Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Nitrogen Dynamics In A Maturation Waste Stabilization Pond System Receiving Industrial Wastewater In Mabibo Area Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A mathematical model describing the dynamics of Nitrogen transformation and removal in a maturation Waste Stabilization Pond (MWSP) system receiving industrial wastewater was developed. Simulation of the processes was done using STELLA 8_1®, based on the principle of conservation of mass. Besides, measurement of different parameters input to the model was made. Model simulation and mass balance analysis results show that nitrification was responsible for the majority of nitrogen tr...

Environmental Health Risk Behaviors Related to Agrochemical Exposure Among Rice Farmers in Izzi Local Government Area, Ebonyi State

ABSTRACT The large-scale use of agrochemicals has raised environmental and human health concerns. A comprehensive intervention strategy for improving agro-chemical safety among rice farmers in Izzi Local Government Area of Ebony State which comprises six communities (Agbja, Ndiebor, Ezza-Inyimegu, Ibeagu, Mgba-ukwu and Ndieze) is lacking. This study is carried out in light of the crucial importance of rice in the attainment of food security status. The study was designed to (i) assess the di...

Assessment of Urban Agriculture as A Means of Sustainable Urban Livelihood in Enugu Metropolis, Enugu State Nigeria

ABSTRACT Urban agriculture is defined as the practice of farming within the boundaries of towns or cities. It is one of the most common informal sector activities of urban dwellers in Enugu. Farming in this sense involves crop cultivation, animal rearing and fish farming. In this definition of urban agriculture, the location of farms plays the most important role. Approximately half of the residents in Enugu are involved in the practice. This is similar to the rates in other towns/cities in ...

Assessment Of Litter On The Banks Of Some Selected Lagoons Along The Eastern Coast Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Apart from contributing to the degradation of lagoons, litter on the banks of coastal lagoons reduces their aesthetic values and denies them of their functions in ecosystem conservation and sustainability – a condition that results in the disappearance of coastal lagoon. The main objective of the study is to assess the litter load on the banks of coastal lagoons (Kpeshie, Mukwei, Sakumo II, Gao and the Keta) located along the eastern coast of Ghana over a six month period (i.e. fro...

Effects of Heavy Metals on The Air Pollution Tolerance Indices (APTI) of Five Medicinal Plants Growing Within Quarry Site in Ishi-Agu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Effects of heavy metals on the Air Pollution Tolerance Indices (APTI) of five medicinal plants growing within quarry site in Ishi-Agu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria were studied. Following laboratory analysis of the leaves of the plants for metal load and four biochemical parameters of APTI computation. The metal load was determined by the Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric method, while the ascorbic acid was determined by the titrimetric method, leaf extract pH by the electrochemical tec...

Evaluation Of Landfill Effects On Soil And Water Sources, A Case Study Of The Whein Town Sanitary Land Fill, Montserrado County-Liberia

ABSTRACT The study investigated the perceptions of the inhabitants of Whein Town on the effects of the activities of Whein Town Sanitary landfill in Monrovia, Liberia, and evaluated real time health hazards posed on the community. The Whein Town Engineered Landfill was developed with an integrated solid waste management motive. Even though the landfill lifespan expired at the end of 2016, active landfill activities are still ongoing. Liners may have deteriorated, thereby resulting in infiltra...

Vulnerability And Adaptation of Farming Households to Climatic And Non-Climatic Stressors in Semi-Arid Ghana

ABSTRACT Since the latter part of the 20th Century to date, climate change has received considerable global attention due to its threats on all sectors of the global economy, particularly agriculture. Sub-Saharan Africa, for which Ghana is part, is considered as most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and variability due to its low adaptive capacity and dependent on predominantly rain-fed agriculture. Farmers in Ghana and beyond are not only prone to climatic stressors but also to n...

Smallholder Farmer Adaptation Strategies To Climate Variability In Maize And Yam Production, The Perspective Of Smallholder Farmers In The Savelugu-Nanton Municipality

ABSTRACT One of the greatest threats to agriculture and global food security today is climate variability. Various studies have shown how both human and environmental systems are adapting to the adverse impacts of climate variability. However, most of these studies failed to recognize indigenous knowledge of smallholder farmers and how this could influence conventional scientific adaptation strategies. Recent adaptation studies have either concentrated on indigenous strategies or conventiona...

Use Of Human Urine And Other Soil Amendments In Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) And Pepper (Capsicum Annum) Production (A Case Study In The Kwaebibirem District)

ABSTRACT Human urine is a valuable plant nutrient resource however; there is very little information on using urine. This research examined the use of human urine as nutrient source as well as biochar and compost as growing media for tomato (cv M2) and pepper (Capsicum annum cv bird eye) production. This was studied under greenhouse and field conditions. It further examined the perception and willingness of farmers, marketers’ and consumers to grow, sell and consume vegetables fertilized wi...

Latrines And Household Well Water Quality In Wa

ABSTRACT In many developing countries of the world, the utilization of ground water is very common due to factors such as water scarcity and its relative good quality. On the other hand, basic sanitation is a challenge in many developing countries with most rural and peri-urban communities relying on on-site sanitation systems which are often poorly managed. This study, conducted in Wa the Upper West region of Ghana, aimed at assessing the influence of on-site sanitation systems on hand dug w...

A Comparative Assessment Of Phytoremediation And Slow Sand Filtration Technologies For The Secondary Treatment Of Sewage Effluent And Public Views On The Use Of Treated Effluent

ABSTRACT This study evaluated and compared the performance efficiency of both technologies for treating sewage effluent from a Biogas facility at Valley View University (VVU) and also assessed public perception about the use of the treated effluent. Samples of the sewage effluent from the VVU Biogas facility were subjected to slow sand filtration over a ten week period using river bed sand and gravels, and phytoremediation using two plants, Pistia stratiotes L and Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. Pist...

Assessment of Marine Debris and Water Quality along the Accra-Tema Coastline of Ghana

ABSTRACT With an estimated population of 3 million people living along Accra's coast, Ghana is facing major challenges in managing its waste especially solid waste in metropolitan areas.  A survey of marine debris was therefore carried out over a period of sixteen weeks at four beaches along the Accra - Tema coastline namely Sakumono, La Pleasure, Mensah Guinea and Korle Gonno beach. The main objective of the study was to determine the beach and water quality at the study locations. A 10 x1...

A Study On Artisanal And Small-Scale Gemstones Mining In Taita Taveta County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study reports on artisanal and small-scale gemstones mining (ASGM) in the Taita Taveta County in Kenya using a variety of methods including review of literature, key informant interviews, administration of questionnaires to miners and local communities, direct observations in the gemstones mining areas, and collection and analysis of gemstones-bearing rocks for their mineral and element compositions. Literature sources used include legal and institutional documents, geological r...

An Assessment Of Heavy Metals Content Of Water, Soil And Plants In Some Selected Coastal Communities Near The Jubilee Oil Field In The Western Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the concentration of seven heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Se and Zn) in water, soil and plant leaves in some selected coastal communities in the Western Region of Ghana near the jubilee oil field using acid digestion and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer methods. Some physicochemical properties of water and soils were also determined to evaluate the quality of drinking water and soils. The ranges of metal concentration in water analysed in the wet season were...

Molecular Epidemiology Of Measles Virus In Ghana

Abstract Background: Measles (Rubeola) remains one of the leading causes of death among children under the age of 5 years globally, and Ghana is no exception. Despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine approximately, 134, 200 people died from measles in 2015 globally. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology and genetic diversity of measles virus in Ghana. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross sectional study using archived samples stored at the Nat...

241 - 255 Of 351 Results