Nutrition And Dietetics Research Papers/Topics

Status Of Utilization Of Nutrition Information On Processed Meat Products In Making Purchasing Decisions Among Consumers In Nakuru Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been an increased effort globally to sensitize consumers to read and utilize nutrition information on processed foods in order to reduce cases of diet related diseases. Manufacturers are required to provide adequate and easy to read nutrition information on the label of their products. High consumption of processed meat products has been associated with non-communicable diseases such as cancer, obesity and cardiovascular diseases among others. The economic effects of NCDs a...

Sources, Content, Maternal Knowledge And Practices On Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Mothers With Infants (0-6 Months) In Kibera Slums Nairobi County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been demonstrated to have numerous benefits both to the mother and the infant. Inappropriate feeding practices can have profound consequences for the growth, development and survival of infants and children. EBF protects infants against infections such as respiratory infections, diarrhoea and reduces the risk of the mother developing obesity, breast and ovarian cancer among others. Despite various efforts to promote exclusive breastfeeding, the rate ...

Food Security Status, Dietary Practices And Nutritional Status Of People Living With Hiv And Aids In Homabay Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT The HIV and AIDS prevalence in Kenya is 7.2%. HIV and AIDS affect the livelihoods of the PLWHA and consequently their food security status. The country’s food security relies heavily on its agricultural production. Food insecurity that influences dietary practices affects about 12% of Kenyans in urban households and the presence of HIV and AIDS worsens the situation. There is limited data available on the magnitude of food insecurity among PLWHA in Kenya and the effect on dietary p...

Complementary Feeding Practices And Nutrition Status Of Children Of Mother-To-Mother Support Groups Participants And Non-Participants In Kakuma, Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT World Health Organization recommends the formation of Mother-to-Mother Support Groups (MtMSGs) to improve nutrition information for mothers. This strategy has been implemented in Turkana since 2008. With limited research on its contribution to improved complementary feeding practices, this study sought to ascertain if there were significant differences in complementary feeding practices and nutrition status of children 6-23 months of MtMSGs participants and MtMSGs non-participants. T...

Prevalence And Determinants Of Iron-Deficiency Anaemia Among Children 6-23 Months Attending Thika Level-5 Hospital, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT It is evident that iron in childhood is key for proper health and cognitive development as it is required for academic and work productivity in adulthood. Intake of iron rich foods, sanitation, health, economic and socio-demographic factors are principal determinants of Iron- deficiency anaemia (IDA) in children. There is paucity of data concerning the prevalence of IDA in children aged 6-23 months since most studies focus mainly on the selection of iron rich foods as criteria for de...

Dietary Practices And Nutritional Status Of Malariainfected And Non-Infected Children Of Age 6-36 Months In Bondo District, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Plasmodium falciparun, the deadliest malaria parasite, comprises 96% of malaria infections in Kenya, with Lake Victoria basin‟s prevalence at above 38%. The coexistence of malaria and anaemia in pre-school children is a public health problem in Bondo District. Malaria mortality increases with severity of under nutrition, with severely malnourished children being more likely to die from malaria than their well nourished counterparts. There are few studies comparing dietary practice...

Complementary Feeding Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Among Care-Givers Of Children In Out-Patient Therapeutic Programmme In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Complementary feeding is the greatest contributor to health and nutrition status of infants and young children. Malnutrition remains one of the greatest concerns in SubSaharan Africa region. In Kenya, national findings show inappropriate complementary feeding practices. Out-patient therapeutic programmes (OTPs) have been established to address severe acute malnutrition (SAM) among children 6-59 months of age. There are 6 OTP centres in Kamukunji sub-county in, Nairobi County. There ...

Fruit Consumption And Nutritional Status Of Children Aged 6-59 Months Across Agro-Ecological Strip Connecting Kakamega And Siaya Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT The level of child undernutrition remains unacceptably high throughout the world. High prevalence of undernutrition in Kenya is attributable to deficiencies in macro and micronutrients; deficiencies of vitamin A, iron and zinc in the diet are still widespread and a common cause of excess child morbidity and mortality. Further, there is high prevalence of undernutrition and morbidity among children aged 6 to 59 months in agro-ecological strip connecting Kakamega and Siaya Counties. A...

