Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

A Computerized Students' Records Management System: A Case Study of Faculty of Science and Technology Kampala International University Western Campus

ABSTRACTA computerized students' records management system(CSRMS) is a computer program designed to capture, store, manage the creation and maintenance of students' records in an organisation. Records management (RM)isthe practiceofcontrolling recordsofan organizationfrom the time they are created to the time of disposal which includes identifying, creating, classifying, using, storing, securing, retrieving, and destroying or permanently preserving records. Record...


ABSTRACTAcomputerizedstudents'recordsmanagementsystem(CSRMS)isacomputerprogramdesigned to capture, store, manage the creation and maintenanceofstudents' recordsinanorganisation. Records management (RM)isthe practiceofcontrolling recordsofan organizationfrom the time they are created to the timeofdisposal which includes indentifying, creating,classifying,using,storing,securing,retrieving,anddestroyingorpermanentlypreservingrecords.Records management system(RMS)isa collectionofelementsinan orga...

Significance of Firewall and its Practicality In Corporate Environment

Abstract: In recent days possible attacks on the networks has been increased and causing huge financial loss for the various organization due to lack of proper security standards. Modern networks have several services and zones like Voice, Data, ISP networks, Access control, surveillance, DMZ zones and hosting websites etc. Proper planning and access control within each zone are important to avoid network compromise. This research details on how the network can be security standards can...

Viability of Cloud Computing Adoption by Government of Lesotho at Thaba-Tseka Town

Abstract: Cloud computing is one of latest computing paradigms where computing resources like processors, hard-drives, data warehouses, servers, operating system and applications are rented to the users in pay-per-use manner and are accessed through the Internet. Cloud computing is one of Information Technology solutions that reduces infrastructure costs for governments and small to medium businesses, and enable them to access latest software versions and hardware resources. Government ...

Online Vehicle Parking Reservation System A Case Study: People's Park Kyebando, Kampala Uganda

The Online Vehicle Parking Reservation System (OVPRS) is a system that enables customers/drivers to reserve a parking space. It also allows the customers/drivers to view the parking status at kyebando people’s park. It was developed because the congestion and collision of the vehicle, the system was developed for Kyebando People’s Park located in Kyebando Therefore the project aimed at solving such problems by designing a web based system that will enable the customers/drivers to make a r...

Development of a National Social Security Numbering System

Abstract  This research work deals with the Development of a National Social Security Numbering System (NSSN). A typical Social Security Number (SSN) is a 9-digit number configured and assigned to citizens and legal migrants of a country for the purpose of uniquely identifying them to aid easy administration of a nation. In principle, a National Social Security Number can be used to track citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, legal emigrants for the purpose of work, taxation, g...

A Web-Based Shopping System for A Supermarket, A Case, Uchumi Supermarket Limited

Abstract The number of mobile phone and Internet users in Uganda is increasing continuously, it is no doubt that online shopping market in Uganda certainly sees a rapid rise and great developing potentials with many investment opportunities. With the advent of the Internet and network technology, many organizations are now being equipped with Internet connections, either through wired connections or wireless infrastructure. Internet access provides customers an easy access to product informat...

A Computerized Student Registration System Using Visual Basic and Microsoft Access

ABSTRACT The study focused on the developing a computerized student registration System for the faculty of computer studies Kampala International University. A computerized student registration System is the one that provides for management oriented reporting, for example a DBMS. A DBMS is a software program designed to assist in maintaining and utilizing large amount of data for the purpose of management in an organization, The DBMS enabled maintaining, organizing and retrieving information ...

A Guest House Management Information System for Monitoring Clients

ABSTRACT This project aimed at the design of a guest House Database Management System. A system to aid in the management and operation of a Guest House. Information systems which are not carefully designed basing on good security practices may lead to data loss, misplacement and redundancy. Method that were used to gather information about the current system include; interview, record review and questionnaire. It gives a detailed review ~of selected methods, instruments of data analysis and p...

Assessment of Effects of Inventory Control Management on the Performance of A Business Firm (A Case Study of Orange Kenya)

TABlE OF CONTENT Page Declaration ................................................................................................................................................. i Approval ................................................................................................................................. ii Dedication ................................................................................................................................................... iii Acknowledg...

Early Pregnancy and School Dropout in Secondary Schools in Kiboga District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .1APPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS VABSTRACT VIICHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background 11.3 Problem Statement 11.4 General objective 21.5 Specific objectives 21.6 Research Questions 21.7 Significance ofthe Study 21.8 Scope of the Study 3CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Causes of early pregnancy 42.3 Dangers of Teenage Pregnancy 62.4 Sex education 72.5 Measuresto overcomechild marriages 8VCHAPTER T...

Design and Development of Automated Records Management System for Kabojja Junior School Library

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................................... ISUPERVISOR'S APPROV AL .................................................................................................................................. IIDEDICATION .....................................................................................................................................................

Information Communication Technology and Business Performance: A Case Study of Selected Sme's in Kampala - Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the impact of information communication technology on the business performance of Selected SMEs In Kampala - Uganda. The research was guided by four objectives. (i) to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, education, and enterprise number of years in business. (ii) to establish the level of business performance in selected SMEs Kampala - Uganda, (iii) to establish the ICT tools (web logs) used by selected SME's in Kampal...

Automation of Staff Record System {A Case Study of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (Ndic) Abuja}

ABSTRACT The computer is an extension of man's ability to process, arrange and compute data. One of the most important characteristics of a computer is its ability to store and process information. This ability of computers is all achieved through programming. In the world today, the application of software has been assisting various organizations in carrying out their operations successfully and reliably. Personnel information is a very vital and crucial aspect of every organization be it p...

Automated Pension and Gratuity System

ABSTRACT  Information technology is increasingly being used in the office, factory, shop, home, supermarket and in many other places. It is being used to carry out transactions, provide information, record data, perform an ever increasing range of tasks and even in making decisions. This means that with the development of information technology, many manual operations are being converted to modern automated systems. The new development does not elude pension and gratuity system. Pension and....

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