstract: In this article, a mathematical model for the transmission of COVID-19 disease is formulated and analysed. It is shown that the model exhibits a backward bifurcation at R0=1 when recovered individuals do not develop a permanent immunity for the disease. In the absence of reinfection, it is proved that the model is without backward bifurcation and the disease free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable for R0

Modelling Covid-19 mitigation and control strategies in the presence of migration and vaccination: the case of South Africa

Abstract: The novel coronavirus disease has ravaged many health systems around the world and has brought many economies to their knees. In the absence of an approved curing medicine or approved vaccine to date, the major control of the surge of infections is through use of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) and imposing specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) in instances when the disease spread curbs are relaxed. It is thus essential to quantify the extent to which specific NPIs ...

Age structured mixture model for early COVID-19 spread: a Zimbabwean risk factor analysis

Abstract: Unique severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) prevention measures to distinct age, geographical and community groupings can only be effectively and efficiently implemented with a clear understanding on dynamics of the disease. Dynamics include disease spread, different risk factors and their level of influence and individual attributes that aid the spread. The paper aims at determining the major COVID-19 spread risk factors in Zimbabwe by identifying ...

Sexual Networking, Sexual Practices and Level of Awareness among MSM on HIV/ AIDS

Filipinos infected with HIV-AIDS continued to balloon, notwithstanding the intervention through comprehensive prevention, dissemination, and control programs. In Eastern Visayas, 69 cases were coming from the most risk population, primarily Men Having Sex with Men (MSM), either homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual modes of transmission. Bearing this epidemic, sexual networking, using the internet for sex served as cruising sites for casual sex, and promiscuity may be accounted for this surge...

Factors Associated with malaria treatment failures in Ibadan

ABSTRACT This study aims to find out factors associated with antimalarial drug resistance in some selected areas in Ibadan.

Improving outcomes in cancer diagnosis, prevention and control: barriers, facilitators and the need for health literacy in Ibadan Nigeria

Abstract Background: Cancers constitute a significant public health problem in Nigeria. Breast, cervix and prostate cancers are leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Changing diets, lifestyles, HIV/AIDS and macro-structural factors contribute to cancer morbidity and mortality. Poor health information linking cancer risk to individual behaviors, environmental pollutants and structural barriers undermine prevention/control efforts. Studies suggest increasing health literacy and empowering i...

Data resource profile: Cardiovascular H3Africa Innovation Resource (CHAIR)

ABSTRACT Low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) constitute the majority of the world’s population and bear more than 80% of the global burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD).1,2 The recent increases in CVD globally are also reflected in LMIC, where the prevalence of overall deaths from CVD was 28% in 20013 and premature CVD mortality was 37% in 2015.4 The paucity of data regarding the drivers of the CVD epidemic and contextualized solutions is, in part, because less than 10% of the global ...