Feeding Practices And Nutrition Status Of Hiv-Exposed Infants 0-5 Months Of Age Attending Tenwek Hospital In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Out of an annual 15 million pregnancies globally, an estimated overall Human Immunodeficiency Virus prevalence of 0.34% is reported in antenatal women in Kenya. In 2013, there were 13,000 new HIV infections among children. Appropriate feeding practices and good nutrition status are important for the survival, growth, development, health and nutrition of HIV-exposed infants as well as the wellbeing of their mothers. The recommended infant feeding practice is exclusive breastfeeding (E...

Determinants Of Nutritional Status Of Children Aged 6-59 Months In Marginal Mixed Farming Households In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Marginal mixed farming households are prone to frequent drought and hardly meet their food intake requirements which make the under-five children more vulnerable to malnutrition. The purpose of this study was to establish the determinants of nutritional status of children aged 6-59 months in marginal mixed farming households in Ntugi location, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. A sample of 106 households was randomly selected for data collection. Structured questionnaires, key informa...

Anthropometric Indices And Cognitive Performance Of Preschool Children In Nsukka Rural And Urban Areas Of Enugu State, Nigeria.

Abstract This study assessed the nutritional status and cognitive performance of preschool children aged 3-5 years in urban and rural areas of Nsukka in Enugu State, Nigeria. A total of 400 pre-school children aged 3-5 years were involved. Four schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State were selected by multistage sampling technique. Two schools each were randomly selected from the list of schools in the Nsukka rural and urban areas. The study collected data on child related fact...

Chemical Composition Of Processed Tender Leaves And Husks Of Cowpea And Organoleptic Attributes Of Their Soups As Consumed In Tiv Communities, Benue State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the chemical composition of fresh, sundried tender leaves and husks of cowpea ‘Adengee’ (Vigna unguiculata) and organoleptic attributes of their traditional soups. Information on processing, preparation and utilization of soup meals based on cowpea leaves and husks were obtained during the focus group discussion. The tender leaves and husks were parboiled and sundried. Proximate, micronutrients, phytochemicals and antinutrient levels were determined using stan...

Effects Of Processing Techniques On Chemical, Functional And Microbial Properties Of Two Varieties Of Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus) And Maize (Zea Mays) Flours And Sensory Properties Of Their

Abstract This study evaluated the effects of different domestic food processing techniques on the nutrients, antinutrients, food toxicants composition, functional properties, microbial types and sensory properties of food products based on two varieties of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus). Black and dark red varieties of lima bean were purchased, cleaned, cooked, soaked, dehulled, germinated, fermented and milled into fine flours. Both the unprocessed and processed flours were analysed for micr...

The Chemical Composition And Organoleptic Attributes Of Lesser-Known Vegetables As Consumed In Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study determined the chemical composition and organoleptic attributes of three selected vegetables consumed in Njikoka local government area, Anambra state, Nigeria. The vegetables used for the study were Ipomea batatas, Portulaca olercea and Corchorus tridens purchased from local market in Enugwu- Ukwu, Njikoka local government area, Anambra State, Nigeria. The vegetables were processed (sun and shade dried). The fresh samples served as the controls. Nine yam dishes based on f...

Factors Associated With Anaemia Among Pregnant Women: A Case Study Of Mandera County Referral Hospital

Anaemia is the most common medical related disorder during pregnancy, and has become a major health related problem in a large number of developing nations, mainly where deficiency in nutrition, worm infestation and malaria are common. Both pregnant and nonpregnant women are affected by this disorder. Even so, most women lack adequate knowledge regarding causes of anaemia in pregnancy as the most commonly cited cause is inadequate iron. This study sought to determine factors associated with a...

16 - 30 Of 141 Results