Haematology and Immunohaematology Research Papers/Topics

Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines mediate the progression of severe anemia in malaria-infected children: A prospective study

Background Severe Plasmodium falciparum malarial anemia is still the principal cause of death in children in underdeveloped countries. An imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines is associated with malaria progression. This study evaluated circulating levels of selected inflammatory cytokines among malaria-infected children in Ghana. Methods This case-control study was conducted at Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ghana. One hundred and twenty children with malaria and 60 ...

Measurement of Complete Blood Counts (CBC) among Sudanese Pregnant Ladies in Elnihood City

Abstract This was a case control study, conducted in West Kordofan State at Elnihood City during the period from April to July 2016, which aimed to determine CBC of two hundred and nine (209) healthy Sudanese pregnant women at all trimesters (case) and one hundred and one (101) non pregnant women (control).Subjectswere verbally consented and approved to participate. Two and half ml of venous blood was collected in EDTA anticoagulated container. Automated hematological analyzer (Urit3010) was ...

Effects of Oral Contraceptive Pills Intake on Factor V Leiden Gene Mutation among Sudanese Women

Abstract This case control study was conducted in Khartoum state – Sudan during the period from April to November 2018. The study aimed to study effect of oral contraceptive pill on factor V leiden. The Study included 50 women who use oral contraceptive as cases and 50 women don’t use oral contraceptive pill as control, all subject were informed verbally about the study and approved for participation. From each participant 3 ml of venous blood collected in EDTA container then sample prep...

Estimation Of Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Among Hypertensive Patients In AL-Gezira State During Period From March To May 2019

Abstract This is a case control study to estimate Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time among hypertensive patients in AL- Gezira state at the period from March to May 2019. A total of 100 subjects were enrolled for this study, study population divided into case study group (n=50) who were hypertensive patients, and apparently healthy subjects as control group (n=50). Both, they're matched in age and sex. Venous blood sample (1.8ml) was collected in 3.2% tri sodium citrate ...

Study Of Complete Blood Count And Iron Profile Among Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients, Khartoum State, 2017

Abstract The pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious and chronic disease; increase morbidity and mortality due to morbid condition develop during the stage of disease like anemia and Pancytopenia. This was a case control study which aimed to study the CBC parameters and iron profile in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients to detect the effect on CBC and iron profile (S. iron, S. ferritin, TBIC, saturation %) and to detect frequency and the type of anemia in these patients. One hundred twenty ...

Complete Blood Count Of Sudanese Females With Breast Cancer Attending Radiation And Isotope Center In Khartoum State

Abstract Breast cancer comprises 10.4% of all cancer incidence making it the second most type of non skin cancer and the fifth most common cause of cancer death. Breast cancer is about 100 times more common in women than in men, but survival are equal in both. it constitutes 13-35% of all female cancer. The aim of this study is to determined the Complete Blood Count in Sudanese females with breast cancer under treatment with ( Chemotherapy, Radiation or mastectomy) . This is a hospital based...

Measurement Of Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time And Platelets Count Among Heart Disease Patients In Sudan Cardiac Center Khartoum State

Abstract Heart diseases are major health problem and greatly affecting the economic and social status of such patients. The objective of this study to measure of prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and platelets count in heart disease patients compared to control, and compared between heart disease patients them self according to age and gender to observe change which can occur. The study was carried out at the Sudan Cardiac Center, at Khartoum state, Sudan. One hundred b...

Assessment Of Complete Blood Count Among Sudanese Patients Using Antiepileptic Drugs In Khartoum- Sudan

Abstract This is a case- control study aimed to evaluate some hematological parameters in patients under treatment with antiepileptic drugs and in normal control subjects in Khartoum state during period from March to December (2019). Hundred subjects, selected randomly in this study, with age varies from 10-60 years, 50 subjects were epileptic patients (26 males and 24 female) as case group and 50 subject (25 males and 25 female) were age and sex matched healthy control group. The age groupe...

Evaluation of Fibrinogen Level among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type2

Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characteriezed by chronic hyperglycemia and relative insulin deficiency, resistance, or both. Its complication result in major health costs. These include macrovascular disease, leading to coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke; microvascular damage causing diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy, and contributing to diabetic neuropathy. Haemostatic factors especially hyperfibrinogenemia is implicated as a source of these complic...

Determination of ABO Blood Groups and Rhesus Factor in Sudanese Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases

Abstract This is analytical case control study aimed to determine the frequency of blood group and Rhesus factor of patients with cardiovascular disease attended Sudan heart center during the period from February to August 2016. Two hundred patients with different types of cardiovascular disease attend to Sudan Heart Center were enrolled in this study as a case and one hundred subject without cardiovascular disease were taken as control. A questionnaire comprising gender, Type of cardiovascu...

Determination of Complete Blood Cell Count of Sudanese Pregnant Women at Second Trimester- Omdurman locality

Abstract This is a case control study , conducted in Omdurman Locality during the period from February to May 2015 , to determine CBC (Hb, RBCs, HCT , MCV , MCH ,MCHC, Plets , WBCs, leukocyte differential count , RDW and MPV) of (80) healthy Sudanese pregnant women at second trimester as case and (40) non pregnant women at matched age in Omdurman locality were used as control in this study . Pregnant women at second trimester were informed about the study and agreed for participatin as cases...

Evaluation of Homocysteine level and some Hemotological Parameters in End Stage Renal Failure Patients

Abstract Background: Chronic Renal Failure is a major health problem and affects the economic and social status of patients. In Sudan, according to ministry of health records, the prevalence of renal failure is increasing approximately 70 to 140 new patients undergo dialysis each year. Although Homocystin ratio has been strongly linked to end stage renal disease, biochemical test is restricted to monitoring kidney function. Therefore, introducing homocysteine as a biomarker of ESRD in Sudan ...

Evaluation Of Serum Level Of Interleukin-10 Sudanese Sickle Cell Disease Patients During Vaso-Occlusive Crisis And The Steady State Conditions

Abstract Sickle cell disease (SCD) is inherited chronic haemolytic anemias whose red blood cells have characteristic sickle shape. Cytokines are the hormonal messengers responsible for biological effects in the immune system. SCA is associated with a pro-inflammatory state, and an enhanced inflammatory response occurs during vaso-occlusive crisis via cytokines effects. This case-control analytical study was aimed to evaluate the IL-10 levels in Sudanese sickle cell anemia patients during vaso...

Assessment Of Ironprofile, Hemoglobin Level And Reticulocyte Count Among Sudanese Dialysis Patients Receiving Erythropoietin Injection, Khartoum State

Abstract Background: This was retrospective analytical case control studyconducted in hemodialysis patients in Bashaier hospital during the period of April 2019 to January 2020, aimed to total of sixty subject ( thirty dialysis patient and thirty healthy individual as control group) Objective: the aim of this study was to asses of iron Profile& reticulocyte count among Sudanese dialysis patients. Materials & Methods: in this case control study conducted in Bashaier hospital at Khartoum Sta...

Measurement of Plasma Von Willebrand Factor Antigen Level among pregnant Sudanese Ladies in Third Trimester

Abstract The study was carried out during December_ January 2016 to study the types of imported cheese in Khartoum state that include three areas (Khartoum ,Bahry, Omdurman) well-structured questionnaire was formulated about the type of imported cheeses and Thirty questionnaires were distributed to supermarkets in these three areas (Khartoum ,Bahry, Omdurman) the data statistically analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics the results of the study showed that the main imported cheeses ar...

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