Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Information System for Dairo Air Services Handling Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Declaration H Acknowledgements iii Table of Contents V List of Tables viii List of Figures ix Listof Acronyms x Abstract Xi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Overview 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the Study 2 1.4 Research Objectives 2 1.5 Research Questions 3 1.6 Scope 3 1.7 Significance of the Study 4 1.8 Review 4 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 5 2.0 Overview 5 2.1 ICT in DAS Handling Ltd 5 2.2 Convergence of Tec...

Use of Petri Net in Protocol Specification

Abstract  This project work is concerned with application of Petri Net in protocol specification. In this project work, definition of Petri Nets and Protocols are given. The role and importance of formal specification techniques are also discussed. Petri Nets are a graphical tool and could be used for the formal description of the flow of activities in complex systems like protocol. It is gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for the representation of complex logical interactions like...

Intranet-Based Wiki with Instant Messaging Protocol

Abstract  This project developed an Intranet-Based Wiki with Instant Messaging Protocol (IBWIMP) for the Staff of the Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka to enable them collaborate on tasks; like writing of documents like, memo, project guidelines, proposal/grants, and circulars with online security consideration. The essence of this work is to improve on the contributions staff make during work, in carrying out tasks with their colleagues irrespective of the person...

Software Bugs: Detection, Analysis and Fixing

ABSTRACT  This research work is concerned with the detection, analysis and fixing of software bugs. The objective of this work was to identify software development process with a focus of identifying cost effective methods of developing and managing software systems by introducing a post-deployment debugging approach which helps track software’s stability and at same time serve as a software bug-data repository. To achieve this objective, a web-based application –BugTracker was developed...

Multicore Specification Generation System

ABSTRACT  Performance analysis is the task of monitoring the behaviour of a program execution. The main goal is to find out the possible adjustments that might be done in order to improve the performance of the computer system in use. To be able to get that improvement, it is necessary to find the different causes/contributors of overhead. Today, we are already in the multicore era, but there is a gap between the level of development of the two main divisions of multicore technology (hardwar...

Virtual University Administration (Personnel Management)

ABSTRACT   Personnel department is service-oriented towards staff and entails day-to-day activities of units some of whose functions overlap and involves recruitment of staff, retirement of staff, termination of appointment, processing of request for sabbatical leave, staff training and development, pension funds administration, health management organization, etc., and will be easier, faster and secure adopting a virtual approach rather than its manual counterpart. This project work will e...

Development of a Task Management Email System

Abstract  This project work analyzed the relevance of the Email in modern business practices and organization. As SMEs and large firms expand, they are faced with the problem of managing numerous staff dispersed in diverse field offices. There is a need to send up-to-date information about their products to a larger clientele. The proposed system design provides a management tool that handles employee task management, internal communication and information dissemination. The new system desig...

Virtual Experiments in Metaverse

In this research paper we are introducing how virtual experiments work in metaverse one of the topic is as above : Smart Factory Using Virtual Reality and Online Multi-User: Towards a Metaverse for Experimental Frameworks                                                                                   Virtual reality (VR) has been brought closer to the general public over the past decade as it has become increasingly available for desktop and mobile p...

The Gateway for the people with Special needs: Connecting people to information and services through web portal

This paper describes a research project which developed a Web Portal for the peoples with disabilities or people with special needs and their family members (if any of them are disabled).In India 2.21% of total population in India has disability . In them 2.41% of male population in India is disabled and 2.01% of female population are disabled[7] according to stats of 2021A web portal has been developed as part of a research project undertaken as a part of minor project. The project objecti...

Adaptive E-learning System

Adaptive learning for individual learners has recently become popular in education. This study examines Adaptive E-learning system. Meanwhile, the purpose of this study is to examine if Adaptive E-learning system caters for the needs of students to personalize learning contents or materials tailored to the individual student. To achieve this, the descriptive research method was used. This study used an Adaptive E-learning System that is Google Classroom platform for learning Microsoft Excel. ...

Online Vehicle Parking Reservation System A Case Study: People's Park Kyebando, Kampala Uganda

The Online Vehicle Parking Reservation System (OVPRS) is a system that enables customers/drivers to reserve a parking space. It also allows the customers/drivers to view the parking status at kyebando people’s park. It was developed because the congestion and collision of the vehicle, the system was developed for Kyebando People’s Park located in Kyebando Therefore the project aimed at solving such problems by designing a web based system that will enable the customers/drivers to make a r...

Development of a National Social Security Numbering System

Abstract  This research work deals with the Development of a National Social Security Numbering System (NSSN). A typical Social Security Number (SSN) is a 9-digit number configured and assigned to citizens and legal migrants of a country for the purpose of uniquely identifying them to aid easy administration of a nation. In principle, a National Social Security Number can be used to track citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, legal emigrants for the purpose of work, taxation, g...

Accident Information Management System with I-Report Facilities

ABSTRACT  This project is an accident information management system with i-report facilities. Accident information is necessary as accident rate has increased tremendously and lives and properties are destroyed every day in Nigeria by road accidents. In other to reduce its reoccurrence, proper documentation of accident information is necessary. An accident information system enables researchers, government and insurance companies who are interested in accident data to collect data from the d...

Credit Scoring Using Data Mining Classification Application on Sudanese Banks

Abstract  The main aim of this thesis is to develop suitable and high performance Credit Scoring Models (CSMs) to assess credit risk of personal loans for the Sudanese commercial banks using data mining techniques. Two Sudanese credit datasets were constructed. These datasets were provided by Agricultural Bank of Sudan and Al Salam Commercial Bank. In addition to these two datasets, a German credit dataset was also employed in this research as a benchmarking dataset. Three data mining classi...

Some Essential Truths That Every Student Needs to Know about the Fourth Industrial Revolution

This is a short article on a call to action for everyone, especially the youth of today, on why they need to adjust, skill, and reskill themselves so as not to be caught off guard by the wave of the obvious and unstoppable revolution that's gradually sweeping across all sectors of the twenty-first century in the name of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR).

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