Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Water On Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Growth In Earthen Ponds In Teso North Sub County, Busia County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Global, regional and national production of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has faced challenges of low yields and lack of crucial culture information. Farmers in Teso North Sub County recorded lower yields than expected in 2009 despite having been provided with inputs. Factors responsible for the low production had not been established and water quality was suspected to be among them. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of water quality on the growth of Nile Til...

Ecological Risk Assessment, Uptake Pattern Analysis And Depuration Studies Of Heavy Metals Using Selected Fish Species And Cultured Gill Epithelial Cells

Abstract Aquatic pollution by heavy metals remains a recurrent problem globally due to their persistence, toxicity and ability to accumulate in biological systems. This study investigated the pollution trend, ecological and public health risks associated with heavy metal pollution in the Lagos Lagoon as well as pattern of interaction among heavy metals that can be exploited for remediation of exposed aquatic organisms. Heavy metal content in surface water, sediment and biota were analyzed us...

An Assessment Of Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Electronic Waste Management In Kisumu Central Business District, Kisumu City, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The ever increasing levels of electronic waste (e-waste) and limited capacities for disposal and recycling have worsened e-waste management considering only 10% of e-waste is properly managed globally. In developed countries, e-waste management is guided by extended producer responsibility frameworks that ensure e-waste collection and recycling through consumer participation whereas, in Asia and Africa e-waste is managed through inefficient solid waste systems resulting to degradatio...

The Effects Of Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Water On Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Growth In Earthen Ponds In Teso North Sub County, Busia County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Global, regional and national production of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has faced challenges of low yields and lack of crucial culture information. Farmers in Teso North Sub County recorded lower yields than expected in 2009 despite having been provided with inputs. Factors responsible for the low production had not been established and water quality was suspected to be among them. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of water quality on the growth of Nile Til...

Effect Of Pesticides Use On Honeybee (Apis Mellifera L.) Mortality And Honey Production In Transmara West Sub-County, Narok County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) produces honey and cross pollinates plants for improved socioeconomic wellbeing. However its colony populations globally and locally have been declining. In Transmara West Sub-county, hive colonization and honey yields have been low, which is due to the decline in honeybee population believed to be caused by pesticides use and pests attack. Although their relative contributions are unknown, Beekeepers suspect pesticides use hold a key role in colony p...

Assessment Of Dust Exposure And Risk Of Chronic Respiratory Diseases Among Stone Corrie Quarry Workers In Namibia, 2018

ABSTRACT Quarry mining produces substantial dust amounts bearing an adverse effect on human health in several ways, mainly the respiratory system. Even though employers are obligated to protect their employees from occupational hazards, the quarry mining industry in Namibia has failed to honour that obligation. This study investigated quarry workers and the surrounding community’s exposure to dust as well as their risk of getting chronic respiratory diseases in the Erongo region of Namibia....

Impact Of Diabetes On The Treatment Of Tb Patients In Khomas Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT Introduction Tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus are public health challenges globally. The World Health Organization (WHO) Global report on diabetes reiterated that diabetes is a well-known risk factor for tuberculosis (TB) and that diabetes is associated with poor tuberculosis treatment outcomes, while tuberculosis is linked with deteriorating glycemic control. Namibia is among the top 30 high TB burden countries in the world (WHO, 2016) and added to that is the increasing prevalenc...

Safety And Health Problems Associated With Food From Food Outlets. The Case Of Nyika Growth Point. Bikita District, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study focused on safety and health implications of food from food outlets at Nyika growth point. The purpose of the study was to evaluate safety and health hazards associated with food from food outlets. Records of the Bikita Rural District Council indicated that from 2006 to 2014, the number of food outlets increased by more than 100%. Cases of food borne illnesses increased by at least 100% according to the records of the Bikita District Hospital. A cross-sectional survey was ...

Relationship Between Test Anxiety And Performance In Examination Of Students In Basic Nursing Schools In Enugu Urban, Enugu State

ABSTRACT Test anxiety is conceived as the hyper-arousal condition that results in physiological, emotional and intellectual changes that prevent the effective use of the previously learned information while taking an examination. It is composed of “worry” which a cognitive anxiety related with performance and “emotionality” the arousal of autonomic nervous system in evaluative situations (Morris & Liebert 1970 in Ndirangu 2009). Examination performance is the grade point or scores obt...

Prevalence Of Factors Affecting Maintenance Management Of Prison Facilities In South-West, Nigeria.

Abstract The prevalence of diverse factors affecting maintenance management determines the impact of such factors on the maintenance of prison facilities. This study investigates factors that affect the maintenance management of prison facilities in South-West, Nigeria. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the prison staff in the maintenance unit of all prisons situated in South-west, Nigeria. The statistical tools employed for the study were percentage, mean scores, kendall's coeff...

The Distribution Of Escherichia Coli In Pregnant Women And Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns Of The Isolates In Selected Rural Areas

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium that can asymptomatically colonize a woman’s vagina and up to 31% of pregnant women are colonized worldwide. Furthermore, vaginal colonization with E. coli is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth and stillbirth. It is also associated with neonatal sepsis or meningitis when transmitted to the foetus through amniotic fluid or to the neonate during delivery. To date in Namibia data on the colonization a...

Prevalence And Associated Risk Factors Of Respiratory Diseases Among Residents Of Tsumeb Locality Of Namibia

ABSTRACT Respiratory infections represent a major global health problem, and occurrences of respiratory diseases have been increasing in Southern Africa countries including Namibia due to anthropogenic activities. This study was conducted in Tsumeb, a municipal township located in the Northern part of Namibia. It aimed at determining the prevalence of respiratory ailments among the residents, identify risk factors associated with the prevalence and recommend appropriate measures to prevent ex...

Generation And Management Of Household Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment( WEEE) In Harare And Mutare, Zimbabwe

abstract this paper analyses the generation and management of waste electronic waste generated in the households of harare and muture. current studies is solid waste management have focused on the waste management practices of general municipal solid waste.

Locally Initiated Community Gardens As An Adaptation Strategy To Climate Change-Induced Food Insecurity: Case Of Shurugwi Partners Chikato Gardens, Zimbabwe

Abstract This study assesses the sustainability of locally initiated community gardens as an adaptation strategy against climate change-induced food insecurity in Chikato ward 7 of Shurugwi district. Triangulation approach was employed in this study in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. Qualitative techniques included open-ended questionnaires, interviews, observations, focus group discussions and secondary data. Quantitative techniques comprised of clo...

Comparative Analysis Of Food Handling Practices Employed By Registered And Unregistered Quick Service Restaurants: The Case Of City Of Mutare, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The fast food industry has an important role in meeting the ever increasing food demands of the urban dwellers in developing countries. The catering industry in Zimbabwe is growing exponentially as evidenced by the opening of new takeaways, restaurants, lodges and hotels. It is estimated that 15 percent of the total population in Zimbabwe buy food from various food outlets on a daily basis. The aim of the study was to make an inference on the food handling practices currently prevale...

211 - 225 Of 351 Results