Botany Research Papers/Topics

Studies On The Occurrence And Diversity Of Bacteria In Fish Culture Systems In Ghana With Special Reference To Species Pathogenic To Fish And Humans

ABSTRACT The occurrence and diversity of bacteria in selected fish culture ponds from three regions in Ghana, Aduabenba Farms, Agyeman Farms, Aheto Farms, Akuse Kpong Farms, ARDEC Station, Asare Farms, Boadi Farm, Boahen Farms, Boateng Farms, Frimpong Farms, K.K. Farms, Pacific Farms and Sagoe Farms and three open systems, Kpong Head Pond, Volta River and Weija Dam were studied over a period of three years, 1996 - 1999. Bacterial populations from the different fish culture systems studied con...


ABSTRACT Significant effort has been put into the development of cost-effective abalone (Haliotis midae; Gastropoda) cultivation systems in South Africa, but the limited availability of suitable seaweed for abalone food is an obstacle to future development. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a land-based recirculating seaweed-abalone integrated aquaculture system using Ulva lactuca was feasible as well as to test the differences between a commercial gravel bed recirculation syst...

PSN Africa 364 PAGES (107093 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Effects of frequent burning on grass-grazer interactions in a mesic savanna

Abstract Fires are often used as a management tool in both game reserves and rangelands to manipulate food availability for grazing animals. After fires, large areas of the landscape are quickly covered with nutritious new regrowth, which grazers move into and utilise as a food resource. The effect of this change in animal grazing patterns on the grass communities is not yet well understood. Certain grass communities depend on heavy, continuous grazing for their persistence: they are out-comp...

PSN Africa 140 PAGES (40937 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Life history and reproductive ecology of selected Proteaceae in the mountain fynbos vegetation of the south-western Cape

ABSTRA.CT The studies in this thesis recognise the key role of fire as a factor which has shaped the life-histories of plants in fire-prone mediterranean shrublands. Fire regimes are not simply products of the abiotic elements of climate and ignition sources. The biotic component makes a significant contribution because community structure and processes like litter fall determine fuel loads, and fuel distribution, and will determine properties such as fire recurrence intervals and shapes and ...

PSN Africa 163 PAGES (58832 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Diversity And Ethnobotanical Uses Of Plants In Proposed Apra Hills Forest Reserve In Southern Ghana

ABSTRACT The Southern Margin forest type in Ghana now occur in small forest fragments due to the overharvesting of plant resources for purpose of food, medicine, construction and fuelwood. The proposed Apra Hills Forest Reserve is one of the remaining forest fragments of this forest type in southern Ghana although there are no previous in depth studies to support effective forest management of its plant resources. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, plant diversity study and eth...

Studies On The Development Of Rhizobium Inoculum Using Moss As Carrier For Bambara Groundnut, Vigha Subterrahea (L) Verdc..

A B S TRACT i v Research was carried out to de v e l o p an effe c t i v e i n o c u l u m carrier of the nodule bacterium, Rhizobium sp., for the inoculation of seeds of bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) V e r d e , c o m b . nov. = Voandzeia subterranea (L. ) T h o u a r s ] f r o m a local material. Five out of 16 strains of Rhizobium sp. isolated from soils of legume farms at eight localities within a r a d i u s of 180 k m f r o m L e g o n w e r e u s e d in e x p e r i m e n t ...

PSN Africa 249 PAGES (42992 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Effective Decontamination And Multiplication Of Croton Membranaceus Müll. Arg. In Vitro

ABSTRACT Croton membranaceus is a herb with useful medicinal properties. The leaves, bark and roots are used for the treatment of diverse ailments. The harvesting of the plant by many traditional medical practioners from the wild for the treatment of diseases in the country without replacement exposes the plant to possible extinction in the near future. The only means of propagating the plant is by use of seeds which is relatively slow. Thus, an alternative mode of propagation is needed to de...

Assessment Of The Effect Of Pollen Grains Of Maize F (Zea Mays L.) On Cercospora Arachidicola Hori. And On Infection Of Leaves Of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea L.) Caused By The Fungus.

