Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

To Establish the Causes of Under-Five Mortality at Kampala International Universtiy Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To establish the causes of inpatient child mortality at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital. METHODOLOGY A retrospective data search was done in patient records of pediatrics between January 1st and June 30th, 2013. The data was processed and analyzed by use of SPSS®. RESULTS There were a total of 142 patients. The most commonly diagnosed disease was malaria (33.1%) followed by surgical conditions (31.7%). 29 (20.4%) patients died. The commonest cause of de...

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Among Pregnant Women Attending Anc at Kiryandongo General Hospital.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hepatitis B infection is still a global healthcare problem, especially in developing countries. The common routes of transmission of the virus are body fluids such as blood, semen, and vaginal secretions plus vertical transmission from a pregnant woman to her child (Pyrsopoulos, 2017). Hepatitis B (HB) is a serious viral infection affecting the liver and is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is infectious and the most common cause of chronic hepatitis, liver cir...

Complications of Prostatectomy in Patients Admitted to Kampala International University Teaching Hospital Between January-June 2013

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION Prostatectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland. Enlargement of the prostate, commonly through benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), but sometimes through abnormalities such as tumors, or from other causes, can restrict the normal flow of urine along the urethra, causing discomfort and difficulty voiding (Wikipedia June 2008). The indications for prostatectomy include symptoms or findings secondary to prostatic obstruction viz: acute urin...

Factors Influencing the Utilization of Cervical Cancer Screening Services Among Female Nursing Students of Reproductive Age in Kiu-Western Campus.

ABSTRACT Background: Cervical cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women in the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as Uganda. Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm arising from cells originating in the cervical uteri. Cervical screening therefore is a way of preventing cancer by finding and treating early changes in the neck of the womb (cervix), these changes could lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. Objectives: The objectives of this study was to ...

Prevalence of Tuberculosis Among HIV Seropositive Patients Attending Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic at Tororo General Hospital, Tororo District

ABSTRACT HIV/ AIDS is an epidemic that is most prevalent in Uganda affecting people of different age groups, occupations and gender. It has a severe impact on the health status of the affected individuals. With the increase in the transmission of HIV, there is also an increase in the existence of TB as a co-infection. In this context, the aim of our study is to emphasize the prevalence of tuberculosis among HIV seropositive patients attending the ART clinics at Tororo Hospital, Tororo distri...

Determinants of Preeclampsia Among Pregnant Women at Gestational Age of Above 20 Weeks Attending Antenatal Care at FPRRH

ABSTRACT Introduction: Despite several interventions put in place in many countries of the world, preeclampsia still contributes greatly to maternal morbidity and mortality. Several factors have been cited to increase the risk of preeclampsia among which are obesity, the extreme age, Nulliparity, change in pregnancy paternity, and obesity among others. Lack of knowledge or awareness concerning preeclampsia has also been cited as contributing adversely in terms of the overall outcome. A study...

Knowledge and Attitudes On Health- Care Waste Management Among Nursing Professionals at Lira Regional Referral Hospital Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The knowledge and attitude of nurses on effective and efficient methods of health care waste management is extremely important if serious health hazards to health care service providers and people living in the vicinity of these health units are to be avoided. The main objective of this study was to describe the level of knowledge and attitude of nurses in Lira Regional Referral Hospital regarding health care waste management. METHODOLOGY: The study design was qualitativ...

The Factors Affecting The Utilization Of Safe Male Circumcision's As HIV Preventive Strategy In Mitooma District, Western Uganda.

Table of contents DECLARATION..................................................................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEDICATION:.................................................................................................................................................................

A Study On Factors Contributing To Prevalence Of Malnutrition Of Children Less Than Five Years Of Age In Kyabugimbi Sub-County, Bushenyi District

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………........................2 DECLARATION…………………………………………………………... .………………........................4 APPROVAL……………………………………………………………………………...............................5 DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………………………�...

Robotic Surgery

TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL BACGROUND OF ROBOTIC SURGERY APPATION OF ROBOTIC SURGERY TERMS AND DEFINITION OPERATION OF ROBOTLIC ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE OF ROBOTIC SURGERY CONCLUSION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION      This research is bared on the robotic surgery Its application, used method and limitation. The robotic surgery Was developed to overcome and on honce the capability of surgeons performing open surgery. It used two methods such as oleic teleminanipulator m...

The Prevalance Of Syphilis Among Hiv/Aids Patients Attending Out Patient Clinic At Bududa Hospital In Bududa District

ABSTRACT This study was under taken to assess the prevalence of syphilis among HIV/AIDS patients attending Outpatient clinic at Bududa Hospital. The study was carried out in Uganda at Bududa Hospital, Bududa district 20 kms from Mbale Town. It was a cross-sectional laboratory study done to show the prevalence of syphilis among HIV/AIDS patients. A total of 64 participants including both male and females who attended Outpatient clinic at Bududa Hospital and consented were enrolled in the stud...

Factors Affecting Exclusive Breast Feeding At Galkaio General Hospital, Galkaio District, Mudug Region, Puntland_Somalia

Abstract Exclusive breastfeeding refers to the percentage of children less than six months old who are fed breast milk alone (no other liquids) in the past 24 hours(WHO, 2013), which provides the only perfect nutrients for babies, protect them against infections and it lays the foundation of their breathing psychological development(Berlin, 2005). A cross sectional study was conducted at Galkaio General Hospital, Galkaio district, Mudug region, Puntland_somalia. To determine the practices of...

A Study Of Infection Prevention In Accident And Emergency Department Of Kampala International University Teaching Hospital In Ishaka Municipality Bushenyi District, Western Uganda.

Abstract A study was conducted in Kampala International University- Teaching Hospital accident and emergency department between July 2013 to October 2013 to assess the awareness and practises of infection prevention amongst health care workers at their work place. The specific objectives of this study were to assess the practices of the staff in emergency rooms on the standard protocols observed in infections prevention, to identify the roles played by the administration in infection control...

Obstetrics Service Utilization By Women Of Reproductive Age In Tororo Main Hospital Tororo District

Obstetric care is a comprehensive program that involves coordinated approach to medical care and physiological support throughout the ante-partum, intra-partum and post-partum period. Its also defined as a dichotomous variable having once or more visits with a trained person during pregnancy and post partum period (Brown LD Catal 2010). The study was conducted in Tororo municipality, Tororo district Eastern Uganda about 300km from Kampala. The study assessed Obstetric service utilization patt...

Availability Of Cervical Cancer Screening Services In Bushenyi District( Rugazi Health Center Iv, Comboni Hospital, Kitagata Hospital And Kampala International University Teaching Hospital)

A cross-sectional study was done to find out the availability of cervical cancer screening services in Bushenyi district covering Rugazi Health centre IV, Comboni hospital, Kitagata hospital and Kampala International University Teaching hospital. 200 respondents comprised of women of childbearing age (15-49 years) attending antenatal care and those who had brought their children for immunization. 50 respondents were randomly sampled from each health unit. 50 health workers of different cadres...

181 - 195 Of 392 Results