Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

Web-based Store Records Management System A Case Study Of Uganda Technical College, Bushenyi

This project is about a web based store records management system. Uganda Technical College. Bushenyi was used as a study. The current system was found to be completely manual faced with numerous problems like duplication. loss of records. huge storage space and time consuming. A computerized system was designed using tools like. Class diagrams. DFDs. SQL. HTML. JAVA and JAVA SCRIPT. This system is fast. convenient in terms of storage. makes it easy to share information and it is user fi...

Design And Development Of Drugs’ Management And Inventory System For Mulago Referral Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL.. DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TAI3LE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 .0 General introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 2 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1 .3 Main objective 2 1.3.1 Specific Objectives 2 1 .4 Scope of the Study 1 .5 Significance of the study Conceptual fi~ame work CHAPTER TWO - LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.0 Introduction 5 2. 1 Information lechnology (IT) 5 2.2 An information system (IS) 5 Components of a syst...

A Computerized Information System For A Nursing School Using Ms Office And Visual Basic 6.0 Case Study: Kibuli School Of Nursing And Midwifery

ABSTRACT The main objective of this Project Proposal is to design and create an information system to help the receptionist who is also the cashier, librarian as well as a secretary to ensure timely, accurate communication flow for the queries she receives as she does her daily routine activities in the course of executing her duties. Visual Basic 6.0, a programming platform ~vil1 be used for developing this system. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), entity relationship (E-R) diagrams as well as a seq...

E-Government Information System For Monitoring and Evaluatlng Government Services: A Case Of Uganda Government

General Introduction Governments have been striving since the late 1990’s to find better ways to connect with their constituents via the Web. By putting government information online, and making it easily accessible, understandable, and usable, people can now interact with their government in ways never before imagined. This concept is dubbed “electronic government”, or eGovernment. (Robinson, David,Yu, Harlan, Zeller, Felten, William, 2008). Unfortunately, effective e-Government has no...

A Management information System For A Public Hospital Case Study: Bugando Reffereral Hospital In Tanzania,

ABSTRACT The major objective of the study was to examine the role of record and data keeping at Bugando Hospital, Mwanza Tanzania. This follows the deep public concern on the need to understand the role of modernization and computerization in the information age. The study was conducted in Mwanza. A total of 50 respondents were chosen; 35 were mixture of doctors and nurses, sponsors and advertisers while the remaining 15 were selected from Mwanza City to represent the voice of the community d...

Design Specification for an Online Voting System Case Study: Uganda Electoral Commission

ABSTRACT When we see today’s world, e-government has played an enormous role in the advancement of the services provided by the governments worldwide. Today each and every country is giving c-governance a go. There are different levels of implementation of the e-governance worldwide but it is more of an interest to find out this in the developing world, Pakistan is one the emerging countries in the world which is trying to make a difference in the developed world and is implementing e gove...

An Automated Monopolygaming System Case Study: African Golden Hotel And Casino, Mbale

ABSTRACT We estimate the probability that the game of Monopoly between two players playing very simple strategies never ends.Fourdifferent estimators, based respectively on straightforward simulation, a Brownian motion approximation, asymptotic forMarkov chains, and importance sampling all yield an estimate of approximately twelve percent. 

Design And Implantation Of Management Information System For A Resourse Centre A Case Study Nimule Resourse Centre

Management Information and the processes key performance indicators with the help of the computer and Information Technology is an important and easy tool in improving organizations performance and customer relationship. Nimule Resource Center is one of these organizations that can benefit from these using computer and Information Technology. The Design and Implementation of Management l±iformation System project constitutes of centralized database system developed using MS ACCESS and us...

A solution of fees payment using mobile phones a case study of. Stjuzito secondary school

ABSTRACT The project is about casing the fees payment using mobile phones in a rural secondary school setting.. A computerized system of data entry, update and storage of data of fees payment is riddled with problems. As a way of solving the above problems, a mobile phone system has been introduced where there is easy in accessibility of data, reliability and security. This mbbile phone system has been developed to deal with some of the problems faced by the current procedure of computerized...

A Design & Development Of A Web-Based Activity Monitoring Tool A Case Study Of Uganda Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT This research aimed at designing and developing the monitoring tool of employee activities in Uganda Revenue Authority. The main objective of the research was to design and test a web based activity monitoring tool for employees of Uganda Revenue Authority. The study specific objectives were; to identify the requirements for designing and developing a web based activity monitoring tool, to design and develop a web based activity monitoring tool that monitors activities of employees ...

Vehicle Management System For Bus Operators Of Luwinzo Bus Service Company

ABSTRACT This report is about Vehicle Management System for Luwinzo Bus Service Company located in Kenya. The company’s work was dominantly handled using a paper based system to keep records for different transactions made each day whereby all the jobs of the bus routes management were done manually. This is very difficult to the operators who want to handle hundreds of trips and many buses in a day. This study aimed at computerizing the paper based system and automate administration of bu...

A Web Solution For Entebbe Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The purpose ofthe project is to provide a web solution for Entebbe Municipal Council. The specific objectives were to gather inlbrnmtion required ofthe new system providing the solution, to analyze the requirements ofthe new proposed system, to design and test a Website for Entebbe Municipal Council. The tools employed in the methodology of the study were questionnaires, observation, internet and a camera Content analysis is the method which was used for analyzing the data gathered. ...

Design And Implementation Of Library Management System Case Study: Kampala International University

ABSTRACT Information is a very important aspect in our day-to-day activities to ensure effective communication. As a result of this, information communication technology plays a great role to guarantee efficient and effective communication within and among different institutions and organizations. In response to this, each organization institution strives to make sure that there is as secure means of disseminating, storing and retrieving of information within their boundaries. This calls for ...

An Information System For A Credit Reference Bureau Case Study: Compuscan Credit Reference Bureau

ABSTRACT The process of loan acquisition in Uganda has been very tedious with long lists of forms to be filled, checks to pass, vast security requirements and very high interest rates involved. Compuscan Credit Reference Bureau (U) ltd is a south African~based private company that was licensed in 2006 by Bank of Uganda to collect financial information about individual borrowers and companies. This information is then analyzed and presented to banks and other legal lending institutions for the...

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