ABSTRACT Conidia of Cercospora arachidicola are straw-coloured or olivaceous, subfusiform, multicellular, 28.3-68.1(jm in lengths. They contain 3-7 cells. They germinated in distilled water and at 85-100% R.H. The optimum pH for germination was 5.0-6.0; any cell of the conidium germinating produced only one germ tube. The germ tube commonly comes from the end cells with occasional germ tube emerging from one or two median cells. Pollen of Zea mays, glucose (1.0-8.0%) and peptone (0.1-2.0%) fa...

Studies on Survival of Trachysphaera Fructegina Tabor & Bunting Causing Mealy pod Disease of Cocoa Theobroma Cacao L.

ABSTRACT Conidia of T. fructigena did not germinate at any relative humidity from zero to 10C% R.H. Germination in distilled water^was very poor, less than 2.0 per cent at the optimum temperature, 25 C. PDA encouraged 96.8 percentage germination at 25°C. The conidia germinated very poorly on PDA at 35°C and a temperature of 40 C killed the conidia in approximately 1 2 hours. T, Frutiger conidia would only survive in atmospheres of extremely high humidity. Best survival occurred at 10($ R.H...

Degradation of Cocoyam(XANTHOSOMA SAGITTIFOLIUM L.) by Three Isolates of Sclerotium Rolsfi SACC. And Its Control

ABSTRACT The morphological characteristics of three isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii from Aburi (AB), East Legon (EL) and Legon campus (LC) were studied on PDA at an incubation temperature of 28ºC. Radial growth of mycelia and the production of sclerotia were more pronounced in the East Legon (EL) and Legon campus (LC) isolates. When the red and white cormels of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) were inoculated with the various isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii, the white cormels were more resi...

Diversity And Ethnobotanical Studies Of The African Rice (Oryza Glaberrima) And Its Wild Relatives In The Volta Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study aimed at collecting, characterizing, storing and assessing the ethnobotanical uses of the African rice and its wild relatives collected from the Volta Region of Ghana. It also aimed at detecting the concentrations of mineral elements namely: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) in soils of the different accessions collected. Seven accessions of rice were collected from paddy fields in fourte...

PSN Africa 130 PAGES (23053 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Effect Of Gamma Irradiation On Agricultural Waste-Decomposing And Fermentation Microorganisms In Ghana

ABSTRACT Maize production in Ghana between 1984 and 1990 exceeded 500,000 metric tonnes per year except in 1985 where there was a shortfall to 395,000 metric tonnes. The unfavourable years of drought between 1981-1983 were attended by a sharp decline in maize production ( 140,000-333,200 metric tonnes ). The bulk of the national maize production was contributed by Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Eastern and Northern Regions. Maize husk available after removing cobs was commensurate with the total maize...

Studies Of The Infection Of Cultivars Of Shallot (Allium Ascalonicum L.) In Ghana By Aspergillus Niger Van Tieghem And The Effect Of The Host On Some Aspects Of The Biology Of A. Niger

ABSTRACT The relationship between five randomly selected isolates of Aspergillus niger from naturally infected bulbs of shallot and two shallot cultivars (Allium ascalonicum L.) was investigated. The two cultivars were “Pale-brown” and “Pink”- named for the colours of their scale leaves. A. niger causes bulb rot of shallots which have important uses in food and traditional medicine in Ghana The relationship showed by the cultivars were similar in some aspects and different in many oth...

Aeropalynology And Allergenicity Of Pollen In Selected Locations Within Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Airborne pollen grains and fern spores (aeroflora) are some of the major causative agents of allergies. However, data gathering on composition and distribution of these aeroflora across Nigeria is incipient. The aim of this study is to monitor the aeroflora in Lagos metropolis and determine the allergenicity of dominant aeroflora. To achieve this, aerosampling was done in Surulere, Ebute-Metta, University of Lagos, Akoka (UNILAG), Bariga and Gbagada. Aerosamples were collected and a...

Evaluation Of Rhizobium And Mycorrhiza Interactions In Sustainable Maize (Zea Mays L.) And Soyabean (Glycine Max L.) Production

ABSTRACT Maize and soyabean are among the staples in the world. Their sustainable production through the use of synthetic fertilizer causes soil degradation and ground water contamination. An alternative means of boosting and sustaining the production of these staples through the use of rhizobium and mycorrhiza have been reported but there are contradictory reports on interactions between the two organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of Rhizobium japoni...

106 - 120 Of 168 Results