Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

Enhancing Dermatological Diagnosis through Machine Learning: A Multi-Class Skin Disease Detection System with Convolutional Neural Network.

This research paper proposes a novel approach to detecting skin diseases using machine learning techniques. The proposed system utilizes image processing techniques to extract features from skin lesion images and then applies machine learning algorithms to classify the lesion into different categories. The proposed system can be evaluated using a large dataset of skin lesion images and the machine can learn itself based on the provided data and achieve high accuracy in detecting various skin ...

Topological Data Analysis of COVID-19 Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Big Datasets of Hausdorff Spaces

Abstract/Overview In this paper, we carry out an in-depth topological data analysis of COVID-19 pandemic using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. We show the distribution patterns of the pandemic all over the world, when it was at its peak, with respect to big datasets in Hausdorff spaces. The results show that the world areas, which experience a lot of cold seasons, were affected most.

Use of Information Communication Technologies by Cricket Farmers

Abstract/Overview Cricket farming is an upcoming enterprise to Most households in rural communities. Apparently, there is no documented evidence on how farmers access agricultural information on cricket value chain. This study was carried out to assess the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) by farmers to access value chain information. ICTs application in cricket farming means ease to access cricket value chain information and improved interaction between cricket farmers...

Biometric-Based Examination Monitoring System Using Facial Recognition: Case Study of Yaba College of Technology

ABSTRACT: Examination malpractice and student impersonation is a rising concern in tertiary institutions of learning in Nigeria. Majority of the students nowadays involve in the examination malpractices. Examination monitoring is one of the major approach to ensure quality assurance of school products (graduates). A qualitative examination monitoring will have zero tolerance to examination malpractices. The current method of monitoring of examination in the various school which are manual is...

Investigating the cybersecurity threat landscape for Botswana

Abstract: Movement restrictions introduced by the coronavirus pandemic have incentivized the rollout of online services globally. Additionally, more employees were telecommuting throughout the pandemic and remote work has become the new normal. This has provided nefarious actors with lucrative opportunities. Hence there has been an increase in online criminal and terrorism activities. The weaponization of the cyberspace is also a concerning trend in the ongoing geopolitical tensions. This is...

EEG human biometric authentication using eye blink artefacts

Abstract: This study proposes a new electroencephalography (EEG) biometric authentication for humans based on eye blinking signals extracted from brainwaves. The brainwave signal has been investigated for person authentication over the years because of its difficulties in spoofing. Due to advancing low-cost EEG hardware equipment, it has recently been significantly explored. Most studies in brainwave authentication focus on the use of imagination and mental task to authenticate a subjec...

Extending the technology acceptance model to predict mobile learning adoption among tertiary education students in Botswana

Abstract: A new paradigm shift from eLearning to mLearning will inevitably change the learning process. There is an immense proliferation of mobile technologies however in education these technologies are not fully utilised. Thus the key question that arises is that what are the factors which influence students to adopt mobile technologies in education? The purpose of the study is to extend and apply Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the theoretical framework to explain the determinants o...

Enhanced deep learning with featured transfer learning in Identifying disguised faces

Abstract: The objective of face recognition is, given an image of a human face identify the class to which the face belongs to. Face classification is one of the useful task and can be used as a base for many real-time applications like authentication, tracking, fraud detection etc. Given a photo of a person, we humans can easily identify who the person is without any effort. But manual systems are biased and involves lot of effort and expensive. Automatic face recognition has been an import...

A conceptual framework for mining and analysis of social media data

Abstract: Data has turned to be an essential aspect of every individual, group, industry, financial system, business enterprise, commercial enterprise and society. In this era, where social networks yields inconceivable volumes of data for different purposes on daily bases, an improved approach to analysis of data is required to extract information that best matches user interest. One of the ways of achieving this is through data mining. Data mining could help any consumer or producer of inf...

Assessing factors that influence the success of agriculture mobile information systems: a validation with the DeLone and McLean model

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess the factors that influence the success of agriculture mobile information systems in Botswana. Agriculture mobile information systems have been widely adopted in the commercial and subsistence agricultural sector however little research has explored the success of agricultural mobile information systems. Firstly, the factors that influence the success of agricultural mobile information system were identified and adopted from the DeLone and McLe...

A secured data management scheme for smart societies in industrial internet of things environment

Abstract: Smart societies have an increasing demand for quality-oriented services and infrastructure in an industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm. Smart urbanization faces numerous challenges. Among them, secured energy demand-side management (DSM) is of particular concern. The IIoT renders the industrial systems to malware, cyberattacks, and other security risks. The IIoT with the amalgamation of big data analytics can provide ef cient solutions to such challenges. This paper propose...

A formal analytical modeling and simulation of wireless sensor home network

Abstract: Technological advances for low-cost Wi-Fi applications such as ‘the wireless sensor network (WSN) deployment’ are at an advanced stage of acceptance, especially in smart home environments. The application of this kind of network is referred to as a wireless sensor home network (WSHN). In literature, the evaluation of customers' home wireless network performance level is usually done via real-time experiment or by experience to test the network’s performance, leading to networ...

Blockchain-based distributive auction for relay-assisted secure communications

Abstract: Physical layer security (PLS) is considered as a promising technique to prevent information eavesdropping in wireless systems. In this context, cooperative relaying has emerged as a robust solution for achieving PLS due to multipath diversity and relatively lower transmission power. However, relays or the relay operators in the practical environment are unwilling for service provisioning unless they are incentivized for their cost of services. Thus, it is required to jointly consid...

Data compression algorithms for wireless sensor networks: a review and comparison

Abstract: Energy consumption has risen to be a bottleneck in wireless sensor networks. This is caused by the challenges faced by these networks due to their tiny sensor nodes that have limited memory storage, small battery capacity, limited processing capability, and bandwidth. Data compression has been used to reduce energy consumption and improve network lifetime, as it reduces data size before it can be forwarded from the sensing node to the sink node in the network. In this paper, a surv...

A multi sensor approach to Botswana sign language dataset with view of addressing occlusion

Abstract: Automatic Sign Language Recognition (ASLR) helps with converting hand gestures to spoken language, therefore, enabling communication between those able to hear and those unable to hear. There is abundant research work on ASLR of British Sign Language and American Sign Language. However, Botswana Sign Language has received less attention at least in terms of computational representation leading to automatic sign language recognition which can be attributed to lack of a Botswana ...

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